Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. CLASSIFIEDS —PE-RSbNALS A0I7ALUMNI Get Psyched! Barnbash 90 on Cineo da Mayo1 Lova Sutia B and Julia G All you can eat.. SPAGHETTI FEED with Live Music!! W«) May 9 4 10 Tpm at lha Gamma Pht Bata Mouse J3 WJ/o*' patson Buy youi ticket NOW1 M»M L 4-J »>s P'Opaxt to U" !ij Mali and B«* » *' »■ B'ijgaM {),»"« Bash this *• the ••*ght ' • ?».«• *;-ij ' > 1 gue-.s wr -.t j ,<• m k«> .«- • Damailir a lov** Sf’w't AAA and than House Dance Oates (»et 'e.sdy ' > a great time T. >*• a It «l going t. .1 blast ' Meet at the 7» [mm at t HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mary Foo Foo! Lo.e The Wi/ Auntie fm Glenda The Wicked Witch Si .tiecrow lion T ir Man and Munchkm Art Aif ONLY $1 A LINE!! HOW DO YOU SAY GOODBYE' IN FRONT OF 16.500 OF YOUR CLOSET FRIENDS??? With an OOf pnv >nai id Al L personal line ad-, will tie St pei line in the last two week*, ot May NO MINIMUM N. MAXIMUM JUST A GMT AT DEAL " Place your ads on the phone by charging them to your account or your charge card' * Place your ads at the UO Book stint* f MU Mam Desk or our office Hoorn 300 T MU from 8 5pm M f Place your ads today they will start running during the »st two weeks of ONLY A BUCK A LINE! PRIVATE HELP PROM FRIENDS Fraa Prtgnincy Tailing BIRTHRIGHT Ml7 MSI ODE Hrmjon Daily Fmarald ODE ODE Onxjon Daily Emerald ODE ODE Oregon B«ilr ODE HSEPUR HAHS!!! < .p'h .(• •.w * ynmi l XTRAORDlNAlRC Play- M GMI o? i? t pn KKF Th* Vi i <'-t1 «*«■= t ■ v. ' Tf ► ■ • ■ ■ . »' .. • .• l o vi* P. Ph. ■, MARY W Happy ?Oth Birthday' leva Anna PLANNED PARENTHOOD air.eafs mV« ln>r - ► •. b 'lh A - oon%«* Days A •ventn. ’44 44 11 • j opinionated go»g«w*u» Stub HAPPY BIRTHDAY TV m TYPING SERVICES <:ya typing services High Qv.tM, T yj.• r g -1 ( d.ting » A -hi WORD SPECIALISTS] * i iitdualc S» h>*>l ^ ► Ihtsrftatmnv'I h^'f« )'*p papers thi sl s Dissertations 344 4510 60*. t tilth Av*> l AM R WORD PROCESSING Robin J44 07S9 TYPING UNLIMITED CAROL YN 48b 0890 B.wti.»'.4 i And HiJOU IMI a:h| h i < • PROFESSIONAL TYPING Text Scanning Pr*\U\1 trif f€> iX^tpuk* W> • tjfiQhsM ,»*xl IO*«**(V' • 4*K‘ iX’f p.U>' ten • Fi|v pick 14) .11 vl > ISjClAfNlA/lFlfilSI 747-4589 5l^)FHANKUNBLVD #3 EUGENE WEST WIND WOROSMITHING . • . • •• IBM i ■ . Nh*lby 344 S3«9 Word Processing V no FOR SALE Hi H KS. GEMS & weau*t>t« mim'i.n-. tin sale TODAY Friday M„«» 4 *iarti pm by the E Mu M.i 1 D<*sk l MB 130 FOR SALE ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING ECLECTIC YARD SALE Sunday May 6th ?634 HAfrit CONDOMS . ... t, ’ .1 . m,» -ed i s » Av-mJ har,v*- ?■.»'«’■ S' . i f . . M F1' <4 I? O'...r ', Dev • #**V b. * »M ✓ N. ’ »* f'Ofi sale * >-*j s**.<»»• f ste »«*■ »»')u!jKYH»n! $6V ' .4* .i *f»'.5 . * ppe* $»■*«' Mas* ' ■ ' V' A, j . - .I !• • *84 1V • FUTONS & FRAMES Furnishings * Lighting * Posters * Clothing * Jewelry * Sleeper * Couches CITY LIVING 164 W Broadway 343 3622 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!! t’w* *:• •» .*>! • -I f *Of a ■ ' * !-»•. *• i 'd ■! Vk ! fv«* * .-.1 - WE RUN IT FREE UNTIL IT'S SOLD. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!! ! 4.*00 . ... '■ ■ , 5 # . ' '44 JS8f> ADVERTISE FOR FREE!! Want to sell your... Cars. Bicycles. Furniture. Computers. Art. Books. Scooters. Skates. Skis. Stereos, etc...? Advertise with the Oregon Daily Em«r aid to tell almost anything Advertise (Or * days at regular rate*, and tf the item does not sell we will continue to run it at no additional cost until the item does sell this promotion does not apply lo retail businesses Place ads at Oregon Daily Emerald other only room 300 t MU SATISFACTION GUARANTEED KimTiild T-Shirts gn-i-n 100 collon BUY NOW '6.00 .11 . I V >BO obi us BUY OR TRADE THE BUY 4 SELL CENT! R Buy * Sell ’ Tiade 361 W 5th us CARS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS f or ■ a a Mcrdi F’-tsip.r-'i ’98 5. .. . Sh 486 09H1 HONDA PASSPORT Scooter' Greet condition' Just tuned with helmet S400/OBO M3 6706 '67 VW FASTBACK Body u.rw1 a»'p needs same A » v 'ooeo A .nr • » ’ Wv B>. ' j A-'h w .,! t< t>«4 S80u ()BO 344 87 7* Vi *t FIAT 1?fl COUPE hr Italian •»' flfPAt Q.»!k n.lcagi* . * r *Menl •rn# h.%- s .»!•» JW 34 f> 996 1 7fc »•*( >RN< Mf 9*4 ;• a " taf [f- A ' 5'Hl • A • ... • . . * S ' ‘ i‘ 4. 6 iVi OA'-a'N ► , ..{ P . ».• ' A *-a -ed pa99 1 9?V MAT H H A V A • J a • M Mm. ... *?.’(« .34 • 403t • iH. VOLKS WAGON *.t IHOCl ( ' *■ • ; . .. : AM * M .!•■■- .'!!(■■ t 1 *> f It I*, o- it condition 683 13 74 1 ih. MA/t'A «* ’ tic. * < ■ . srtle . A fu*.‘ Ri, S ... V-lent S < HO U. /KH.' ’ 484 HONDA I’..*-. 4 .1- ■ * 6 speed i . S Fit 1 99* 840 >9 ' Jtfc f K.rt*. A * -ids 1 <*' ' W HONDA li iTF 8C S4**i; f . . • ’ • ; eat hpinir! *4‘ 149 . YR OLD CH..SH S’.’O U 2 693 7 •79 HONDA Prelude. Black. Well maintained $1.200. Call Rick 344 4029 h. m. 1 G< • • i.-.t Vn‘x. ■. • <44 * 1 ’ -• mi A A£l“ Good condition low m.ies S3G0 h* M N. A A! •• - * 1 4r ■ r • ! S4-..»1 'Hi ',44 7.384 86 HONDA rufr 80 * !' ; heim,os S»y ” • OBO 346 4088 An cm dS HONDA ELITE DELUXE ISO F »• " irnt una lion blue S > OBO B.-1 YAMAHA SEl A 400 i" • - ' .? J S9SOOBO ’9 HONDA PRELUDE ilOADFDl MV iN 6631480 ADVERTISE FOR FREE!! Want to sell your... Cars, Bicycles. Furniture. Computers, Art. Books. Scooteis. Skates. Skis. Stereos, etc 9 Advertise with the Oregon Daily fcmei aid to sell almost anything Advertise tor 4 days at regular rates and if the item does not sell we win continue to run it at no additional cost until the item does sell This promotion does not apply to retail businesses Place ads at Oregon Daily Emerald olitce only room 300 F MU SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CO BICYCLES 346 8282 am s 150 BICYCLES ADVERTISE FOR FREE!! Want to sell your... Cars, Bicycles, Furniture. Computers, Art, Books. Scooters. Skates, Skis, Stereos, etc...? Advertise with the Oregon Daily Emer