Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 04, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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    I IlivtTsitN
C onlmucd 111im Page 4
nIf ul event'- .im! ,i map is! the
sites In he rein Hated People
will liven be separated into four
different groups pressure
washing painting lands* ape
and litter patrol. Nand_\ said
Die tasks will be primal i!y
i.enteied in the Knight la
brar\ Memorial (Quadrangle are.t
and depending on the number
of people, some groups will
spread out to the K\il grounds
and the area between lenlon
and Villard balls I ntalan said
Volunteers will work from
1 ill to -) (0 p in The da\ 's ai
tivities will end up w itli an h e
cream six ial and a free i otu ert
featuring rhythm and blues ait
The lilubinos
Ifigblights of t im ersit\ I )a\
iin hide .1 tree planting in front
ot Kenton 1 fall, to replai e a tree
that was blown down winter
term and to make tribute to the
(ilass of 1000. t 'ntalan said
There will also be repainting
done on the huge landmark
"O on I hr side nl SkimlBl -
Mthongh ihi event is mnsti\
• miinlui.ilril bv students, S.iinK
said the i onimillrr has re
reived support Iron) tin- .idilliit
istratinn .is \\rll
Mill! 1.1 I J.mrli assist.ml ■ I)
ns tin of tin- news Inin-.in said
shr has lirrii I hr ulfiii.il link
between llir students ami the
nil'll la
Tvr Is'imi working with in
ilm I Y ami nm s|i.ipcis In
i m it the ai Inal r\ nit I tuneb
said, adding !Ii.it radio station
k I (, \ will be bl i Mill a si im; I he
in i asion
I'hr I 'hi sti al Plant has .In
naled limls and nther supplies
that ilia 1 be needed said led
Burns assistant dim lot uf the
I 'In sii al Plant
A set und minimalimial meet
mg on I TiiversiU l>a\ will be
held Slav 'I at a 1)11 p ill ill the
Hen I under Kinun
Engine Service
1000 S Bnrtelscn Rd »8 luqene OR 97*0?
Dm- Block Norlh at W 11 Ih Nolan Ind Pla/.i
Specu ng ,n Voikswagon Sen cc ,v v e./ >
10% Student Discount
indoor Storage Units.
5x10 $23.00 monthly
5x8 $18.00 monthly
361 Shelley St
Springfield, OR
747 4573
MEChA Presents
Cinco de Mayo
Cultural Performances
University of Oregon
May | f i<3«y
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< • Iree/Or .itis
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J» Hf:P
utturnl Nfjht
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Melon mileage
Alplni ('hi snrnritx member*. (hirolvn I.esle\ (left! • mil ftilir I tinier henve
their burden ahmii during the tirst /(%' ot ,t r.it e ,it l.unbdn t hi \l/>h,i I r.iternit\ s .innii
til Watermelon Host e\ent I’he event /s ,/ phihmthrop\ pmjet I tin I'.ister Se.iU
Photo h\ \t.irk YIimi
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F V f H r
B U S f BE E
LaneDransit District
Sow don't trv this jr home
without parental supervision