CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 21o OPPORTUNITIES NANNY OPPORTUNITIES Vmi-m. '•am $150 $400 » Aeek J the ■ t e s S f u! "jinny netwi 'V »•' ' . <• ./ / a *' A .!f' .1 J *' i! '.in- i. ' "■■ f ast Goasl For details an An*” • : |r»i 1.800 44J 64?8 Mm ago Id Mm 1 yo.r >mm.!immr NOW HIRING1 U S Pusl.fl S.”. . . js salar» ’ S65K F ■ >*•. • ; tons C.1*i 11 * 805 687 6000 F < t P 5600 SAVE 50* at loading hotels net urn Asle and quality U ■ FREE lodging A • so solid 6 figure !M my af i 800 233-8509 E x t i 002 •-%NAIf. I\ ASM A ,,i ' S1 • H' nthly WiM',!*s sti.'t i r reeuperab'n , ’ mf.isii"; ■ ■ jt n >-«'•» 484 .’654 VOLUNTEER with YWCA i -*■• me needed t . help a " at*e transition \o UO Helpfu. ':.,m n j ” \ 12 Pius f ALL 1990 CALL YWCA FOR DETAILS 346 44 39 215 HELP WANTED APPLY TODAY The U of O TeMund needs you to be a pallet for the University Talk t; inter raising funds 'or the U of O Earn $6.-hr Fie*itile day and evening shifts avail able tall 346 34 33 or 346 U.\- *• r m ATTENTION ’ho Oregon Daily Emerald is nowv .»• eptmq appn.. at ion-, tor staff pos. • -ns for the 1990-91 school year We 2 Page Editors 2 Photographers Supplements tddor Higher Educ ation.Admmistratiof . Higher EdAdmm RepoMro, 2 Community Reporters Feature-. mU» Edit' >• t Features Reporter Sports Editor Politics Assot.iate Editor 1 Poetics Reporter Student Government Activities As sot I ate Editor 2 Stud Govt jAc! Reporters i Entertainment Reporter APPLICATION DIADLINF - • - M .i, ' at 5pm ! he Emerald publishes daily during ! during' Summer term Am staff fon The Emerald 'S an Equal Opportunity ; Employer Anyone interested u piying Should pick up an a; i ” at "” } « a-s $20 61 / i wks St-7 884 f*X>: employed For information about these jobs send $ ’0 to jobs • A mere a PO Evj* 84I»65 V.m uii'.rf WA 98684 001 ’ - he1'- noth -3*Sat:- bes Va’-al"*' i1 : DOCUME NT ANALYST tiun. "reded * or tfie ERlC ’ n ,r > g reports and journal a»tu ies on th# top school system management perv-n ■el management school law fat and theoref ai and applied research on admmistra tioni for inclusion in the ERIC system la!abase DUTIES itvir* . 'epare abstra. If. ' '■ g t i • ontent select mde* terms bom ERIC thesaufuS that wni did researi he's amt prac boners n searching for informa ■ the sub-f ! area We • le training on ERIC document p? > ess ■ g and use of the ERIC thesaurus • MILS REQUIRED Stn.” g a1! > g s* at< *, to analy/e *f’tie mate’; I", organ.,*e incepts and ■ mv, '* ’e sea'. h methodOi /gies must t>e f type and a >rk independently This s a 9 month position/20 hrs per week $5 per huu' anth summer auik avdiiab'e Lai. Deborah 346 504 3 MWF t S"" UH 6 12 * r appiu atuin information 215 HELP WANTED * ' i .. TIME grave , a'd , S»t 'is i»v■ '• - V • ! {>»; * .i' ' a akf *‘!h ' i ustornc •\rr\n.