Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 07, 1990, Page 16, Image 16

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    Film to look at post-revolutionary Mexican cultural art
( hrisli.in S< irm.«* ( TIIckc
()rg<ini/iiiii>n u i H im-rl it ■: in
ill ll 111 I ill' IlilSI'llll'lll III lilt'
komniii.i ! Tiller 14 11 k jm mil
Sl’KAKIKS \NI) I H It K! s
'Tilth In I’r.n r I hrmiKh hilu
i iition " i'- the I it It ■ nl .1 Ii' I mi'
In be given In Ru h.mi Si hnei
ilet tonight .it 7 m the I Ml I 11
kiiuin I he presentation is
sponsoreil h\ Students lot 1 nil
eh Nations
_Ft als_
' I he l*oIi11< s nt Isl.iimi I mt
ll.llliellt.llism " e> the title I -! •
presentation lu hr given tixlav
al I p m h\ John l.spnsilo ol
Huh ( mss ( ollegr I lie In lure
will hr m the I Ml (lumvvund
Room anil is sponsored hv thr
religious studies department
IN 1 ! K\ H U S
I lie Inlloumg organizations
will hr interviewing (HI (.1111
pus Submit bids for interviews
lur lie following (Idles in Room
1-i I lemlrii ks
• M.l\ 111 H' I | I : .tier ( II
I’resentiition .it I Id p ill III
Room Jr>"i t biles
Insephilie lii School 1 lisl
(.i,mts I'.iss |s|iei i.il edtication)
(Junker (lilts (In (s.iles repre
sent.lt 1\ el
IBM l'S/2
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Fined disk drive
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Windows W'o'd
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and E « , el"
1 f ir v. • r ,*. •
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and Color
8513 Color
DOS 4 0
M , r, soft
W ' lows Word
lor Window s "
and F «( e"
'■DC W"'dow
t «press
and Color
70 (U61)
8od8(> ' 16 MH/.
1 44 Mb
8513 Color
Windows Word
lcir Window s ’ ’
and F xcel"
-DC Window
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and Color
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rijjlit lor son.
Save on these three IBM Proprinters, too:
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' • Microsoft Word for Windows and E see' a'e the Academic Editions
• IBM Persona' System 2 and PS, 2 are registered trademarks ot International Business Machines Corporation Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft
'Micro Channel and Proprinter are trademarks of international Business Machines Corporation 80386SX and 80386 are trademarks ot Intel Corporation Word tor
Windows s a trademark ot Microsoft Corporation nDC Windows E xpress Manager and Color are trademarks ot hDC Computer Corporation
IBM Corporation 1990
• \la\ 14 \!it■ 11 ii 11 Si htwtl Din
!rn I Aberdeen. Wash |edm .1
(inn, special education)
Reedsporl St hunt District.
Reedsporl it'tlm atinn positions!
Krisesvilli' I 'mlird St hnul
Distrit I Krises villi’ 1 Si I it
(spt’t i.d cdut tit ion positions!
• M;n I a ( iits 11! Salem law rn
Inn t'lncnl di’p.irlmrnl 1 polit r
offi< it) (irnup meeting unis
Mat la from 4 In fi pm in
I Ml ' ( .rdar Room I)
I 11 si Investors < nrp (man
agemrnt trainee) (irnup
meeting milt Mas 1 ■ .»t n in
pm in I Ml (It’t lit 1 Room I)
Sign up in Room 24 Hendricks
lur the gnmp meeting.
• Mas lli 1 t iss alula Si linnl ills
Irit I Ktiss anda ( ai 11 (edui.a
linn spet nil cdut atinn posi
\l(!( )R Ini . a firm from Sill
t nn Valles (manulat luring sn
pels isor)
|uueau School I)isl 1 it I 111
ne,ui, Alaska (edm.ation. spe
rial film ation) (irnup meet
mg Mas Hi from <t ill to in
a m in Room 2 a" 1 iemlrii ks
Peace ( nips (volunteer)
• Mas lit \i a 1 !is\ 1 tern Mutual
l ife Hand Securities (college
internship program) (Irnup
meet mg. Mas 17 al hill pm
in KMl I enters Room I >
• Mas 21 Vamnuse 1 School
I )ist ru t \ a nt nuvei W ash
lirnup meeting mils Mas 2 1
!mm 4 to a III p.m in KMl' (ir
dai Room H
• Mas 2,1 K,i iin Sliai k man
agemenl trainee, sales intern
• M.is 24 l’i a I land I 'uiil 11
Si iitMils (edm atinn special etl
m al ion positions) l Irnup
meeting Mas ..'4 hum noon to
1 p m in KMl ( etiar Room A
Roadsvay Mispress. Inc (dock
supervisor management
\1IS( I ! ; AN! ( M 'S
A two-part < Iiiiii lor |>t‘opli>
interested m starting w hi tow al
ter railing trips will be held
Monday and Wednesday al
7 ,t() pm in the Outdoor Pro
grain oil it r. Room ill FMI
Topic s will include trip plan
ning. safety and emironmenl.il
protect ion.
Weslev ( enter I’raver Hreak
last will be belli Tuesday morn
mu Irom H l > to tt at the Weslev
t elitei l lit K mi aid St Si rip
tore reading and silent prayer
will take place followed h\ a
simple breakfast
"II A R The league of
Rev olutionarv Writers and \ it -
ists" IS the title III a film that
looks into the post revolution
arv cultural work in Mexico It
will be show n tod,iv at 17 lit
p in ill the l- Ml' Hen Linder
Room and is part ol the Latin
Amerii an Film Festiv al
A CD-ROM tutorial on the
F'KU (education) datah.ise will
be held Tuesday morning at It)
in the Releretu e Department ot
the knight Library
Deadline lor submitting lit
uls to thr Lmerald trout desk
I-Ml .suite .100. is noon tin il.i\
hrtorr fiublii .ition lit ills run
thr day ot thr rvrnt unless thr
event occurs hrtorr noon
Please submit tit a/s the day be
fore they are to run onh \<<
tiers of events with a donation
or admission charge will not hr
at i rptrd
; I tt'.illv a MW Bn vile shop
• that rivals the low pru is and
: ext optional servile at PALI'S
: BIOClf SHOP. Watth this
l publn at/on hr details