C omnumitN Citizens discuss Peace Dividend Federal debt may swallow peace funds B\ Dan Eisler Emerald Reporter 1 .ot .11 i iti/ens expressed < riti ( ism of defense spending and presented their wish-lists at the National Peace Dividend Speak-Out on Wednesda\ night The public meeting was part of a national event, held in till litres, to discuss what to do with Pentagon funds in the post-t add War era Citizens were invited to join in open-microphone dialogue on where the "Peace Divi (lend" is needed most in Lane (lounts and what kind of organ ization is needed to meet those needs Present at the meeting were |eff Slier, representing I S Kep. Peter Del'azio (1) ()re ) state Sen Crattan kermis (1) Kugene), Lane Counts Cornmis sioner |errs Kust, Oregon Peai eWorks ,k livist ( llise How ers and Kugene (ids Councilor Shawn Holes Die program was moderated In IsLCC broadcast or Alan Siporin "We are not here to debate whether to transfer money from the militars to domestii needs, we've wasted -Hi sears on that. Siporin said at the intro dm linn to lim meeting However Slier questioned whether there would he ,i pern e dividend her .-use of the tripled national debt generated during the Kenyan admimstriilion h\ .1 r ombination of a trillion tie tense huild-up and lax 1 uts s it ion .ind the peace dividend s .1 |»iirl ol tli.it Holes said .iilil i n i^ along with Kura ns t li.it .t re turn to pre Reagan federal rev enue sharing with states and i ities could he Used tu improve the pnhlit infrustrui lure, social programs and edui ation ‘We are not here to debate whether to transfer money from the military to do mestic needs; we've wasted 40 years on that. ’ Alan Siporin Mini!I $170 billion dollars or 10 percent ol the federal budg et is allot ateil to pav the inter est on the debt, and is the budget's fastest growing seg merit. Slier said Other excuses are given lor the lai h ol a peai e cl I v itlentl Hides noted I i out lime to bear vve c an t bate a peai e dividend because we have the federal savings and loan industry bailout.' Holes said The government seems to be willing to spend monel to i base i roninals from the lower sol ioet onOHlit level ' We re in the start ol a trail ( )M)A> s tHK( H UIikM i \ luncheon Specials Hot & Sour Noodles Chicken & vegetable $3.95 f psljn<- \cv/ to l III!> Huok'IO/f CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT i i i iiti ; i ; LIhbissirdi I UNIVERSITY BRANCH 831 EAST 13TH 683-5577 loll I rrr 1-H00 88H I7‘l'l Hours 8:00 to iO M l 0:00 to 1:00 S.tt Lowest Fares Anywhere All Major Credit Cards Accepted Wolff TANNING SPECIAL *35 *50 I S sessions 1 5 sessions ► 345-3491 Enhancers offers a cozy, private room with a fan and headphones You get...a deep, dark, beautiful tan _ o VKA‘ 99 W. 101h, 1st Floor Atrium. Downtown Mon-Sat 8-8 • 345-3491 I hi'. 11hintr\ is imploding in .1 si.lie of tiii.inii.il .iiid moral disintegration, Honors said, adding that. "()ur greatest tear is not ot an outside power but iil e.u It other The I S ( old W at strategi ot undermining the Soviet I'nions ei ononis siua .ended and under milled the l 'uited States IIU u ei ouomv in the pror ess liowers said Mean lurn to Poa< e, Page *> 7 :'Myth and The Tower of Joseph Campbell Critique 1 Mars '.Hitt ‘Jorum ■ ‘fystoration Campus Ministry A leaf mum tv tht branch.'’ It was u butterfly. Master stor\ teller and best-selling author Joseph ( amplxll oprnt'd up the world of imth and nnsterv to itiillions through his hook and television series “The Power of Mvth”. But do his views fit together Inst allsDoes he fairlv and adequatelv present Christian beliefs'.* Is there a meaningful alternative to his imthit world v lew I lus lest ore will respond to these and other pressing ipiestions retarding mvth and the power of Jo seph Campbell. \ question answer session vs ill follow the lei lure. ‘J rulay 'May 4th - ‘Bert Linder H(pom ■ 12:30 p.m. I'lM'U - ‘Jorum yum by Ikni/fU) yiwthuu. M A fftuioseptiyoutrun at iLnngikvy Oh ArH' AjS ^ Li5fiE3Xt'JiLf/!TiG4.,-iK i H.tv t vi'‘’settm< i CMsro up arxi amnra >.v<» ► Letter Perfect Graphics, 346*4381 NE NEED TC WAKERQf* We’re moving out some s J typewriters to make room for new models and prices are rock bottom! brother 320 Typewriter Basic, easy-to-use • Full line lift-off correction • Automatic underline and return MFR 299 96 S,TAy SALE 135.00 brother 340 Typewriter • Word spell alerts you to spelling errors / • Auto bold, underline, centering Easy-to use color-coded operation MFR 31995 EVERYDAY 229 95 —A SALE 185.00 brother 380 Typewriter ► • 7-8 page memory • Word spell with word scan 1 • Many automatic functions MFR EVERYDAY 499.95 399 95 SALE 325.00 UO Bookstore 13th ft Kincaid M-F 7:30-6:00 SAT 10:00-6:00 346-4331