Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald Miiml.n M.iv 1'1‘U) l ()n'umi Volumr '11 Numliri 1 lh _I nside_ ■ IIO research commended, Page 4 ■ Lopez lop steeplechaser, Page 10 ■ *Huskers crush women, Page 12 Parties stay in hand as Brand gets guided tour Police disperse crowd quietly By ( hrix Bounett I merald Axsot Lite tditor Warm weather and alcohol mu r again mixed this weekend. but this time con fmutations between polk r and partygo • is took on a prat rtui natujr The Weekend unit Well. There writ' no significant problems whatsoever said ( apt I nn Birr public mtonnation officer tor thr I uv-rn.* polic e It was onr yrar ago from Saturday that spring wrathrr and alcohol Ird to a \ io lent confrontation between students and police when officers tried to break Lip a party ot .’no to too people And was just ovn a month ago since polii e used tear gas to disperse two srp arate parties ot about too partvgorrs eat h rile only major ini rdent ore urred t i t day vvhem polite stepped in to quiet a gathrnnt' of seyeral hundred peoj ■ 1 -4th Avenue and Batlerson Street, hut In .ill ac.counts the confrontation was prat etui 'The parts was out of i ontrol. and the poltc.e came in and handled it beau tifully. said partv host lueggors Wobbe t dm ei Slt\ sophomore Hie students didn t get too out ot hand and the polii e didn’t either Birr said police observed the parts be tore dei idmg to muse and ask the parti ei s to d is perse \iid\ ( lark Myles Miami ami I’eg Miami llrnm li-lt) The ottu ers arrived w ithuul not gear ()lfit ers on the si erie used a low key approach beta use they determined the situation did not have tile potential lor violence. Hirr said "Kveryone all the wav around Was making an ettort not In 111- I oidlontation al." he said ( niversitv (’resident Myles brand gut a lust-hand look a! how polite handled the situation during a tour ot the West rumpus neighborhood I rid.n night w ith \SI () i'resident .\ nlvtilaik brand said pole e and students ai led responsibly given the use and abuse ot alcohol that he observed and lh.it the tour provided him with valuable mini million We talked about some ot the reasons we re having a problem m West ( am pus (dark said ol the tout One n-a son is student housing rims .1 little deepei in W esl ( unipus I'hiilo b> Mark > Irn / uartif /fillit i‘ /II‘.II I‘tull\ ilis/wrsnl tin•> /m/7i .it / ;././ I’.ittnsnn St /// thr U cs7 I ni% iT'.ih nriithborbimil Iritl.n nii^lit It i*./s tlw tinl\ m.i/ur i imtiuiit.itiiin hr tnrrn stuilrnts .mil /mlii r inn till• wrrknul Dave Frohnmayer speaks I he issues are higher education, timber operations and sales taxes. Here's a little Q-and-A session with the man who could be our next state governor. B> Denise C litton t mcralii \nmii iale i dilnr ill lit ii s notr Oregon's i,>u hrm.iliin.il prim,ir\ elei lion is onl\ .1 u rrk ait ,n .mil I hr C )r r you I)ail\ Kmi-rald /ia> talked with the two foremost i.iiuli il.itrs .ihoiit issues pertinent to l 'niversit\ students• Ibis is .in intrnirw with He publican (.mil iiLilr I lave I rolinmavrr train \pril I " \n interview with lie nun rat Harha r.i Huberts will appear Tuesda\ Oregon Hail) Inierahl When vou announced vout plans to run lor gmernor i on promised