Continued from Page 1 ,i problem from tin perspei 11\>*. but 1 m not looking .it the problem from .I business point of viru s.iid Jon Dav is. who is Pearl But k s sole i olh'i tor of rei y< fable material at the l Diversity "1 think we ran afford to look at this primarily as an environ mental effort than a business one, " fie said Davis said he plans to submit the I’hvsic al Plant an otter to run the program himself in order to continue it as it is now Kaplan said the lot k of revenue is due to a v;1111 in the ret u I mg market o< < nrring fiet ause of ret \t ling efforts nationwide File 1 'Diversity needs to v iew ret vt ling as a long term invest ment that will realize returns once the market pit ks up Kaplan said. "When it tome down to econo mil s. it’s always an immediate need." Kaplan said I hey don’t understand the long term value of this Tire program’s sui t esses int hide the redut lion of paper mate rials in the dormitory dining halls which saves the University money, and a better general awareness of recycling on i ampus Kaplan said Kaplan and Davis s.iid they are concerned the Physical Plant won’t give the program the energy it needs to be effei live "The Physical Plant doesn't have the vision or heart 1 lew tend to look at it from a business perspet live Dav is said Moreover, both said the I niversitv must take a bigger role to provide a better program and ere mirage more rei vt ling Kaplan said she plans to talk to Physical Plant olle i.ds and meet with President Myles Brand in the next lew weeks In disi lis tin' I ’niversitv s needs and options "It's up to the University to make some ol these changes and make it an appealing program." Kaplan said "We’ll see what we i an do to fat ilitale changes MEChA Presents Cinco de Mayo Cultural Performances University of Oregon May; ■* • r^ay '4 , f rec/Gf .it iv« ■-*» Mf P uit ur nl Night nil tlnl !nmm : ' i* rr* wasrtir^in . Il.yr !,«/ f, 10 KJP I HI MM H (II nA V * POR i NCO 0 MAYO Eugene’s westside neighborhood cafe, fea turing home baked breads and desserts. Mexican, vegetarian and meat entrees Good food at a reasonable price Weekend Dinner Special — Friday & Saturday TOMATILLO ENCHILADAS, Brown Rice, Refried Beans, Green Salad.S4.95 W 5th at Lawrence 7 a m to 9 p m Mon-Sat 7am to 2 p m Sund pm featuring a I am.tie I’ie i eoipe Promotions \);; m store promotions svill feature Kxxls sshuh we (eel are partial laris lile enhancing rather than simply those vthich are i-lfeied to us at temporarily reduced cost. ( a UStO Share the delights ol fresh, natural asking with our c.tss to use recipes llasor test the recipes yourself u: freijuent in store tastings V»u i .m m.ikt- .i cliff i-rcmi*. t .i- t.» preserve icnt f •»- »t\ r •* m r ■ ‘ t t Sv- t t rvor\ I At^ * <*r M-- !.im „• » r, Kt* . 1 ' • < *«!h > • !■’ * «TV > ",r V: . «. - -f iJ.UUtf *i€ h lim r v i y » « ri> K*»; r K». •>: * k *h<*r * > i l*gc ■* n« *•! nr\ - fr\ h*,; *thjM have i i > 5 i M -ii r Sundance Natural Foods 24m & Hu.yakd Oi n 8am ii>*m 343 9142 ------— Why Peace Corps? HIM I ITS • Receive $5(XX) Upon Completion Ol Service • Student I oan Determent Or Partial C ancellation • transportation to And I torn ( ountrv < )t Set s ice • 48 I)ays Paid Vacation • I till Medical And Dental ('overage sa//1 nn i i or\u \ i • Obtain Valuable Supervisors \ Manager lal Sk ills • l eatn \nothei I anguage • (tbtain Wot k I xpet ience Independent ()l l tires ( Supet\ ision • I’u! I heoietical knowledge lb I’raetical lIse ALTRUISM • Make A C ontribution lo World Peace • Utilize Your Skills Where l hey Are Most Needed • He A Part Of A Positive U.S. Presence Overseas PEACE CORPS: AN EXCELLENT INVESTMENT IN YOUR FUTURE! Information I able: Wed.. Thurs.. May 2-3 I All I .obbv, d a.m l p.m Sink- Presentation Public Invited I burs . May < 7: ft) d Mlp.m. Walnut Room, I Ml "Peace ('orps (fpportunitues World Wide", presented In I ugene former Peace (’orps volunteer Scheduler! Inters levys Wed . May 16 Sign up in advance. Placement Center, Hendricks Hall lele Uh 3235 Urine voui completed application to the interview