Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 04, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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American Studies
killed by neglect
It's ,tn nld story. .m<l unfortunately for I'niversilv
students. .in int reasinglv familiar out'
( .ill il .1 casualty or >t victim ot bun atn ratii red
1,11)1' You c .in fM'n 1,11 it I it ,t ros ii 11 of inadequate fund
lns4 ( all it what vuti will, hut the \meiirail Studies
program is just one more ill a list of ac adeuilc depart
merits sullemt); it tin- I miversitv
I'll ere are a variety ol reasons win the fmir-ve.ii
old Amem,to Studies program will no longei he of
fered Budgelun shortfalls have t atrsed the I niversitv
ad millisl rat mu In make drastic t uthar ks in tic last lew
\ears Slit um oil tie- tat' is what it s railed ( nil
t low 11 at ade mic departure ills as nit it h as possihlt
Sometimes though the administration s t .in mi;
knde slip-- and a viable In altln department used
\ohod\ is savoiin.' tin demise ol tin \ineru an
Studies prngiam It's prettv mm li a case ol the
shrugging ol administral n e shoulders anti the powers
that he saving t )h well We it etci il hut wr have no
other t holt e
rticie s a large opinion gap oil the impoitalHe ol
tin- \mei it an Sludit" prngiatn Some point to the rein
tiveiv low 1111 tilt II *1 ol lllajois fliUI a-, a -1,01 ol a small
tlepai I llleilf tlesel V 111)4 It i he t ill lint then ai e p let it V ot
students in otliei majois who Ink' Aincru an Studies
t on t ses 11111 it I v; Il t ml lie V eal
Itotloill line Slit»uIt! the \nieru an Studies tleparl
me lit have I teen tlitippt'tl
lit Mil tills t mini the illtswel IS no We set the
need till piogiaill t Ills We lei o'.;ul/e that as long -n tile
t urreiil level ol highei ediu alum luiuliiu! lemaiiis is is
(somewhere ueai the palhellt lev t * I) there has to lie
a tightening ot the tin.tut nil hell \tl min 1st i alms have
t oil nil t hones to make sin h as vvlial should he tut.
and vv hat slum hi he spared
Still iln Anierit an Studies department should not
have lleen t lit (iivell the I fl.lt i V t' I \ low cost ol running
the program and the lat t that most ol the t lasses need
ed for ,i \s degiee an alreadv set lions m other depart
ments. another det isitm c oultl have lieen mailt’ I lie
savings the ailiniiiistration e\pei Is to ret five In end
ing the \S program |iist won I materiali/e
It is ii'onit the 1 nivei'ilv should have to tut its
own programs The reason lm higher edutation is
knowledge, and In taking awav potential interests
from students the l niversitv is oniv hurting its < retii
hililv This is si* 11-t annihalisiu ot the worst kind
When will the lawmakers, hnlli lot allv and nation
allv rculi/c the important e ol highei eilut <rtion and
the need to make it ar < ess i hie to every one7 Hv tort ing
tail leges and universities to slit their own throats lor ti
nant ial reasons we risk hemming a sot letv in which
tmlv the rit li elite gets etlut ateil
The loss ol the Amerit an Studies program is only a
symptom ot the entire state higher etlut ation disease.
Oregon l)uil\ _ _
I* «l H«*\ 'I'V Jupiw. OntiHi
Tf'f ••• i .i iy t n *••.« .1 •*. pub'-shed M -lay through Friday ! du'imj
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( litl/ens (it mil ( oinmumtv
should In- ,m .nr i it .1 tin'll Irom
tlir \ew /.i mu■ \11 (l.dler v th.il
tmik pl.ii i■ ii\cr the Weekend til
April Mil Si ulptllles bv
k 11-.1 eii Itenpnn .iml 1 lehhie
i innitius were taken
It is dillit ult enough 11\ iiik to
m,ike ,i liv mg .is .hi .utisl with
mil having tu deni vvith tiiett
\ 11 members of our community
are hurt by theft and vandal
ism As artists vve fuel person
.i 11\ emotion,dlv and spiritual
Iv violated
\\ e w ould apprei late the re
turn ol these pieces as ttiev are
iireplai cable
Kirsten llenjlim
Dehhie ( ornitius
1 tigene
Cinco de Mayo
In the M.n - artu:If "Student
team monitoring parties
Wayne Parker refers to last
year's Slav a riot as the "tamo
de Mayo riot " Phis bears an
implication that the riot was a
result ol (linen de Mayo and
perpetuates the exploited ster
eotypes ot tlinco de Mayo and
the laitino people as a whole
I v ery V ear businesses ill
t hiding stores and restaurants
use this annual event to pro
mote sales at the expense ot ex
piloting the true signific am e ot
l lined de Mayo The riots had
nothing to do with (line o de
Ma yo
These last few days, that will
go on through the weekend,
will be a celebration ot diverse
tv and (lined de Mayo We
would like to see a < ultivation
ot respei Uor other cultures and
would like people to be sens!
