——Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald ___Inside_ ■ I'nivorsitv Day coming. Pago 4 ■ Kncon1! section. Page 7 ■ I .opr/, top sleeplei hasor, Pago 10 ■ Hallclub swoops OSlPage 11 I rid.i\ M.n -1 1040 Klip nr ( lii'pm \ ohmic o 1 \umhri I ! Head of the class lirapliii design major Tod (luenther si nlpts h it It a special clay made hv Ins draw jin’ and modeling < lass in Law reiu t‘ 11,ill I he i lav is designed to have more stolidity and less shrinkage than (military modeling i la\ Photo l>\ Ste\ i* ( .ml Nuclear free zone still under debate Court ruling in Oakland helps opposition's cause B\ lIon Walker I merald \smm i.ilf t ditor \ new tu is! has I'tilrrcil tin* li h a I mnli'.ii live /ami* i uiilrn versv hut supporters ol ,i stronger nuclear lift* /mu* s.i\ thi'V ilu not foresee an eltei I on I lie nil v elei I ion Mav la hast I ill lav a tedeial judge ill I laid a rid ( .d d stile I tliiun tIn* i itv s nuclear In*i* onli nance In two w 1*1 k an inili-t will hi* iti*livi*ri*il on whether to remove tin* law That decision could pnten Iiall\ ath-i t main ol tin 11a turn's Hill nm In,n lti*i> /.mins including l.ugetie s ai i ording to / 7ir /vVgisfei I ■tunI ()n Vfiiv 1 a Measure -’ll III w ill ask I 11\ voters w lielliet an amendinellt should he aihled to the i itv i mini il i hartei to strengthen the i itv s existing mu leal tree /one ordinani e l.iigene voters in I'lHh and 1'IHH supported measures that designated the i itv as a nut leal tree /one In 1UHM the ( itv ( OUIH d elei led to replace the plan volets had approved with .1 stripped down version, i llmg constitutional problems with the original i hr rvlstlng urilui.ini r |>m hibils | ir< >« i in. i n,u stonily m li sting mu 11sit ur.ipuns .nnl thru I.iiil!|i(illrilt*. I hr pm CITY t l T CTIONS Vote! J | wo |'11'•<-II i li.it If i amendment fill nr C.hiseK rest1ml>I#• tlic ve I s h in v liters Hr ii e .ip|Hn\ I I lie amendment would e\ leml llie |iniiuliilions In ini Imlr mil mils nui le ai weapon!* .iml i nin|)iinfills lull also Ilini ile liver\ systems and ttimmuilll a I Hill s\ stems III addition, an elei led bu.iid Would lie lormeil In mumlni luisinesses and am nui li ar le laleil ai llvities in the i il\ Slev e (ohllsull Vli e i halt nl Committee tu Keep I tlgene \u i lear Iree maintained the i hai lei amendment uuiild nut in tin tel e with ailivities ut the turn tu \t /, Pa^e 11 University hopes to prevent weekend riot Warm weather stirs uneasiness B\ ( hris Bouneft I (lieraItl Assoc idle Editor I tic l 'niversity is co-sponsoring two vvcekcnti events .mil student response te.iuis will be on dutv as the rumpus (.oininuuitv heads into annthei ( men de Mayo celebration It was one year ago Saturday tliat two Slav r> celebrations at 14 th Avenue and ferry Street got out of control ton ing Eugene polii e to don riot gear and break up a i rowd of At 10 people And it was |cist over a month ago i rowels of 200 t" .)()() people at two pai ties m the same area grew out of con trol I bis time authorities turned to tear gas m one instance w it limit warning to disperse tile gatherings Each of these ini icients had one thing in common warm weather And tore casters sa\ today will be in the mid Mils and Saturday also looks good on the weather map "It’s a big unknown. said El.line tireen University assistant dean ot stu dents, referring to the possibility oi a riot Saturday "It just depends on the chemistry, I guess Green, who serves on the Gommumty Relations Task lone, said officials feel some anxiety as the weekend nears, but that the University hopes to prevent unvailing by c<> sponsoring two campus events Photo In Smltr kjmri \Sl'() President \nd\ Clark I(enter) and student response teams will patrol the community Saturil.n as they have in recent weekends, hoping to defuse po tential polo e-student confrontations. Mi l hA the (dnrano ami l.atmo stu dent union, is sponsoring tiinners ami dam es both i ridav ami Saturda> night Tiie I'niversitv ami ils residem e halls are hosting .1 ' Springiest" on iiump\ l.uinpv Liwii with live hands ami re i.orded musie from tl a in to midnight Saturday (Ireen said tile i riliversit\ requested a noise variant e from tile 1 11\ and is handing out fliers to residents near the dorms informing them of the event and im iting them to partn ipate Moreover, student response teams will continue patrolling tor parties and ai tiny* as the first warning for partvgoers when the Kugene polit e ... a noise i omplamt That and the other events and the campus t ommulutv task forte these are the things we've heen doing for tins weekftld ( deell saltl (apt rim Birr puhlit information of flier tor the Kugene polite said .nidi Turn to Weekend, Page 6 Video to lure UO minority undergrads into teaching B\ Stephanie Holland l morale! Reporter In an etti a I In ••in our ige mini >i ities In seek leadership positions III soi li'l V the I niv el ■. 11y s Col lege ot I ■ I in .it ion has developed a multimedia presentation to rei nut mmurits students to teai hmg ra leers It presents leal pit lures ot real teai hers in the i l.issrooni so |stu dents) ran imagine what it would he like to be there themselves, said t isi Kes Holds. a dot (oral stu dent in eiirrii tiluin and instrui lion and produi er of the slide show I lopefullv w e i an inspire them. she said I lie 111 minute presentation, whir It shows Hme (.omits rnmoi its teai hers speaking about then own eduialion and teai lung ia reers. will he used h\ the l)i\ ersils in Kit in ation Consortium as part iit a mmoritv ed n ation rei mil ment (irogram I'he consortium, whir h was Turn to Video, Rage b