_Sports_ Painful split hurts Duck softball B\ Cam Sivesind Emerald Sports Reporter Things went from vtr<>ot to h,iil to worse tor the Oregon women's softball team Uednes d.H against I’ortl.imi State at t lim e field The Ducks jumped .ill over the Vikings in the first game taking a 7-1 win behind the pilt lung of Katie Wiese W iese upped her record to 1'* 10 (lame two had the i rowd iit 22H wondering if the Ducks thev just saw were around The Vikings took advantage ot Ore gon errors and held on for a I II victory Oregon, now 77-2 1. led off game one by shelling I’SU pitcher Kristin Jacobs Julie Cavanaugh and Jeanna King singled to load first and se< ond base for the Ducks Kim Man ning, who was tilling in for a beiu hi'd I)antn Senner cranki'd .1 hit off the first base man that bounced down the right foul line to drive in ( av aiiaugh Tra< rv Simmons lined the ball over third to drive in King and Manning came around to score on a missed throw to set ond The inning ended when Simmons was 1 aught stealing third The Viking--, who own a t'i I 1 ret onl. got their onl\ run in the fourth inning when third baseman Apollunia linccu//u hit a double to left that proha blv should have heeii 1 aught The I till ks retaliated 111 the fifth with king ( ranking .1 don hie to ( enter that drove in ( a\ anaugli who had stolen second earlier Manning then hit a sai 1 dice to right center to st ore king t ,at( her Joelv halers puru lied Track Continued from Page 8 .ind van Kensliurg uvvns a I’K of 14 1 4 1 Those Iwo and I lank Oraham lifetime I’K of 4 in (in will match up with Oregon's I in Peterson who i loi ked t 44 (Hi last week and im ns ,i I’K ol 14 1 7*1 Then there's the a (Hit) where Kirin will be taking on the Ducks' lirad Hudson and Peter Fonseca K irln . the Hig Fight ( outer erne's trackster ol the month tor April, ran a school record 14 a I ta m a dual meet two weeks ago Hudson owns a life time best of It >4 14 14 11.' 1 this year, and Fonseca ran a 14 04 VI I’K last week Without a doubt Dellinger sees the 1. >110. steeplechase and a,000 as i ru< nil events for both teams "Kiglit from the beginning we need to do well in the 1 i0() steepiei base and a.tHM)." lie saiii Besides Inn ing their distant e strengths in t ommon both teams have laced a common foe this year Washington I'lie Huskies ended Oregon's dual meet vii tor\ at 2t> earlier this year with a HI 7*1 victory and beat Nebraska *1507 two w eeks ago, llowevei Kwi/era and sever al othe! (Ornlucskers were at the Ml SA( Relays that das and Dellinger knows the team he will face Saturday is a differ ent team than the one the Hus kies clobbered "They're a belter team (hail they were against Washing toil. he said Ibis is a meet that u ill be \ er\ i ompetitne Oregon is still struggling from injuries which i ould play a key part in the meet Dellinger said Latin Berry (bruised heel) will long jump but won't triple jump "unless it s absolutely necessary Spencer Williams (groin in jury) will compete ill both hori zontal jumps, but sprinter Klaus Weigeldt (hamstring) won't run the relays and might not be able to go at all jimmy Howarth. returning from the i hii ken pox will be in the Him I)RI\M\(, Wl) I)KI\ INC CAN KILL \ I R11 NDSHie IllttttM'S. tint 11 k (■ 1 \ Unlit ill- I I,l( till Injuries have plagued the l)mks all season and it hasn't made things eas\ for He I linger "We’ve had our share of had I ink he said I think the big gest fui tor was lielure the sea soil when the \< \.\ dealt us a blow h\ del hiring lose deSou/.l ineligible, whii h was an injus In e to the young man All 111 all we've stumbled through the season, but othei than stumbling in our fust meet, we've won all the rest." Dellinger said "We irate not been overpowering but we ve managed to w in CHmiHSi Custom-Crafted Eyeglasses In About An Hour GRAND OPENING! Mav 6-12 • Over 3000 Frames • Friendly service • Vision exams • Satisfaction guaranteed • Student and Senior Discount • Contact Lenses 400 Valley River Center (503) 687-2926 [r Lerner, Ph.Dl SUOl AXGER > >> I'AI’l RBAi K i| GENERAL BOOK 1 DEPARTMENT r SECOND FLOOR THE DANCE OF INTIMACY A Woman's ( Slide to C Courageous Arts Ot ( hange In key Relationships -by Harnet Goklhor Lerner, Ph.D W Irittcn b\ an acclaimed expert on the psychology of women atul the author ot l he Donee ot \n^er, a New \ orA. I ime> bestseller, I he l to nee t>/ Ituimoc\ presents a whole new definition of intimacy and outlines the steps necessary to achieve it. Hie Dunce o/ hitmuii ■ demonstrate how uood rela tionship*' can be strengthened and difficult ones tan be healed. IV. 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UO Bookstore 13lti & Kincaid Ml 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 346 4331 ;111 fielder to si me Kilers making the score 7- I Wiese held the Vikings to one lot in the final two stan/.ns to noli h the w in Oregon piti her \nn.i I'oore had a rough go m game two The \ ikmgs rattled six hits oft the sophomore arid Oregon fielding w as no help either l ilt' I )ui ks committed two el rors with the second. .1 poor throw to thud base, allowing a run to st ore \fter five innings the st ore was knotted at 1 1 The Vikings broke the tie in the sixth when Hot t u/.zi lined a single over set out 1 hast* to si ore Mil hole 1 luglies Ihe I links pi,is at Oregon State Indus in a make up game from last weekend's laiilotil I’holo bv Sieve ( anl junior tirst baseman lulie Cavanaugh haunt es a hit ott her an Lit' against I’nrtlantl State. The l)mks split .1 tlouhleheatler m ith the l iking*