_Letters_ Chicanery Hon hinder didn't just "die" in Nicaragua [CHW. April 2d):he was murdered by Contra rebels who were armed am) fi named by the United States government The difference in meaning between the words die and murder is extremely i rui ia! in a factual sense The Contras murdered Ben hinder with bill lets bought and paid for by tin witting!?) good i itizens of the United States No amount of verbal ( hicanery i an erase this fact Is there an editor in the house? Robert Schmeer International studies In the closet Alter reading the stories about homosexual relationships [01)1' April 2i and 25) and this so I ailed (!a\ Bride \\ eek 1 lelt compelled to write this let ter from speaking with friends and i olleagues. we (eel oul opinion about homosexuality not only roller Is mu ideas but others on this c anipus as well l be main ton e ot mil objei tion is that the homosexuals on tins t anipus feel it lies es.sais to public i/e and detail their sexu .il desires for one another I bis seems detrimental to then cause ei|iialit\ and appn w al It they truly want to lit in why do they parade around like side show nr ts. i nosing them to be the ‘freaks' in I heir ow u circus? I be lad that tires are homosexual is not relevant to mn argument and we are not homophobic However, tire tad that they must publish their play by play nr i mints ot their relationship is oltensiye I do not ret a 11 ever reading about heterosexual relation ships in the Inifi.iltl In mx three years at tins l Diversity. I ilo not remembei reading about a heterosexual couple sharing mountain biking, huge glut toiious dinners and a lot ot * tMJNDERlANP * AT f OH MAH Tlf S AND HiHTHDAyS S^umpn ALL GAMES WORK VflUtU WITH NICKELS GAMES admission i so STM STRUT RUUIC MARMT w tUGt NT • 613 6464 roxvrlv sex " Arc wo h rmn in assuming this or does thr m.i lorttx ot tins rumpus want to hear about tin sexual feelings and i’si apailes of homosexuals ■’ l’lease. for our sake in the future keep vour sexual feel mgs m the i lose! where the\ belong fax I’enlhenv Amorit an studies Prejudices Pile (trego/i IKnl\ I'mrnilil has printed biased remarks and slander m its editorials and plaved favorites xvi111 front page lieu s stories and headlines Printing stories reiving solelx on dubious accusations from i ertain i undulates and displax mg them on the front page on elei tion dav is biased Also writing editorials based on misinformation with no nth er purpose but to slander others is as unprofessional as a news paper gets I'he April Mi issue is a prune example ol this Therefore, the Enwnthl itselt must i ome under si rutiin fol one of its main for uses as of late has been to print stories and editorials that deal with stopping preimlir.es and biases not i lilt iv .itiUK more I hr I'mrr.iltl rn imvi's mm h u! its funding (mm student fees u hit h means th.it .ill stu dents support this paper lli.it hum iis , 111 stmliMits shoiihl hr t.urlv represented Hrad Hentlev Student Rational thought |ill I roidlierg eo duet tor of Students tor the hthu.d front iiit*lit ot Animals, says "Am mals and human rights are s\ n onvmous. there is no differ cm e." and i laims the moral high ground hot a use Ml A has "numerous moral and ethical reasons supporting" animal rights and animal researi hers "have onl\ one. humans" (ODE April Ji| Hus raises some evtremelv interesting and thought provoking questions There were no animal rights" before there were hu mans animals ale eat h othei in complete i (intontnient Sim e humans define all lights, what rights will animals have ' Will sheep vote' Will hawks have the l ight to eat mu e ol III it ' I low ahout free public edut a tii>11 ■* In countries where hu THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Well, here s your problem. Marge if you and Bob really want kids, next lime try sittin on these little guys m.ms have mi nylits will .mi m.il |>1 • 111 it .11111111> nl Innil animals in fiv vi'.ii \flfr all If!'s In* ra tinnal |un Kfiiiini'tiin l’h\ sii s -Letters Policy_ betters to the editor must he limited to no more than 2T)0 words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must he verified when the letter is submit ted. The Hirwrald reserv es the right to edit am lettei for length or style. It'ciid P1 ♦. Not valid with any other ofte* — — — — — - — COUPON- — — — - $150 OFF "25 Years ol Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene. Oregon 97403 FRIDAY FREEBIE! NOW YOU GET A FREE 2ND SET OF PRINTS! When you order your prints on a Friday, you receive a second set of standard size prints absolutely FREE with your roll of 35mm, disc, 110 or 126 color print film left for developing and printing! Excludes 4" super size prints. UO Bookstore nth & Kincaid M F 7:30 6 00 SAT 10:00 6:00 346-4331