'■y r,i N( RTwk&SrTsloSr7K Th f »• V/*- U*t 4 00 EXCELLENT." "Soaring...* rlth gnrgenut film. A romaittk tragedy In Ihr grand minntr ku mob! i 'i'u n TAyyiMf^ CLAUDEL *,4, u t ru .****#, .* * * Sun >p»r iUrthm*' P*li*a ■ Ar>rm Aerhmt T* Dirac led hy Al*n Rudolph Itolh and hlUrVivi* a ki tf>glv nr« Lw «’ra(r«! naran to th** i Jfumnhur fik a** of !fvr U** and 1 * «rr .i-i .»*. aim « omrdy that }••* !h at i. a i? <; i: SPECIAL FNGAGlMfNT 2 SHOWS ONI Y! SAT. MAY 5 4PM SUN. UAY6 2PM KRISHNAMURTI With a Silent Mind P*r*peci.' ‘ *1 ht* 1 iJe a: admission m m * j h w:«'i w*ai T: M:i «*:< w:«».k 4wapnm.n.rsrr.rgiia-ri OS2B21 HEE THi T H«« ftf • w>tm> 9* TM* SURVIVORS Potl nuU 01 >oofcl* *w ■ ui kTHIS FUV IS RA TBO XI NO ONI UNDCR t§ AUkXTTl 0 *(H.m imhtvk 4 m>*_a i -R°fl l OWE JAMiS SPADt 1" Live Mkfic 0 o < THE LEE BLAKE BAND!! Fri. May 4 & Sat May 5 WEDNESDAY NIGHT BLUES JAM!! May 9 .A L 1 a > I 1 I Ml M Ml.II I U I II Ml,II 1 i,y>5 s ^ '» 5 I III INI \\ Mi.III S I 9? , s \ I \ M N IKIHM j Ml,III Ml,III ' BHi.t K \ fk ■ ■ i - 7 > SU’ilk I t tt \ A S.il.ul Major Merging is Happening! After 40 years... \ ague flair Salon is becoming 11th & Patterson • 343-1637 'i* H Encore! RaCJlO * ontinurd from Pagr i ami' mute vigorous, .inii tin1 radio station in :;,in im twin’ togeihot We l. 1111 • t i having meetings about I hr middle >1 winter term lu get fiir group organized Rosen Slelll said Me \t gii! -i group ol alronl 141) students that have showed interest and tome to the meetings And then nr1 have a gtniiji ul about r i git I I hat hale at In alls !II• n really hcl|mig util and gal ling involved Iht' station will la fundt’d I>\ stu dents rathei Ilian lining selfsupport iVi- through advertising, anti Rosen '■teill sail! that il should he that was The whole thing is that il {KKMA) IS here tor the students he said In two parts it's for the students first it's entertainment, information and an open forum to keep in lout h w illi the students And. setondlv it also gives pr.it 11 < al experient e to students that are interested in the radio business KKMA w hit 11 st.unis lor Radio Musn Mternative will he almost i umpletely student run if not en tnel\ ' Ml ..I the managerial, I >j and programming positions will all he student run. he explained "We're going In hire a professional let hm t tan whit h ma\ end up being a stu dent as well, d we find someone who is qualified hut wr need some one qualified so in vase there s an etneigent \ the\ tali lake i are • if it " lire station will h madias! 24 hums ,t d«H and ss 111 spet lali/e in anti at t onniloiiate all miisit ,d tastes It s a mixed form.it rot k jazz, ra p. reggae soul anil soon. Rosen stein salt! We're doing it this was loi the interest of the students he i.msi: the students have a wide range of musn al tastes. Music isn't the end ul KKMA ■■■ (Jarv Rosenstein sI<>r\ however Anyone who decides to iuni? it m w ill fimI a smorgasbord n! aitware happenings kKMA will broadcast (llama shorts, talk shows open forums, literary readings and i Illinois shows Rosensti’in and (an nary arc .ilso going to i hci k into getting some syndicated radio shows It's going to unei a very wide speitnun." Koseristein said "Right now we've had enough interest to till pretty min h all of the time spots hut that's not to say there's no room tor other people who are interest mi Rosenslein said lie hopes to make an time available tor people on cam pus .mil tor campus organizations bc( nuse he said. "RRMA is then voice as well as their entertain ment "People aie going to he sw iti hing around a lot and it other people are interested m it and persistent, they 're going to manage to get in." hr added [ .nnk ini; into the fuluir ili ; >■■> pir who will hr working full linn will in eive stipends ms payment .uni ill othei wurk w ill lie dnne on a v run ten basis All people win i wn > r volunteers. however ran in rive upper division i red it through, the I S( AIM program Hut as ol now . the people in volvrd are gaining valuahlr experi ence that thr\ may not have been able to get on another i ainpus hirst, students are getting radio experience that they would not get on .1 campus without a station They’re also getting the unique op portunitv to he involved with a xta lion from the very beginning " The people involved are at tuallv exercising some function and get ting more of a sav in the actual set up." Rosenstein said "Sure, some one who just comes along and jumps into a spot already there will benefit too. hut they're not going to he dealing w ith the dei ision making and the organization "The whole long term experience w ill he the best view \s for Rosenstein himself he said. It's neat to hr a part ol d ing it rather than just c orning into something that's already done, • id I like being this personally in volvrd " Where the i ainpus is hr. \rd. the new station will give stuch its a new music alternative Any added diversit y is r d hr said 'll c an t hurt and it w ill only please that many more pro pie." "I think people are going to n ally en|ov it (KRMA1 hr adder I think the word will get around and once the station is operating well I think w r II hay r a good gi..., I b tellers T G I S T hanr God it s spring1 However it is also a tune .i":, • tts sHio..