-*» Good Oenehts •**' r J at K • •• i n f f. Mi). 4 between 8 9<)f" }44 7894 Mi. ? El MANAGEW live a • ; -■ terrfttj rpt*v**r:i 'f*Qvn'e«I PO 8 AM • I •. . Sat •• Must r>e bmjht #ev*fg«>». ,v-j motivated Previous retail eiper pn*t Please bung resume tu The Afl.. Oes \‘m) l nfi r>r!A. •• F • May 4 ASUO WOMENS CENTER W0ME N S Cl NTE R WOME N IN TRANSITION WOMEN S RESOURCE AND RE TERRA PROJECT SAE E RIDE jAAEOE All i,as.|i;.i»s a«e *n-K UNE IS MONOA t MAY 14 1 >90 I Stop by Suite 3 I MU -•»' CHILD C AME tor uu' 6 Oio ••>tia« Is $6 4Vh? henofit\ aMO» Fugeno OR 9740? ^ dancers wante [.)!*' '.ivr-'n 8649S i. m-ge V*»- a Rti Eugene 74 1 4331 DANCERS WANTED • . . - tei. , a VV TRACK TOWN PIZZA Wanted Full or part time po/a deiiv ery driver Earn S5 6 00 per hour No experience necessary Muil have own car and insurance Apply m per son before 4 pm at 1609 Franklin Hivd 2?5 APTS.-DUPLEXES A! DERWOOO i860 At Of H STREET Don ! wad until it 'S too late to rent ,i apartment at one •>' I be best campus . amplexes One and '* bed'oom ■Ms a, i it '*• • u>’ W4 V>95 .em-.mgs A ( 68 J 4.>t9 i AMPU' LARGE 1 and 2 t»«dn>oi»i Surnrne- ites V pnls 485 282 ! . t •• t T ■ AM PUS t . ijr*i e M.r 1050 Ferry iv a it>ie • • m $325 .i utilities -i eluded M r age- 484 7441 Ben net Mu ageme t 915 Oak suite 200 Realtor 465-6991 225 APTS DUPLEXES MA>. ( APARTMIN T s • .14 S //’*- » ’ >r. S49*> ( v> m s 4 /19 NOW 1 AKlNG Rf Sf RVATIONS TOR SUMMf R AND f ALL t r, 1 BDRM .«;•» > ■-■<* m! vj ’v f I4>.ml*y /overed p<»fl ■■ -i :.!•(>■ 4H4 410J LOOKING HIGH & LOW $."h: •; All 4***6991 hr d«t»Jn Bonn, TAKING RF Sf RVATlONS f OR SUM MLR AND FALL LOW SUMMER RATES ’ 144/ i 1 Mth M N • * 15th & Olive Apts Bennett Management Co 915 Oak St .>00 Realtor 48*. #>991 1 WEST 4th APTS Mt-i 4ft54)'19' : Hi KS AMR'S / ' !■•' i .!• r*f! -1 = ^t> S4HS •>-,» >4*' *’ * ' > * I BDRM API .sc' i-. 1370 HIGH NO 5 CiunJfy parking S3?S No pets Spyglass Assoc b«t> 1130 Al L AVAIL ABl f NOW1 ?3Q QUADS Jemungs & Co b« j 4/19 l ims) to *>♦*»' sj/s Jennings & Co 68 3 4/19 235 HOUSES MARRIED COUPlt ►t*«*kmg a- nmm • Ji»* •• •- for July A August PleaHe ; ,1 . »• S .Iff lie. ? ■ 3061 694 ()':♦»: I RETIRED PROFESSOR and w'c *4** 3 PO Bo. 23836 E ' , Mj, 2»o ROOMS API ROOM I >R REN! N.m> jrr; $/.ii >* immediately Cat 250 MOVING SALES - HUGE GRADUATION SALE Ski and Scuba gea< mt bike stereo lots of clothe* books furniture ret ords Leaving the Western World be hind so everything goes1 Cat M i, • V.air r , - 1069 W 3rd *>•, 1 ?60 ROOMMATES WANTED FEMALE ROOMMATE needed tor Summer Friendly roommates large yard s 188/mo 34/ 3822 ?60 ROOMMATES WANTED * 1 MAI * t ■ ' i ’ •• V •' V : «• I 14 t 24 •? Ci'rtfli* ; u • • i'<’ * «• ••■ : <>¥»■’ • ••'»»« hjfvt >-1 *■ •- »* -• t !40.m : .%<• 4H*. 