The Oregon Daily Emerald's Entertainment Guide Campus radio finally to become a reality By l.jyno Lakt'l'ish Em ore Reporter The idea had boon floating around tor years, hut last tall, some industrious students gave it some momentum, f irst came a petition, then the ballots Hut in the final hour, the de i is ion was made 1.852 to •4.01 The University would get a radio station It would get KRMA, 88 I IM. which is ex peeled to be on the air by the middle of fall term "We had gotten a lot of sup port . " said (lary Kosenstein. KKMA's co-coordinator, indi i at mg that he and lames |anu ary, the other coordinator, had expelled to get the necessary funding. "We hail gotten a lot ol vrr\ positive ferdbaik. anil a Ini of pruplr seemed rrallv into it -'ll ill1 urrr prettv Mirr that vvr were going to grl funds hr said, referring In the S- >.Hli 1 thrv rri rivnl The monrv will pa\ for rrtur bishing thr Agatr Street studio thrv will hr using Ire him al equipment. stipends and set up i.osts Kosrnstein said thr uion rv will prohahlv last one vrar Hr also added that futurr vrar l\ expenses will hr lower hr i.ausr some of their expenses m>w are one time t osls Hut fur now, Kosrnslrin and januars are still in thr prorrss ut pin mg their projei t tugrlh rr, a projei t thrv started last fall lames January recruits supporters for KKM.\. the landslide victory in the ret ent elet lion. soon-to-he t ampus radio station, whit h won a ''I li.iti first hoard about it last spring .it registration when someone handed me .1 thing that said that there was going to lie a radio station, tint it sort ot fizzled from there." Rosen stein explained We were wondering what was up with it so we pic ked It up troll! there I'he two men contai ted kWAX the IhuversiW's 1 lassi i ,11 radio st111(1 phone (.ill bin .mu' .ill impor tant I hey (KV\’AX| applied for .i set ond I M lrc<|Ut!iu \ vvhii h it looks liki* they re not going to lie using, so thev re just going to give It ov el to us." Kosonstein s.nd from I lien i oiinei t ion to KU AX Kosenstein .mil |anuar\ had ,ic quired the crucial cle incut of their upt timing radio station airwaves I'hc l(< frequent \ approval is expet ted to i mill' through this summer, u hit h is w in kKMA is not expet ted to he on the .111 until mid tall At this point the planning lie lorn to Radio, Page 8 we're Giving You $10.00! $1002 [ TEN DOLLARS $1022 TEN DOLLARS i IK A l 1 t Take the money and run! Come into the UO Bookstore today and use this $10 toward any Olympus Camera in stock. But hurry—This offer is over May 12! OLYMPUS UO Bookstore ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT 10-Minute Full-Service Lubrication \o appointment neeessar\ Valid only at i>a" < 'ij.itn 1 i t* ' No! vdi: ! *>n .my ■ tr .•> Expires June 5, 1990 OUAKI* tlAff minit-lube 2300 West 11th Ave (in front of Nachos) 687-8837 LOCATIONS 340 Coburg Rd. 683-4841