Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. CLASSIFIEDS 190 OUTDOOR RECREATION HEY WINDSURF f RS' FOR SAL F RoAf»rful Fun* $200 Rri \ t It this 195 TRAVEL 10 St:ATS AVAILABLE return tup gen#» Part:. on A A 1-<■*•. t 11 gh! J 14 with .. return >01 to $<>*.: i-V S000 un. 1 • • f J44 ** ' one wav plane tic ket t ROUNDTRIP PLANE TICKET ? 1 u OPPORTUNITIES ATTENTION t RM .’’B l Mi 4 DID YOU KNOW? you need lo lile an INTENT TO REGISTER CARD . U attend the SUMMER SESSION I 333 Oregon Hall or me Oft'. »• •' : Admissions DONATE PLASMA .-ar- ’ S'o>' monthly M • •, i s i»‘ It- i from measw. earn extra 484 Jr>*.4 NANNY OPPORTUNITIES • ... • . from $!SQ S4i>. a Jo.-, the • ■ »!, i?ncp growth with .t great >n the East Coast For details an Am. . Streisand I Mi. 1 800 44J 6428 Mm agt? 18 Mm i year .mm.fme >t NOW HIRING1 U S fs -.tai St . e Lot ngs SaSiry S6*'K E ;Oy lev.- . Raft Initiator’s Clinic The U0 Outdoor Pro gram presents a two part clinic required for all initiators of ratt trips thru the program Top ics include trip plan ning, safety, repair and environmental protec tion. Monday and Wednesday. May 7 and 8. 7:30pm in the Outdoor Program, Rm 23, EMU Free 346 4365. SUMMER INTERNSHIPS' . ■ Read Ihe positron descrip lions and sign up in 2?T Hendricks Hall by Frida, May 11 71o OPPORTUNITIES (Study raid ON UO PROGRAMS ?1S HELP WANTED APPl Y TODAY CANVASS DIRECTOR SUMMER POSITION *.>Ui Prefer sp0&.e> SlOO ASUO WOMENS CENTER HELP WANTED ASUO Student Government ATTENTION APPt K A TION Dt ADI INt TRACK TOWN PIZZA Wanted Full o* par! Iim® pu/a del tv t?f y driver tarn $'• 8 00 per hour No t-ipenence net r . Musi have own car and insurance Apply m per eon before 4 pm at 1809 franklin Hlvd WE RE LOSING IT 215 HELP WANTED C. US T 001A l T R AIN t ^SUPERVISOR [IANI l MS WANTED Ml N T ANAl v ST ??5 APTS -DUPLEXES *49*. NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMl R ANO f AIL ' Nf HI : " M 1 .. • . TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUM MER AND l All LOW SUMMER RATES , ; i *.*?•{• • 1 <; ■ ANt 15th & Olive Apts Hennetl Maridyement Co 91S OjK Si 200 Realtor 4U5 b991 ??3 APTS DUPLEXES 1'..’ MIlYAHl) NU 11 1370 HIGH NO $ No pels SpygUtt A^IOC 666 1130 At l AVAIt ABU NOW 330 QUADS ft* M219 j*nninp% & » SH I 42V9 335 HOUSES .’■'.o ROOMS 330 MOVING SALES HUGE GRADUATION SALE Shi md Scubh gear ml bike iicitio lots >t clothe*. boohs furniture re ouK l.-.ivmy the Wr’.li'in World be hind vii everything goes' 360 ROOMMATES WANTED » f MAI I HOOMMAH nttwtiod lot Summer f riendly ioomnul#» Urge yard tlHrtmo 342 3622 f I MAI f TO share 2 hd-rn .ipl .It 1 2V. M .? M 3/0 MEETINGS PARAGLIDING UO Outdoor Program pre sents Kev Aronds ot the Oregon Paragliding Asso ciation He will discuss the sport, show a video and demonstrate equip ment Thursday. May 3 at 7:30pm in 110 Willamette Hall FREE 346 4365. Pre-Law Society Elections ‘All members should attend 'Non members welcome May 3, Thursday 7 PM Century Room F 3/b EVENTS HOW LOW CAN YOU GO9 BAD BOWLING OBJECT?!7 Gutter bells 10 points May 6th at the EMU Rec Center Pre Registration Sign Up lor teems ot three until May 4th for one of the following times 5 6pm or 6 7pm 275 EVENTS CINCO de MAYO Celebration Sat, May 4 & 5 Tickets $5 2 for 1 1st 50 people at Main Desk Co sponsored by MECHA Cultural Forum Community Relations Task Force immunn .»t♦* with friends through Chi-istluid p«T someiI .ids ?80 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ^AMt I 1 I AtUAMI «***. ( Will l.l Cl Al 1)1.1 Mi "ftNC ‘CV*« '• / * mi kW>iM tii/atwtffi tWsina toung LOVE AT LARGE CMr*t Md by Alan Hu<*o4p4t [H r» i v'.’AZ » M.Ai.i Ui NT ■ 2 SHOWS ON1 34r U4r i 4PM sun yat a spy ACWHSSJOH U SO KKISHN AMI R I I Y\ ith ;i Silent Mind A hklaki ai )■ rtfaiil »« at Mi lift a<4 (<>*tk.a a flNAl SMIlt TilMuMf 1 1 00 REVENGER wriTt* ”•/»,»' » RATI O *' HO OWl UNOIH tO^ /V\ UftiMO yOCR tOINTWCATlOMt ®CAFE FLESH® Ef■ •■! RHiHTRfit E 0 I ‘CASE n»«f AO . ■ ■ ta ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ummmf STAHTS fHlOAY foi Hi* LOWS ■ JAAIAS SPADSH BADJNFLUENCE ENTER NOW Willamette Valley Banjo. Fiddle 4 Guitar Contest Trophies and C A»h Prt/es lot the following categories Fiddle* Banjo "Guitar Misc instrument Traditional Singing Advancod Intermediate Beginners ?95 MASSAGE & BODYWORK 300 COUNSELING 303 SERVICES PARABLE RETREAT Students You can still attend New men Center s Spring Retreat this weekend. May 4-6. But you must call TODAY (Please .ill 34 J ?0Z1 or slop by 18S0 [met aid St tor details t LEGS FIGURE BIKINI * No Topless Allowed Girls 18 & over please. * Minimum 5 contestants. Pays 5 places $400 00 CASH * Starts 9pm Sharp Every Tuesday Beginning MAY 8th * Must Register in Advance CALL: 342-2723 or 344 6897 $400 CASH PRIZES CIVEN EVERY WEEK* JIGGLES TAVERM 2156 West 11th ‘specific rules obtained at door Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson ULi SIWD. i a ifii'W vk v*)1S OJ\ • #,’ lou 'r«»* I *\' N << i > JH VviiM G AMI Its j K(.v 1 <;>, v. ! - ttt • )>*’ ! *Wtik MNtt r LOU ■ 1 I . _ UK ‘•*i v v . \ " - * '•■ WA'' 1 t, | TtU TU QfWVR \ A *<* . A h" *" \ ws ti't • M 4 ‘ !*■ Av V • v ».v, 1 TIM* *>P\B / . „ "i, ♦ »