‘"!ts of the University *’ Or-'..;; m think about their housing needs At pi IK ASA NT l’ARp the demand for housing skyrockets a* early as duty. So we are now taking deposits and making resections for apartments which will be available in A*ne Enjoy this summer In one d thfrtoest housing values in Springfield ■ -■ fAMMS AWt : ! N ALf SblviNGflti: <>9747 ’ '4 ' > 4U formally Ash lane Apartments THK KKUCIOUS STUDIES DEPARTMENT is pleased to present its annual Distinguished Visiting Lecture The Politics of Islamic F undamentalism by John L. Esposito Director of the ('.enter for International Studies (College of tint 1 loly (Toss 7 May. 4:00 P.M., Cum wood Room ol the Erh Memorial Union No admission charge Recent books In Professor Esposito are Islam and Politics. Islam: I'hc Straight Path. The lilohal Impact of the Iranian Revolution, Women in Muslim I amil\ l.aw. \'oices of Resurgent Islam, unci Islam in Asia hriil.iv M.iv 4 I <1*1 Sanilunga. a Hugene based band. v\ ill hr among the performers at Ibis «t eekend \ ( ini o de Mayo festivities. Cinco de Mayo festivities start MIK hA. the (lliicano Latino student union will celebrate (linen de Mayo tins weekend with two evening long parties The i elehrntinn begins this atternoon at 2 in the IMI Courtyard where Mariat bi lalisio a Man.it In band from Cornelius will perform until ■) Ai t onip.mving them are dam ers from the I ligh Si bool I ipiivaleni v l’rograin I he celebration continues into the evening with an army of dance song and breaking pi n.it.is highlighting the tree gathering in the I Ml1 ballroom v\ hu h w ill begin at Ml ( h A co duel tor She 111 Koinero said ( am o lie Mayo is signilii ant tor l hu anus and l atinos in the t'nited States because while it represents Mexican independence lot those in Mexico, it is the remembrani e ol i nltnre and diversity m our i ultural heritage Ini.lulled in tonights events are perform antes by the Wood burn I oik da lit e l iron p to I lowed bv the Meadowlark School choir Bailaiiores del Sol a dame group Irom Vaki ma Mash will pertorm next billowed by a i ultural slide slum The slum will he followed bv the breaking ill |>m.it.iv tlir part nt I'.u h ( mi ii ili' M.ivu tli.it • ill children eagerlt .mail l ot al salsa srnsa turn S,(iidung.i will perlorm tolloyv mg tin- pi n.it.i breaking I rum HI it) p m In a m Ml ( 11.\ w ill In- sponsoring a tlutit i' hnstril In a I) | at 1Ili K mi aid St . pi'll belli mi tip' I in vrrsitv bookstore Naturdat evening MM !h.\ will bust a < itu u dp Ntavn iliiiiii't and dam r Tlir dmiu't wbii I: will lie in tin- I nil nt a m (unit (ah' fro til tu ‘l will i oniprise i bn ken cm biladas aim/ IMe \i i an m e). trijules (beatisl and salad rlic dame ninth will trailin' the l’urtlaiid band I'oli ( bat ••/ and bis ( oronudn Hand, tv ill lie I mm 11 p in in the I1 Ml HaIImum I ii ket s (hi the evening are S . and ttill ini linle a faille I in tliuse tvbo ate sponsoring tile even! ( nun de Mayo is a ten important i ultural oi i asion, one that lias been lei I'ntlt l oiumen i.d i/rd and exploited. Romero said People need tu be iidtiirallt sensitive Romero said 'We’re bating an autbentii t im u de Mato to preserve the tradition I n kets tor the dinner and dame on Satnr i ia t are at ,11 la III e at tile I Ml Mat 11 Desk Trail ) mirsclt To Sonic I uji Wfunshop ' (James & (lifts ' Tri< ks & |<>kes ’ Juggling ' Balloons ’ Puzzles ■ (lostume Supplies “Fun For Everyone!" Chazpro Family Fun Shop t>o:t K. 1 :tih :u5-oo:»2 Ethnic Elegance in Jewelry Clothing C Folk Art from Around the World next tt > the l < cl-.i ■/ i < 866 • - downstiiin NH.\ ‘(LI =M=> FOLKWAYS IMPORTS ii < *2 00 Of* WhouE p'zZ*' at ^ The best pizza in town...at the? most convenient 1 47M \\ ill.imcltt* location in town... 34,4-4811 YOUR HOME! imitcd (lcli\i‘iv arc.il l^NI NOW FREE DELIVERY FRI & SAT! (\\ itli I .«ri»»* l’i//a| • (nu nun ■ ( mipnn JrriMm IJ.ttlv I mi'i.ilil DOS PATOS Mexican Food WATCH FOR DAILY SPECIALS *1219 Alders B H a L I II f B t L P K 0 B II C I I 0 H i imsm M74 ini 117 Nickel I* SkoeJUJ mm jmmmumm KRVn nans in m imr a ui mi mins Hi lt Center ><>« 1111 HHliiltMIV. Mflv 17 5 I I Spring Into Summer Clearance Sale! TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON SELECTED MERCHANDISE 20% to 50% OFF Sale Starts Thurs.. May 3 through Sun.. May 6 • Ivory Trading Sportswear • Fitness Apparel • Running Activewear • "IR Sweat Clothing • Swimwear • T-Shirts, Shorts & More EUGENE suss i Jw.iv • ! • - J * 1. HB ,_ { /' /. ’ j A 1 __