Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 04, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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    Cat's Meow Jazz & Blues Corner
(Hit C (M t it ic aU's!
S|H‘( i,il ()t tiers
In the I ilthpc.trl Shops
Fifth & PiamI • Euc,im
686 8/42
Custom-Crafted Eyeglasses In About An Hour
May 6-12
• Over 3000 Frames
• Friendly service
• Vision exams
• Satisfaction guaranteed
• Student and Senior Discount
• Contact Lenses
400 Valley River Center
(503) 687-2926
I A cut above the rest...
Ml 1.13th AVI
(303) 443-4433
Wolll tanning
by appointment
10 fOr S20°° reg $35.00
i 1T'<• • ■ i- ui : '(hi, M.iy ' '
99.1 fin?
(ireat thinkers— come check out our
Philosophy section. One of the greats
the Dnivcrsilv Bookstore In the Book I>ept
I ni\ crsit \
Togetherness theme
of revived tradition
H\ |olie \ndrade
i merald Reporter
Building soIidatiK and unitv
through beautdu.ation and ten
ovation is tlio t heme nl I hr re
\ u .i 1 iit ('ni versitv I ).i\ 101 Hi.
s.i11i i)ong intaian, t’iiivt*rsil\
I)a\ ( ommitter member
Mthough .i large part (it I in
versitv l).i\ involves renovation
ami beautil k at ion around thr
i arnpiis t ntalan said the main
goal is to bring students and
tin u It % together
' I niversitv I)a\ is designed
prtmarilv lor student groups to
get togethei b\ being unified to
understand their differences
more and the I Jniversitv
more, lie said
I hitalan said the responses
from student groups and tat ul
t\ have been positive, and he
evpei Is a big turnout for the
Mav 17 event
I lie t onimlltee has mailed
inform,ition to more than 2H*>
gmnps and has i ondui led se\
eial phone < ampamns In make
sure student groups who waul
to partake m the activities are
m it d tei i. I ilia Ian said
Ui had one informational
meeting and met tu student
groups . am. lie said, adding
w(ire unable to
Although the committee has
been targeting large groups
sui:h as the greek system .inti
t hiiversitv I lousing, l hitalan
s.iiii it is trying to reat li out to
all student groups
We want a breadth of
go nips, lie said
I hit.dan said many student
groups don't (eel like |he\ are .1
part of the t' 11 i\ ersitv because
there is so mm h fragmentation
among the groups 011 1 ,iiii|uis
"It we 1 all |llst get people to
tom li eat h othei outside ol
their normal 1 in le. the event
would be a .success." said Bri
an Naiidv 1 niv ei siiv I Jay com
milter memliei
I lie first and foremost pi 1
oril\ is to build the 1 omnium
1 at ion and solidarity." Sands
I'hr ideal scenario for I hii
versiU l)a\ is that evervone
i lose dow n shop and join to
getliel to ( I'lehrate Sandy
sail I
I hii\ ersitv I Jay began in the
He It K and continued to he 1
tradition throughout the Itthtls
l! w as a dav for the entile I in
versity population to engage in
a 1 oflahorative eltorl to heaiitilv
the 1 ampus and units the com
mu uit\
I Jin mg 1 heck 111 on Mas 1 r
lorn lol )a\, Page a
Women's identity group
convenes today at noon
Ml.I' 1 IN(,S
\m leal I ree ( ampaign
tneels Saturdax .it 11 ,i.in in
! Ml Nude 1
Women's Sexual Identitx
(,i trap neet.s today Irom ...
to ! pm in I Ml (leiial Km mi
_Kt ills_
!) Ihe meeting is sponsored li\
Women in Transition
Sateride will hold ,i manda
loi\ drivels meeting Sunil.ix
night at (> in the I.MI ' Hen lan
der Room
W estmorelund t enants
( nmn il
ti til m the W estmoreland t atm
munitv KtHitn Agendas are
posted in all Westmoreland
laundrx rooms
"Cognitive Properties and
lx,dilating \rt \ I eminist
t ase Ini l)n hie s Matrix Sis
tern is the title ol a presenta
tion to hi .;sx ill todax at l p in
in Room 107 I au rem e h\ Reg
gv /.eglin Brand
"Miocene Raleosols and Ape
Habitats in Pakistan and Ke
nva" is the title ol a lei lure In
lolin I vans was mis
identified as the speaker
id the display quote ai
i omp.inx mg Thursdav's
stiax "I niversitx gets an
tlax notice on rei vi ling
I he quote should hax e
been attributed to |ou l)a
\ is I he quote is attrihut
ed com*! tl\ ill the text
i he Oregon l)nil\ l.mrr
a/i/ regrets the errot
bt' given (mi.iv at i ill p in In
Professor Iirrg Krl.lll.il L limn
thr 1’iMiloi’V ilrp.il tllient I hr
in tmr will br in Room I > <
I i null hi
Mvth .mil llir I’iihit nl |n
S(‘|lh ( .1111 pill'll ' - I llr 111 lr m! ,|
prrsriil.il II III to br given l>\
I long (.mnthris, .iiithni .mil
In turn Flir presentation u ill
lie tuil,n hum 12 in to 2 p in
III tllr I All Hell I Hlllt'I Km mi
.uni is sponsored In Restoration
( umptis Minish \
mini ri ; ,\\l.( )i 's
\ representative hum Santa
Plain t niversitv's Si bool nl
law will visit with t nivri'silv
stuili’iits .it tlir I‘re 1 .aw Pentei
lo t Oregon I Fill today from
II HO a m to 1 pm
\ roundtable on transit al
ternatives will ilisi uss i mi
strut turn ot bit \i lr tai ilities as
an altrrtuilivr to tiallii conges
t ion todav at noon at Sat ml
llrart Perietal Hospital. Hi Vi
llilvartl St Ihr room location
w ill br postrd
'i until ( hnir and ^ until Fir
snmlilr will prrlorin at tin
\rw man ( .’enter 1HVI Kmeraid
St during Sund.iv mass at II
a m Otliri wrrkriul mass times
will br i p m Saturdav .mil at
I 1 a in and 7: .id p in Sundav
Deadline tin submilliin; It
a/s In Ihr Ivmrr.lld trout (lrsf.
/ Ml ' Suite .1(111, ;.s nnnn the d.l\
hrlnrr publii .ilion I t a/s run
the i/ai nl the ru-llt unless tlir
e\fnt ni l ms before nnnn
/'/ease submil I t a/s the t/at be
fore they .ire hi run unl\ \
lues nl events with a ilan.itmn
or admission (haute will lint he
,i< ( filled Campus events .uni
those si heduled tie.nest the
publication date will be it i veil
priority file Kmeraid reserves
the iliiht In edit notices Ini
Ltnimiii.it .ind style.