Musique Gouriqet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC & OPERA ON COMPACT DISC CD s FROM $5 95 CLASSIC FILMS ON VIDEO LASERDISC NEW LOCATION In the Filthpearl Building 207 f 5th Avenue OPEN 7 DAYS 343-9000 CHILDREN S SATURDAY v ' SA TURD A Y, MAY 5 12-1 P.M. AGES 3-8 GENERAL BOOK DEPT. UO Bookstore M I • i1' SA I I. i'f'i- » i 'in & Kmc Aid ill l. II University Recycling group meets tonight Ml ! HA't.S TRASH's Oregon Ret y< ling \i I Campaign group meets tonight ;tt-t> in KMC (Century Room i) Students for (.realise Anai hronism will meet and hold a ( ostume making and repair workshop tonight at H HI in Room \o ! Agate, behind the R( )T( offu e _Et a Is ( iri le K International meets tonight at lr HI in I All ’ ( edar Room I I’nsl aw Society meets tonight .it 7 in I All ’ ( ••ntnr\ Room I to hold elei lions and disi uss the street fair Women in Transition's lesbian Support (■roup meets today at I HI |i m in TA11' < .i• iitnr\ Room T Women in (Communications will hold an in formation meeting for anvone interested in being .1 new officer and for a visit to KM1R Tile meet ing will lie held today at -1 ill p m I'niversity Democrats meets tonight at t> HI in ICMl Suite ! to nominate c iff it ers for next year and revise In laws Students for the Kthical Treatment of Ani mals meets tonight at t> in TAll t Cellar Room 1) ( hi Alpha Christian ministry meets tonight at 7 HI m I All (Cedai Room A Sl’T.AKTCRS AM) I .ICC I I RI.S William llarsey. noted designei and makei ot steel I urged kins es, sv ill present a slide lei ture tonight at ' in the I Ml Hen lander Room ( indy Benton, t (immunity relations duet tor loi T< 1 < Cable will given ion to the Pub lit Relations Student Sot lets of America tonight ,il 5 to in Room 2 1 1 Alli'ii \dvertising in Kugene is the subjec t >1 an ()i 1'iMiii Voice Week presentation to lie hold Friday from I 1 10 to I 2 20 in KMl' Suite 5. "The Promise of World Peace" is the title of ,i slide let lure to he given toda\ at 1 to in the l Air Hen Linder Room The let tore is sponsored hv the Hahai t '.ainpus Association "A l.ahor Party in the C.S." is the title ot a let tore to lie given by Tony Ma/./ot t hi tonight at 7 to in Room 100 Willamette Columnist Don Bishoff and commentator Russell Saddler will dismiss their crafts in a fo rum sponsored hv the Sot letv for Professional journalists tonight at 7 in Room 22 1 Allen. "A Peasant Rebellion in lttth Century Yuca tan" is the title of a presentation to he given to night hv Don Duinond at 7 .to at the Museum of Natural History. 1510 K. 15th Ave. MISt Ll.l.ANF.Ol'S Paragliding is the subjet t of a video and dis cession to he presented tonight at 7 to in the Outdoor Program in the FAIL! basement “Financ ial Planning for Your Child's Kduc a tion" is the title ol a workshop to he held tonight at 7 at Child Care Inc 100 \ Washington St near the west end of Skinner’s Unite Park Oregon Voice Week's Hig house meeting and party will he held tonight at 0 10 in the 1-Ail’ M.i pie Room. t ree blood pressure < him will he offered hv the Asklepiads today from 0 a in to i p in in the PM I Lobby Students interested in the 5th year ccrtilic a tion educ ation program are invited to to a work shop tonight at 5 in Room Li2 Pduc ation THE SPRING GOLD RUSH IS ON! $75 $50 $25 OFF OFF OFF 18K 14K 10K Order NOW for an additional $20 OFF! J( )STEXS May 4, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. $30 Deposit Required UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10:00 6 00 346 4331 Spring Into Summer Clearance Sale! TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON SELECTED MERCHANDISE 20% to 50% OFF Sale Starts Thurs.. May 3 through Sun.. May 6 • Ivory Trading Sportswear • Fitness Apparel • Running Activewear • "IR" Sweat Clothing • Swimwear • T-Shirts. Shorts & More V " '■ M. * ■ • 94 vVr.' Bf adway • f ugen* Ore ; • U.j 1288 ■ A>** ’.0*r. [uflf,n-_