Softball ( ontinucd from*1 I 1 ball move w*'11. Hrow it said I .t>.k• -f 1 In*i Ikiv\ shf was 111> ing .mil slir saiil line I 'mi.iIK sin' ll s.i\ if shr s 11rod Itrow n s,ml i hanges on I In' team helped tlif Duiks mi ill' fi'iisc partl\ lii'i .nisi' ot i li.mgi'd .itlituiii's \\ I- |usl in.idi' some ti'.ini i hanges .mil tlic kn|s frit lictti'i with who t Ill's were playing .irotind Hnwvit s.hi! Sophomore shortstop Danny Si'imi'i who was all I’ai It) hi'l frrshman soar, h'ft tin- ti'.im I'.irlii'l in the week iltie to what Brow ii i it Hell d die rent i”, with tin- learn Brow n said w hat w as lift ut tlir (In'jimi infii'hl was a 1)1)4 ls*‘N' in ill'- w in him Manning is a great sinirtstun Brown sai<) She iliii a great |oh She's our lead ei she talks and she has great lateral mohiliU (Ikuhaia is a guud third baseman and t es (t nulsun) lias dune a great joh at sei mid Oregon gut all tin- si tiring it would need in the tilth inning when (Ikuhara snored from thi'id after an errant pit kull at tempi iriim < .m her 1 \I t.imir.inn t >i iihara led iill the inning \\ ith a single to t enter field end went to third on I unison's s,« rifii e bunt |uhe ( avanaugh grounded to set ond to nune (Jkiihara to thud With ()regon outfielder Jea nmi King .it tlie plate \lln mirann tried to pick oft ()kti liara who had a lead from the hag Hut hei throw went into let! field where ( a I s Tina Mon tova hobbled it, allowing ()ku hara to t nine home If the left fielder hadn’t boh bird it I wouldn't have sent her be .lust* sin- would ha\ c burn ti.i 11(*<1 .1! homi* s.nd Brown, who was coaching thud b.isr Wilt'll the pl.t', hap pfiit-il Slit- listened vt*rv wall and did a great |ob Okuhiir.i said sin* listened to Brown all the vva\ 1 woubln t havt* si rm*d un loss tin- co,K b bad said go (Ikuhara said I saw her boh lib* it II she bad gotten the throw off there's no wa\ I would hav i* m nred Oregon has four more games remaining on its regular season si hedule all v\ ith I’a< in softball doormat Oregon Slate It the Dm ks can sweep all four they would finish n 2! on the season [frown said that could he good enough for post season plus \\e have a good shot at post-season plav. Brown said '(,nl w as eighth in the nation and we beat \rizona State at 1 Jlh The loss to Portland State i ould hurt us hut heating (ial tw ice ill the Pat 10 w ill help CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 lOb PERSONALS t» l . . u • JACK DELAY for EWEB Do public business in public ,fn/ed t , <,.v: ; -*J M ' ' ■ . K V • f test* Gmh1 T he * in,»l a ’ ' i ■' * • • i ‘1 ■ i * ‘ /. • ' lo.o Jo*n and Daryn K_\ Congratulates A \ Colony Pledges She they A Meghan H M.i'|Oiip H Renee B Julie H Ken H Ijmie B Cai»* C Stephanie C Treei C Jill C Kim 0 Karen l) Michelle 0 Mp!ii\4 D MoHie I Cathy f Sarah G Sa*a H Debbie M Deborah M Erika J Joanne K Jenlyn K Tare K Jackie l Mai -on L Haiti *i a t Alteon M Kelly M Cory M Man •• M Heather N l Hen P Amy P Rachel P Holly R Amy R Kan R Julie S Deanna S Su/anne S The a S April S M e 11 % •. a t Debbie A Shelley W Oa •>. A Jenna B Stephanie B Shelly B Jeanme B f lana B Chelyn B Vicki C Sandra C Brooke C Katherine C Rasa D Molly D Chute D Adele 0 Daiyl D Heathei l jutie y Rebecca I Stephanie G Paulina G Darcy H Mary H Jo l lie H Mindy H Angie K Diana K Katie K Melissa l Data l Heather l Kathleen L Be»in M Monique M Heather M Valene M Tammara O Danelie P Stephanie P Jennifer P L i»a P Amber R Melanie R Theresa S Tract S Stephanie V Randi A Dawn A he i A Mmako * 10b PERSONALS ALL GREEK TUTORING FREE PLANNED PARENTHOOD ’ PLANNING ■ 1-11,1' !|MfOR' i.'.'MfR • I V.iON Don I forget lo hie you* INTENT TO RE GIST I R CARD St l t: i SU 0«t?gi-.n Hjtl ,.r I fit? Off". -- * AdftHb-,., •. 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