ITEn$ N'FW-U^EO -AI5U5EI*> ART AND SCHOOL SUPPLY SPRING CLEANI UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 346 4331 _Sports_ Oregon players make AII-Pac-10 tennis team Three Oregon women s ten ms players ami one member of tin- men s team were named to the allT.n iti< 10 (lonlereni e team Tuesday ( ommissioner Thomas 1 Innsen announi ed Senior kiinn Nagamoto. Ore gun women's top singles play ei was named as the third pit k on the team behind I’laver ot the Year Cindy Olejat ami Mur\ Keilly , both of \\ ashington Nagamoto linished the sea son w dh a 11 1 4 singles tei ord as the Dm ks top singles plasei during the loot) season She also established a si hoot re< ord tin i areel \ ii toi les with n 1 Senior \mtiei (ioheen was the idth pic k alter finishing w ith a 1 " 1singles rei ord and teaming with Nagamoto foi an lilt mar k i n doubles play Junior Hillary Roberts was i hosen foi the sistii position on the team Roberts spent most ot tlie season playing m the Dm ks set olid singles spot and ( ompiled a loll record Roberts also teamed w dh shelley Brandi in Oregon's se< olid singles position lo lake a ! n ft rc( onl iin iho simmiii Olejar. .1 junior. was HI 10 llii*. um[ and won the Northern I)ivision i hampionship in sin ulrs ()n thn men’s side (fregon’s Kevin (lory u .is the Hut ks’ lone seleilion at fourth t lory had .1 singles record of ! f> 15 on the \ear and finished his < areer with i.1 wins, good lor sislh J> 1 ar e on ( hegon's all-time list Washington’s Aaron tiross was pit ked as the Northern 1) 1 vision plaver of the \e,ir in the conference (iross. who won the Northern Division champi onship. had .i in H singles re cord on the \ear Washington dominated the all 1 onferem e Northern Divi sion teams with seven players chosen for a total of I J post tions lour l!tish\ men and three women were chosen Washington Stales Art Lam fieri w as the only seine tion for the (lougars Washington's Doug Ruffin was pit ked men’s 1 nu ll of the year and l.isa Mohlrem the w omen s COUPON«»»»»i " f^ INTRODUCES Tlit' Ken Gwuiiirx Cruum C’pfpi Ci'fxn Sec ‘M Tr ftefmu1 9t I'lH ’RniRAPHS PRiN’S TRANSS'ARLNUS • Kiiv. SL U ■ t S : SHIRT TRANSFERS 30% OFF All Copies & Color Copier Services with this ad Otter ends 5/18/90 - 344-4510 605 E. 13thS COUPON we're Giving Ydu $10.00! TEN DOLLARS I $1022 TEN DOLLARS Take the money and run! Come into the UO Bookstore today and use this $10 toward any Olymous Camera in stock. But hurry—This offer is over May 12! OLYMPUS i UO Bookstore ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT