Sports Nebraska to pose tough challenge By C am Sivesind tmerald Sports Reporter I ,ms will likely lie treated to one ot the most e\< iling tra< k and field events ol the year .Satur day when Nebraska comes to Hayward Held to challenge (Iregon The Oregon women have lost more than one dual meet already this year, something coach Turn lleinonen has not seen happen in Ins I I sea sons at the helm Nebraska has a good shot to hand Oregon a third loss Oregon's javelin duo ot Kmi Hyatt and Paula Berry have been relatively unchallenged this yeai but things could c liunge this weekend Nebraska's Nora Roi knnbauer had the na turn's second-best toss last year at Pit > She threw a season best 124-0 against Washington two weeks ago The mark is nearly five feel better than Hyatt's season best of net H. and tops Mer ry s season high of 1 tiH-4 The Cornhusker’s No 2 thrower. Sabrina Karnes, has a season high of 104-1 I 1 he one si or ing point granted to third place in the event i ould be i loselv i untested Rosie Williams. Oregon’s premier spriutei and last year's Pacifii 10 ( amference i hampion m the 200. is set to return to a< lion alter a week ot rehabilitation workouts The 100 and 200 spot nil ist is tentatively entered in the 200 and will an i hoi the 4\ 100 relay team Williams is undefeated in the 100 and 200 this year but the junior will receive a stiff work out in the 200 from Nebraska’s Xiinena Restrepo Rest repo, of (Colombia has i loi ked a > i IS in the 400 tins yeai She (dated eighth in the 200 at last year's Par 10 but Inis vet to attempt the event this season Nebraska's Ron Walker posted a 2 1 '> in the 200 this year, a mark good enough to break the \( \A provisional standard Pile meet will also boast a rematch between (fregon distant e mnnei I 1/ Wilson and Nebraska distance extraordinaire Sammie (aims ski Wilson and (idowski faced oil in tin* Si A \ A .not) a \ t Mr ago with Wilson taking seventh and tlm Nebraskan grabbing fourth I lin two also nmt at tlm 1‘iftH Pepsi learn In vitational at Havward I mid. svhere (Idovvski topped W ilson m tlm t oon bs morn than tlinm si‘t ontls Otlmr strong uvunts lor tlm (birnhuskers arc tlm Him 1 am and high jump Nebraska has Si A A provisional ipialifinrs 111 rai h rvunt I isa I Juries has a simsoii host ot O' .’0 in tlm HOO v\ 1111 teammate 1 ran Hensel 1 lost' ht'lnnd at J li ' 'Hi linnst'l has also nmt tlm provisional standard in tlm I dOO ss ith a 4 '0 clocking Oregon's top two Him runners 1 arid Hollimn and him Hutson, have bests in tlm 1)11 range good enough to 111 la 11 f v them loi the le.igue meet Until look to t ut those times with the impressive t ompelitinn Satin das In the high jump Nebraska's Mered> Porter has t lean'll let) a mark good enough tor the \( AA provisional Oregon's l aurel Koheits met the slam la nl as well with a a 111 ' 1 mark and will look to attain tin- automat 11 mark ot n (Pi Sat in das Katnala kohlmemr Oregon's iron woman, is III run the -tut) hurdles loi mils the second tune tills season to give tile I )ui ks a boost In the event hoh 1 under ssill also compete in her usual esents. the long lump and 100 high hurdles The junior posted I 1 areel best point total of a.llliti 111 the heptathlon 111 the 1 begun Ins national last sveek narrow Is missing the \’l AA provision al standard ol ... 