Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 07, 1990, Page 13, Image 13

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C ontinued from P.ii*r 10
kir!)\ came dt niss the linish
line unable to st.mil up Irorn
exhaustion but set a I’K in
H 44 44. (iraham was third in
8.44 7H anil Mestler t lot k.■.i
H at) u i to finish fourth
'Damn hope/ was good for
us." i)ellinger said “He ran a
smart, good rate lie felt good
mentally and that tor .1 runner
is important lie heat a gin that
was third in the Nit \.\ a year
ago and that's a real plus tor
The sleepier base v\ as run in
the middle of the d.n s sweltei
ing heat anti 1 lellinger said the
heat and wind definitely
plaved a factor
I thought that the steeple
t base would ha\e been five
set mills faster il it had been run
in Ihe t\\ dight \\ ilh ini w inti
he saitl
I he sleeplet base was part of
a big earls meet lead h u the
I hit ks
Oregon “started out doing
the things I thought we had to
tin.' Dellinger said by sweep
ing the hammer and pole \ unit.
going 1-2 in the javelin and
having Latin Herrv w in the
long jump on his linal leap
But from there the meet was
all Nebraska's
The (lornhuskers pic ked up a
siirpi ise v\ in m the 1 11) nielei
high hurdles when Oregon’s
Boh (ira\ tell midway through
the rat e and t ouldn't finish
Still the I hit ks belli a 47 4(1 ail
vantage at that point in the
Nebraska then went 1 2 in
the next lour to fills the 4(111
llltl and 800 meters and the
high jump to tin 11 a 47 1(1
defit it into a 1)2-4 1 advantage
The Cornhuskers 1 2 sweep
of the 80(1 meters with kirk Pet
i! .md |err\ Marsec Itirnmit in
I’K performances was part it u
tarty tough lot the I Hu ks
I)«■ 111u>4*■ i w.lull'd In 1111111>11*
ii.ii k I in Peterson in tlir IKK)
.liter hr w iin a tai In al I alHI In
i 11 lint lift ansr .it w hat
I Vllingrr i .tlli'ii ' a lai k ot i mu
mu nii at ion between hr ami
an assistant cnach t'rtrrMin
was tinahlr tu gut into the rai r
' The HOI) was a rrul blow tor
us Del linger said I really
think it I-1 ii wnuld have hrm
in thr rai r v\r might It,nr linn
tint writ ni'vri know \s it
turned out w itli sunir ot the
i it hr i things it might not liavr
Sprtu tu \\ illiaius and Hrm
w nil 1 in thr triple jump, hut
just before tin' event. Oregon's
Johnny Taylor had to scratch
after pulling a ha< k must Ir
wanning up With l av lor Ore
gun probably could have swept
the triple lump
I hr i util) meters also hurl
w lien |<H (|tlrs v an Kensburg
second to 1'rlrrsoii m thr
1, at it I blew liv Oregon's iirad
I ludson and I’rlri I onset a over
llir last lew laps to give Wbr.lS
ka an insiirniountahlr Hi.' n
lead going into llir l .tillO meter
And then the unthmkalile
happened in thr relay
t in- (iornhuskris tried a
blind pass on thr am Inn leg
and dropped ihr liaton allow
mg Oregon’s l.'urtis Wilson to
bring Oregon home in tirsl and
pull w ithill a point
"I don't like to lose tint I
wouldn’t haye liked to win the
meet that way Dellingei said
ot the relay
Cornhuskers c°ntinu<K<fr<>™12
Nebraska knotted the SC me
.1! J 1 tun events Liter w ith
.1 vii torv in the l\ tUO re
We m,ule some dents
ivirlv blit tlies li.iuimerei)
us after th.it. Ileinunen
Lite ! nllll .Hid the 80(1
w ere the unliked v dow til.tll
nt the I liu ks (livijiiii
1 nu Id finish mi higher
th,in third in either event
Mine hud new s ini (Ire
gun 1 nine ut the 1 uni lu.sinu
ut the 1(10 hurdles
huhlrneier ran uwn\ with
the 1,11 e ill ,1 time 1 it II I I
hut she hit hurdle number
lour with her right leg in
t he |in 11 ess
I knew it I hit (im leg)
it w mild hull non up .mil 1!
did ' tsnhlineier said
tsuhlineiei s si,Oils is
dav-to >i<1 % .mil with the
t’.n 10 hepl.itlilun begin
ning 1 w eek hum Indus
e\ ers das is 1 ntli id
(It her bright spots tor
t begun ( nine ill the (1)0
the ilisots a nil 100
Oregon sophomore Mi
1 betle ( uialw ell nnpru\ ed
upon hei PR in (tie loo
1 toe king in,0 e' ti
Stephan ie Smith who
lied her season best in the
shot put lor a second
pi.11 e w on the illsi us on
tier final throw
Oregon sprintei Laurie
W dll.mis finished thud m
the 1 011 ime tenth ol a set
ond behind Nebraska s
Prema (.ovoid.ill. lint tier
time ot 1It is her fastest
1 it the veal
Ir.iinrrs cx.tminr the .iiiklr nI K.im.il.i kuhlmnrt .i/tri xhr lilt
,i hm tile en mute In uiimim; Ihr I till metei liuiillr\
The Oregon Daily Emerald, the sixth largest
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.irni uiinorilic' .ire nu«Hirai*t*\i t<* aj'|>l\