live in the language they use
when referring to different i ul
Hires and i ultural events
I bis weekend vve are cele
brating an authentic (linen de
Mayo, tor it is a celebration ill
our culture We would like the
l'div ersity and the whole com
munity to i elebrate with us re
membering that (linen de Mayo
is an occasion tor celebration,
not for exploitation
Hdw ard Beanes
Violent hugs
Yes (,,ir\ Darby //it) Simp
Mi/h (ODI April 27) (Idi's por
tray abusive behavior m a hu
tiioruiis w a\ I don't denv i find
it mori' than a little amusing
but \ou've missed the whole
Satire makes its statement by
exaggerating the subjest to the
point ot absurdity quite often
■ rosstng rives what some eon
side! the lines of offenxiveness
Satire works best when it cuts
close to the bone, no one is
ey er upset by bad satire
Matt Omening is showing 11s
how stupid some of our behay
iocs are by giving us 77re Simp
sons Ihe family isn't really
that far removed from reality,
we see a lot of ourselves in
then ai turns and that's why it's
funny Hart is just an extension
of .my bretty little kid you've
had to deal xsith so we can
identity with the problems he
1 rentes tor the rest of his fami
ly 1 know 1 i rented a few pro!)
lents for my family when I was
a kid
Anyway my point is goe
Hart a break /Vie .Simpsons is
nothing more than good satire
and a break from the monotony
of ey ei y day life
I' S If you want to see some
really abusive i artoons watch
some old Hugs Bunny some
f rank Phillips
Physii s
I'd like to take a moment to
address pet owners who .ire
also in favor of animal re
sean h If you think tfie i ruel
experiments are conducted
only on "spei ial" animals bred
for that particular purpose, you
are dead wrong In fact, your
oyvn pet is in danger of being
one of those millions of ani
mals researchers mutilate year
ly in the name of si ience
"Hum hers." people who
steal dogs and 1 ats and then
sell them to animal dealers who
in turn sell them to laborato
ries. are in the Kugene area
List ()i tober the sale of pets to
dealers from bum hers bei a me
a felony but the enfori ement of
this new law is minimal
Siih c attending the l 'niversi
ly i have heeii astounded at the
number ot "lost pel" signs
posted on i arnpus futile ,il
tempts to re< over animals that
mav well be on their was to .111
iither universitv s laboratory
So it you think that the i ruel
t\ of animal resean li isn't a
part ol your life, reuiemhei that
it ( ould very N\ ell hei time a
part of youi pet s life
Misha Dunlap
(i.iN and Lesbian (’ride Week
is very important to a lot of in
divuluals It represents the op
port unity for those who are gay
and lesbian to at tivel\ voit e
their opinions, frustrations and
emotions It is also a time lot
positive light to be shed on an
issue that is enveloped in nega
live attitudes
being gay not 'had but not
easy |ODI April l!i») quit kI\
eliminated am positive feel
mgs th.it t ould h.ne been
evoked in last week's coverage
of ga\ and lesbian lifestyles
The frank reporting of Ladd To
bias' and lai Moreno's sexual
activities described with the
word "rowdy" was absolutely
( Ine has to ipiestion the judg
ment i all of the reporter to
write the statement in the art 1
< le, and the professionalism ot
the editor to allow the state
ment to go to print 1 can safely
assume if I was interviewed
about my relationship with my
fiance, descriptions of our sex
life and how "rowdv" it is
would not be printed
The purpose of last week's
activities and articles was to
ease homophobia and sexual
discrimination for all who feel
they are oppressed Gays and
lesbians are struggling to have
their i lioice of lifestyle accept
ed and acknowledged bv six ie
ty and positive coverage will
hopefully ease their struggle It
is unfortunate that the dec ision
of a reporter and editor can di
minish the gains that are al
ready so diftii 11 It to ai hieve
Kelli Mcknight