aid to sail almost anything Advertise lor 4 days at regular rates and it the item does not sell wre will continue to run it at no additional cost until the item does sell This promotion does not apply to retail businesses Place ads at Oregon Daily Emerald office only room 300 EMU SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ANNONOALE rrdn t * Press ■> seat bay * i.., ...mpuler S4*.i 4H*i ' *4( JVi REWARD Schw. Super leTour »e*13 19 frame blat k hike bag groat • t'tkin Shoe pity 343 8266 155 COMPUTERS-ELECTRONICS ATTENTION EDUCATIONAL INSTITU TIONS FACULTY POST SECONDARY STUDENTS Huge discounts on computer equip n ,- ' fr. ti tr.,■ manufacturer Ar g.i i umma.1- ,.'>■! IBM ■ '• pat !• »• stern*. Macintosh Err-i-i!. n ... . i! . a•• Pm *•. Nil.-A ‘In..!*•' • , • • . M t ■ ' ' I E , af>< • Spe. i.ins! 14 «■ vVilia.. N .’ I ugene 4H' EVEREX COMPUTERS N A .IV .11 ,-lt »• HUGE SAVINGS 1 ail 683 4 764 »• *.t MAC ' i. K E • t- • . f a t • IBM > ,A ,c • , • »■*.!♦;■,! and /15k h>» Dan 683 3463 WANT TO cut down on late night work'1 i c HM P. ■ 160 SOUND SYSTEMS 165 INSTRUMENTS 170 RESALE CLOTHING Gentlemen’s Encore We pay TOP dollar lor Men's ami Women s clothing 1111 Willamette 343 6179 NOW BUYING 190 OUTDOOR RECREATION WHITEWATER RESCUE CLINIC An intensive one day clinic on Sal May 19th for rafters and kayakers who want to learn tech niques for whitewater rescues Cost: S10. Sign up by May 11 Informa tion x64365. Sponsored by the U ol O Outdoor Program 190 OUTDOOR RECREATION HEY WINDSURFERS' FOR SALE Mistral 6f- amlx” nd #»d •,» g P Afftu fun S200 C-r 34 }9601 r---J RECYCLE] 'HIS k PAPERK 195 TRAVEL 10 SEATS AVAILABLE return trip Eu gc*'e Par s ■ AA direct flight Jur e 14 with open return itate $900 adults $<>00 under 12 144 7635 or 683 9619 af tpf 5. offer good until hi 14 ONE WAY PLANE TICKET Eugene/IA * S.i* f amen to Lv 6/11 Wale $1‘>0 ( ,.ii 144 6390 ROUNDTRIP PLANE TICKET Portland New Jersey Lvtvfi ret 9/1 Call 346 9469 A!F41 INE TICKET c-ne way Eugene ’ Chicago (via D©nvc*»i June H S’60,0BO 34 3 0079 ?io OPPORTUNITIES - DID YOU KNOW? I ven though you an? enrolled Spring *- you need lo file an INTENT TO REGISTER CARD . . . • attend !".• SUMMER SESSION 'here is slit! time tn do d so Slop t>v > > l Oregon Man or Ihe Catf,*• ■? I SCAPE t iElD Studies seeKmg Put)h. " year 1990 9’ Student should put n i,rT> staff and volunteer placements - to.: Aj ; at:. •, .i..plat . • Mu I Mi 1 r d lue f , May 7 » ' ” .r r. * on tact Rot) Pel lev 5H0PO OF FK v Th£-‘ji PtXA&ePMVUfc ■it HAYS ASHkIHtD YOUR k*. HA.Arvn • •'Vc’i< »<> pr , .tot ro . ?. \A7( ''xHEJO'iHOEAGit t ■ - '47 • ■ TO THE A ItMOfty Of vn a- found*no pa there «?*> AiRBOPNl CHEERS' C'MOfi HONE>: UT^OeTTD oa# NEXT APPOINTMENT1 / 3' GOP V6LAPI SAW / 1H/S W!TH MY OWN EVES7 S/R iiJhATV HOMING SPECIAL Uf HAVE: ONE [My THIS W/U FOF BREAK- Au- & TOuKS, PAST' HONEY' \ \ '/'V--v^S> Saturday Market __\_ Browse the Market May 5th! Aeoliu ri& * c^i