Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 07, 1990, Page 10, Image 10

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Nebraska leaves Ducks limping
Ducks loss at Hayward first in five years
Bv Ashlev C nnklin
Imorald Sports Reporter
In .1 meet olherw ise m,u ked
bv disastel foi the < Irepill
men's ton k team. I ktnnv Lope/
was one shining light tor the
I )ni k ' 111 t lielr o. Mi lie.', 1 (! \e
liiaska Nnturdav
It was the tirst loss at I lav
w aril I lold win e 1 ‘)H , |i ir (lie
Unit although It looked like tile
I )lll ks Would lie all!* (i , p
this one out with world < lass
distant e at e Dieuduniie
kvvizera and throwei Jell Hoop
er out ot the Nebraska line up
Hut the ( a a nhtl' kei i ami up
with enough I" oven mile flu
W e ie,illy had a good
meet Nell! aska i o.ll !) ( ,,11 V
I’epill said Sometimes vou
lleV el quite hit on all i v limlei s
I Hit todav We well1 1 lose I
don't know d vve t mild hav i
i ompefed auv I letter We had
, ' II id I , impel it IV e 111,II k s w h II h
is one thing I'm always i on
l et lied about
I i >r < )regon i oar i$iIt I )rllm
jjrr it u as -i los* ' nnt iim- hr
c ould Iincl ah' : fault in
I don't f< had .11>o111 this
nirrt IKdlim’ri said hr
1 .iiim' Nebraska i <unprtrd iral
l\ well | don't think thro* s
any question thrv were serious
utwml tins ni»*r!
Mi isf train* an shoeit i ny. !• a
Us and l know that's ihr wav it
should i>r v\ hrn Vim lr No. 1
hr said \Y* tr on tin top ol
' \ rrvhody s s( hn.iuh and for
most Iranis \\«* rr om uf thru
kr\ mrrts h n thr season
Hut in thr middlr ot it all
thr Ducks ! ould a! least lakr
sola* r in I.npiv s sir11.u prrfor
mam « in thr ijjpo mrtri strr
plr( hast*
Ihr halt If* brt u rril tom ol
hist \rai s ] 2 \t A A finalists m
thr steeplechase Lope/,
teammate Rick Mrstlri and \r
Inaska s Jor Kirh\ and Harald
t iruham lived up to all tin*
pt r m *rt h\ pc*
( )li tin- f l lid i ia j i it li mkrcj 11 k r
kiri>\ mi^iit run away with thr
ru< r hut 1 .opr/ passed him at
the Imal water jump and tame
lullin' in It Jft 11 .1 petsonal te
i nut liv muri' than 11 set mids
ami lln lutirfli fasti".! time in
I Iregon history
\iter tin' rare. Lopez saiii his
I n*rf i a mam e the fa a. a t line
in the i oliege ranks tins season
gave him an idea that he
might ill1 aide 111 I (intend hil the
\< A \ i row n in June
It makes me leall/e that I
ran do something at the
N( A As if I ran be,it him fhirln
here I opez said
I didn't think about a
tune he said. ] |nst wanted
to win I didn't even think
about being ill the |H l.’ils
I .oprZ also sail I In tell t ll.lt 11
the lai e i .Mill’ down to a sprint
he i mild 'a in
I tell I would hi’ Stmngel it !
at In-hind and k II ked at I lie
end ” he sail! I le's mil 1 ! i I
loi I.IKHI and I've onh run
I I i lint I thought I i mild sit
I mi k a ml kick past him I tell
pieltt good about 1 hat
inrn to Nebraska. Page I t
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