*5 off Converse Shoes *4 off Vans Shoes *3 off Vision Shoes *2 off Airwalk Shoes *1 off Posters & Tapes Sizes :j through 1 7 57 West Broadway, In the downtown mall • 687 0139 Introducing: The Bestseller You won't find at the Newsstand. Here's .1 hook ill.n s alsc.iss on the host solloi n list \S. 1111 ,i l Lane!) check ^ine account. you won't have to between the lines io luul the moral ol the storv > s', iiiU'isst ['.nit to * \p\ bs'hiss sJt 111 iimiiimi.4 . iu. 1 vi 3. Is null .ill l‘ri>K\ 1 mil I 1 res' \ilk* 1 uaii I \pu * i i til ,K s," In S ■ 'III ,ki mini ihiiuiL’Ii tils' I. SsluilHV .Illil < II I U - Os'lSS ill ki IKII * u\ I .Il p. isil . 'I mill .H i 1 passliiA 1. So. ills' IK'\I 11 Ills' MHI IV.Isi ills' Is'.Hills's ol SiHII s Ils's k hook. I s'Ills'lllhs'I .1 I 1 .Ills' ( 1 s Ils's kills! .Is's'l HI III h.is .1 h.ipps orulinp uo I I till \ I I'll \ SI i.s" :.u' s< I s lili l >! 0 slink III' A I !11J*i" V * \ ' NCliA CIRRUS P0£|00 Continued from Page '> while Japan anil U Vst Or mam warn only permitted to figure out wavs of budding Y( Ks. she said 1 he existing situation i reates a net dram of $>1 .000 |irr hu gene resident in federal taxes to subsidize tIn■ rest of the < oun tr\ through defense appropria tions. I tow its sard Thanks to former I ’ S Son Wavne Morse Oregon is a di* militarized /one between Washington and < alifornia. wJiic h derive e< onornii strength from defense-related spending. Rowers said, addins lh.it (fregon < an reap the re ward of a peace dividend with nothing to lose One open mike speaker stlg gested the peai e dividend i mild he used to i hange si hool funding from an inconsistent properts tav based svslem. and change schools into 'magnet si hools which means tilings are done right Another speaker said tile Re public ans were elected in 1‘IHO with .1 stated agenda of getting government out of social ser Tin; EMU Cl I.TI KAI, FORUM PRESENTS ANOTHER HERITAGE MUSIC CONCERT From Norway! Champion Hnrdnngcr Fiddler KNIJT BIJEN also icaturim’ Xonwyian Folk Dancers REIDAR MEINSTAD and KARIN BRENNESVICK \ ( (Hu ert and I)ano(* Tlmrs, Ma\ 1 8pm EMU Ballroom SH (amoral Public • S4 1 ’ of () Students ; iv.nl.il.Ir .If KMI M.iiit Desk n Bullfiilwr \1usit THE COLLEGIAN, U of O lot .tied »v m i Summi i S.' l*i iv owned In SI I l l(. I AMU V I’KOI’I Kills Hellevue, VV.tsli ini|ton Phone I 800 950 0885 oi (200) 454 0885 A/.iAe i*iit/ ii’vervii non! Get Summerized! at JCPenney 25% OFF All Junior Tees. Shorts & Swimwear April 22-May 5 l Su imu car sale cuds 4 2N i JCPenney «iv.,no Rivet i enter '42 62 I I \ u t's "1’A erv time 1 hear Ke publican i ountv i ommissioners complain about it I want to vomit.'' he said Other open-mike speakers said they would like increased spending on improved and re stored publii transit and utill ties edm ation health i are. so i ial safety nets, and greater law enforcement against while-col lar crimes A tape of the meeting's first hour will he aired tonight on kl,( ',( I .it ti .il) p ill The event, held in Harris Hall .it Bth Avenue and Oak Street, was sponsored b\ Hu gene I’eaceVVorks Oregon I’eaccWnrks ( ireen Pol it it al At tion t airnmittee and the ('.urn mittee to keep kugene \ut leal I ree Insurance_ C onllimed from Page I that would include domestic students in IH‘11‘12. Curran said Alter Tli percent of students tailed last week to keep partic 1 pation in the health insurance program voluntary. Sill! is again looking for an insurance carrier that will offer a poiitt for a limited number of stu dents "We would like to increase some of the benefits offered to students" such as increasing the maximum i overage i ap and improving mental health liene tits VYvckoft said "Hut we have to lie realistii Wvckulf said he was dis.ip pointed that more students did not consider the two waiver up twills espet iall\ students ( Ul rentH enrolled in the ASl () program, who would hare hen eflied most Hut \Yv< kutt said he had no regrets a hunt the wav Si I IC had handled the insurance issue this year \Ye pul in a lot of woik edu cating students about insut ante," lie said "We did nut tail to address the issues we tailed In c unvinc e students "U e hav e debated this toi a long time.'' W\i kotl said "We've approached solutions hill ue haven't ac i epted them SPRINGFIELD SCIENTIFIC SUPPLY Hours: Mon. Sat. 10am-6pm 726-9176 1124 Main St. Springfield * mJNDERlAND * CiHE AT FOR PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS 54VIDE0 ALL games work withnickels GAMES AOMISSION m so STM STRUT PUBLIC MARKET • EUSERE • $13 B4S4 IHm't yiu- up looking! Tr> I (M \M) KOI Nl) in lilt classifieds.