100 I reshman Kells Hlau totaled i 0-l_' points in 111 ! first 1 nlleglate attempt ill the event Idle 111.ilk qualities her tor the Pai 10 meet along ssilh Kohlmeiei I he Ducks tioss have ! Pai 10 qualifiers lor a total ol J t entries hut base set In qu.ilifs an nth kite for the \( AA meet After dumping OSU, ballclub faces Bears | II III' ( .11 .111(111 gll thill lull I lilts -si iii«-iI hmi runs ,md slnlr six hast' In 111 >I till' (>r»*y*tn 1 si ill I1.1II h'.i in In 1 p.iii ul 7 0 wins m 1 1 ( lii'j^iin SI,ilr III 111 si l,i 1 in ( nrv.i I Its I hi' wins n [ i(i,-(I ih' I )ui k ■ ri i nrd In ."I J 1 I 1,11 r\ Sun minis .iihlril Iw11 runs 1 hi 1111«■ hils hi thn lirsl |- uni w lulu Innls Kilns . 111,i 1 ■ 11 Iw , 1 Kill Kim \1,1 li ning wtutl J im - 1 linlling 111 1 hr si'ciuul ,4,1 im s< nring lun runs ,mil getting three Kill Katie U li'sr (till Ill'll SCV I'll innings s. 1 \ ills |i lun lilts .1 tit) striking mil Ihe In gel Ihu win m tin' (i|ii'iii'r \nn,i I’uiiri' piii licil ,1 fmir-hllh'r Ini' lIn■ sis 11 nd \ irtnr\ I hc Ihu ks rnnktid 1 HIh in ill!' I,Ill's! (Urtioilill soil lull I (ml! r I tough 1 ll.ll letlge today win'll llliw host I hi’ eighth-ranked t aditornia (.nidi'll lli’tii s in a 1 ;i in I’ll! -Ill tioillllll-llllildl I ill llnwc I'li'UI ( it: Inis swept nil llirci' nl ihi' meeting he twi'i'ii Ihi' luiiiiis this si'iisun U hilu ()regon has strug gled tor nun h u! llits si'iisun, (iiilllnnilii is n 11 m 111 1 oming into ils uw 11 over the second hiilt nl thu yi'iir (l.i 1 It,id a ill-10 rut mil mi Man h 0. full lies Hour on a leal sllii r I li' ii u iiimtig ! T of i 1 to go I ’I i i miing mlo Iinlav s games I a ini mum impressive is II ill I hr lliiis hav e uuii eight m 'I iinv gn iin; up jllsl tlllrr lulls iiiti lllul slmli h I’lll lllllg blMMI till' m.iiiis|,i\ tin ( ,il nil \i\ii t in Hu.irs’ hitting J U Iimiti av eragu i isn 't m rrprnv ermg hul tor ,i g iluil purtioii i l ihu season thuir pin hing has liurn (lahtormn has a team I K \ ut Cl.lit good tor fifth in Ihu n.iiiun I'lltn aru lull by Ihu I) in IK A ami I ■ 1 1 rui Old at \11 i liulu (Irangei (danger. a suphuimm' has four no-hit lurs on ihu season a uuu si hunt rui old Slid also luads Ihu niiiiun in sirikuimis Id uiliiursi uru Ihu uilui ■ I ii, unuss ui Ihu Huai s pin h ing stall ( ail s u m s/ pili hur statistically is Koliyu burgess who spurts a !s)-~ rui oril ami a (I H4 I KA Offensively Cn! is lull In ihu lull ol slnirlsiiip Sue ja< ijuu/ |ai quu/ imprinml hur team-leading balling average In IIP In going 12- I! dur ing the v\ inning streak I Aar f'omimmuy ('ollcpr l*efh S ' Midnight M *if . .n paifiith. on fn 4 Sal Oni» Nuns on the Run 't Q & A Lisa Miami Blues Guardian Tango & Cash Glory Cinema Paradtso Little Mermaid Hard to Kill Crazy People Ernest Goes to Jail My Left Foot School UNIVfgSm Of OftfGON of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E 18th Ave DRUMS, DRUMS, DRUMS Children's Concert Series Sat., May 5 10.30 a.m. $3 Adults. $? Children, or $5 lor a Family "HANSEL & GRETEL" UO Opera Workshop Sat., May 5 3 pm. $6 50 General Admission $3 50 Students Seniors 4 CHAMBER QUARTET Faculty Artist Senes William Hunt. Leslie Slraka, David Straka. Barbara Palmer Mon., May 7 8 p.m. S-t Genera! Admission $2 Students Seniors 0 UOTUBA ENSEMBLE Student Er J Wed., May 9 8 p m FREE For more information, call 686-3761 (Music School) j ■ L ookmg tor a good deaP Check the Emerald ADS QV)f^' £#***'*" s109 ',09.95 „0Qt9t"st SfJtJV-^59 SP o^s $89-95 .,sPotfs • , $59-95 S°w ’" ktJ\iE^ „r rtS-^50 * $79.95 EO .95 o A9 4 79