4 » W ?;o MEETINGS 275 EVENTS CINCO de MAYO Celebration Sat, May 4 & 5 Tickets $5 2 for 1 1st 50 people at Main Desk Co sponsored by MECHA Cultural Forum Community Relations Task Force CIVIL WAR LACROSSE ( DM! WATCH Till MAU.ST SPUR I TO SWI I I* TUI \()KH!U I S i 1.1 1* «■ a *lodv I hi* wrkriul ami %* a11 h ihe 1110*1 r»« IIIim) *|»oil on iialmal i|i4»* (hi* *|>orl ukr« lh« h«r*l ln»m luqhv hot k«*y football *«>< < rt 4ii*1 |JCiil«-%*ional m>f***tllli*| DC) Men's Id* rosse ( lub vs OSU Men's la* rosse ( lub WHEN: 7 iv WHERE: M Hjyw-jrd and Tennc.' Hurts COST: FREE l nme support Iht* l nl O Mi-n v l j | * im«- l«\tm js thry lain* on h-.igur tt I .ji Oregon Mjl>- l mversity fh«* I Hm k . Jle ‘ on thi* srjsuii jr«J j looking Ufi >«>u> support -it the ( IVII ! VVAK gjmr on Nuntlav 275 EVENTS DUCKS SOCCER GAME UO Mims vs Central Oregon When S JO f ii Msy 4 Where Southbenk t teld ne»l !o W River & Awt/en f oo I bridge Hnng your own refreshments and enjoy Duck soccer in the sun* 780 ARTS & ENTERTAINMFNT ART CINEMAS 402 E. 13th • 686-2458 k| ifLMii. i t «4oa«i ta H»mi u C A Mill I Cl U l>l OUCOOWT ►«**?» ■« ^TlNAi WrfA ‘a / 4> • / • VvT om Um/W'jmt i ll/sr>*«h 1*eiS >■ Voung LOVE AT LARGE, Doweled hy Aisn Fbxiorp/i (H ">•* r/4i < kii.Ni : s>* is*. . *»i * 54 f WO 1 4PM S|«. W4II .‘PM 4i 44/S s/i W 54 V» KKISIINAMI K I I \\ ith ;i Silent Mind A lisiali td pa iVfiacU •• Mi M* till Mt4 WeMnp A *r ha (in nmU if* * awrarayiffiLTHflri l! .? 00 'MIOC Hi 41 LOW l ft* BAD INFLUENCE ato Night adm Th Sa $3 Su-We $2 50 ^a / «T ' ’ V HATEo *' MO 0*1 UNDI M I UWMO TOUR lOINTMH AT1< »*• !J.MlkniaLL_ women in film ii annk dim man Sunday, May f> K pm ISO I'l.C E MU Culture! foiui'i and Food Service Present* BEER GARDENS with STONE BISCUIT CM*. 0 , H i M M WOW HALL Reggae World beat Roch with MORE TIME SATURDAY All ayes/adult b•*» with ID 295 MASSAGE & BODY WORK therape utic swe dish massage |li , if. JE ANtNE VAN VACTOR l M I Phone 48S 89^7 AE FOHDABl E Upgrade ,'Ai' QUALITY OF LIFE Get in ‘t should be in your h.vr« M •-/ hr 1%hi 300 COUNSELING PROBl I V' < fhrt Uo*(> v r vs ( tft» for irTimnd'Jte pt*r > ounseiini Sfn * l, ,• • Jf' 146 4466 TERIYAKI ALLEY TRY OUR V2 of Teriyaki Broiled CHICKEN, tossed salad and rice with sauce for $3.45 1306 Hilyard • 345 9555 xh Dozen Roses with Baby's Breath hern $4.95 and Iris $3.95 Rhythm j Blooms 1 5th Kincait ‘Under the Umbrella" Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson I DfiNl UNCfcfcMMtt) U. U08MES $ \ r \ M K.IDC> n HAS rtl 1 Pi OUT PUtf HK»\H ALL TUI N 1MI l ItULO M NUDN l OIO PLM TMl H I Tl» u A< HIK < MILD *t A 'L.iHlK' m*N l STOM.D L PIMiNG -I /rk^_ rtT^ UHLESS 100 tU N MAfc 1CU vKNI PU>A ] AMV'Ml \ * . >\ *H TUA' A' A ] WU1 HO' PU A‘ A AAW f(A 'g> J‘ K\< Xv/,\ *'Mi lit W4 W Nl- tO MiDA >*•* >*' \