Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 03, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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Mo dignity
In response to Denise ('lit
ton's artu Ie "being gay not
'had.' but not easy" {ODE.
April 25) I would like to e\
press mv outrage As a reader
of the Enwraltl. I am appalled
at the suhjei t matter
Regardless of whether it is a
homosexual or .1 heterosexual
relationship, society does not
need to he informed of their in
timacv No insight was gained
hv sharing their "rowdy sex"
w ith us d ins offensive material
(referring to that part it ular par
agraph) does not belong in .1
paper It should he in the trash
The Emerald has shown its
lai k of dignity and lac k of re
sped for its readers
Andrea t liilds
As a local 1 itizen tor the Iasi
14 years and one ol the organ
izers of the 1‘1‘HI Karth l)av tau
nt Alton linker Park I want to
express mv great displeasure at
the April 22 and 2 1 issues of
'/Vie K’eg/.sfer (iiuird dealing
\\ ith Karth Dn\
'The condescending "So non
it 's Karth Da\ " art it le on April
22 was nothing hut contemptu
ous of the current destrut lion
that is 01 1 urring every day on
our world Then more galling
w as the pit turn of the mud
tie.iks on the front page of the
April 24 issue with no story on
the i ommuniu non-profit or
ganizations volunteering then
efforts to int reuse awareness of
what is happening to our
home and no t overage of the
speakers and musii inns that ol
feretl then heartfelt words and
songs .it thr i*velit
This "loral paper" instead
(men'll the National scene on
page A l and tile Portland
si rue on page (' t The com
m 11 nitv supporters who could
not attend along with the .1.1)00
people who cared enough to
( ome out in the rain have been
slapped in the face by an over
bearing local force called the
/v’r.gistrrT iiuirtl
Therefore. 1 am c ailing lor a
hovi ult (it the paper l>\ tins
i ommunitv until the powers
ill.it he demonstrate an ohli^pi
lion to the communitv tu .nle
ipintelv (over the events that
happen here in .1 eomprehen
sive manner I’lease join me on
U'cdnesd.o M.iv u in front of
the Ki'iiislrr-dti.inl liuihlinK to
|iri>test its ,ml 1 environmental,
.mil 1 omnnmitv hi.is
I’hil Neberyall
(.r.nlu.ile student
1*0 Hot 'I'1*, ^ufrnr < hrjf»»o 40'
The Ofoyi.n Daily Emerald is published Mr.- .1 ,»v thn.uyh * -* i.•» «•* ilu- • ,
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