University Weekend_ ( ontinued from Page 1 tioiial nffil its will he (ill (fills Sat mil.iv evening In help defuse po tential problems ASl'O President Andy ( lark who helped establish the student response teams, said this weekend is nut unlike am other and that the teams will he on patrol as usu al "We re going to go at it the same wav we have with the same vigilant e as in the past four w eeks." ( lark said (deen said the fre<|uent task forte meetings si lit e the Mart h tear gassing have protlut etl some positive results "We leel like the student re spouse team has been a result, she sanl "The polite have coop elated I is giving students a first shot at responding to noise tom plaints Video ( ontinued from Pane 1 formed to rei mil mom people of c;olor to tamers in education, i ompnses peo ple from the I nivcrsiU Line (!ommu nitv ( ollege and Lane Countv schools. Ke\ nolds said |unior high m hoots high si hoofs and I (dirges across tile Northwest have es pressed interest in obtaining i opies of the presentation, she said The t uni ept for the multimedia slide show, whir h was transferred to video tape List week fin eas\ transportation to si liools originated with Katin I’vfer and Anselmo Villanueva Revnolds said I'vfer is i oordinator of admissions and advising for teacher education at the t Tnversilv Villanueva is minoritv min niniutv liaison lor Kugene Si liool 1)is tru t -t | I’vfer and Villanueva i nntai ted Rev o olds, a dor (oral student ill i urrii uhim and instruction, to write and prodtu e the piesentation I he video, whir h developed with ,i si non grant front the I niversitv's ( ollege of Indur ation \liimni Assoi m lion, is tin' lirst recruitment tool tin1 consortium bus i renter!. I’vfer said In L.inr (bounty, thi'ii' aren't verv main teai hers or administrators of i o! oi I’vfer sail! The pro!item is, if you don't ever see someone who looks like yourself in a leadership position, you don't ever .is pile to that parlii ulat leadership posi tion she said ()t the students lertified in the past two ai adeinii years In the eduiation i ollege for elenienlarv, secondary and special education. U percent of each year’s total were minorities. I’vter said We re looking to increase that dra matically she said In addition to living to recruit minor itics to careers in education the presen tation was designed to give minority students professional objectives so they will finish high si hool and entei college even though they may not (boose edu i fltion as a i a reel In addition. I’vfei designed a bro chure to In sent ai loss the country to patents of minority students who have taken t!if Sr.holastii Aptitude lest W lirn these students or parents i all the l!niversit\ College of Kilui ation about llii' liroi burr thee .ire referred to .i group ol si'vi'ii minority interns .mil peer advisers I bese advisers, in cooperation with the Office of Mnltii.ultnral Affairs, pro vide support to minorities interested in teat her edui ation. I’vfer said In addition, the l)iversit\ in lalui.a turn Consortium hopes to adapt a pro gram like the Portland 1’eai her Program to (be I aigeue area. Pvter said In Portland. 15 minority students a year entei Portland Community College in a program that ini lodes tuition wan eis along with student retention and mentor programs The retention program fix uses on ori eolation to < ollege study skills and test taking skills Although the idea for a luigene pro gram is still m the beginning stages. Peter said, she hopes I fie program will begin m the fall of 1'ltll UNIVERSITY DAY MAY 17, 1990 12-12:55 Opening Ceremonies Fenton Hall Steps I ree Planting 1-5:30 Work at Job Site 4:45-7 Ice Cream Soc ial at I MG 7-10 Blubmos Com ert at I MG Attention The Oregon I)ml\ I nicmlJ. the independent student news paper ot the University of Oregon. unites you to become a part ot its stall tor 1990 91. Applications now are being taken tor the following positions: • Two Editorial Page Editors • Graphics Editor • Supplements Editor • Higher Education/Administration Assoc. Editor • Community Associate Editor • Eeatures Associate Editor • Sports Editor • Politics Associate Editor • Student Government/Activities Associate Editor • Entertainment Associate Editor I here are 1 1 reporter and 2 photographer positions available. XppIk'.tlioH ik'.kllnv is \1onda> . Mas ". at s p m Job dcsi options anil applications an available at the I nierald office. I• Ml Si I Ik' hK) W .util ffitn.tfittC" i !u- I id is an equal opportunity emp are encouraged to apply N A T U R A L| ! V I B H K S I jOUALI T v’l [■CLOTHING i 3 AMOKDABI.I ; B K I C !• s! 1 5 i I £ Banyan 'iree | * s s ! I < t h j l H S H A \ ^ 1 I I r» M mu '• ,1 I Ij bamboo m Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs C Try Our Dinner Upstair s Hours Downstairs M ! h ! 1 On ■ 00. f s<, ? ) on 4 }< < l used Sundays Hours Upstairs M ? h 4 if H : »f ' J Sj •) 00 10 in \21* mm * No Topless Allowed Girls 18 & over please » Minimum 5 contestants. Pays 5 places $400 00 CASH * Starts 9pm Sharp Every Tuesday Beginning MAY 8th * Must Register in Advance CALL 342-2723 or 344 6897 $400 CASH PRIZES GIVEN EVERY WEEK* JIGGLES TAVERM 2156 West 11th ‘specific rules obtained at door It takes two to Tangle! David Fletcher is part of the merge! I 1 tli & Patterson / 343-1637