CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 105 PERSONALS A4> KU Congratulations !o Jennifer A, Paul W. on your pinning' We'll mm you two ne*t year1 The Ladies of Alpha Phi All you can eat. . SPAGHETTI FEED with Live Music!! W»d Mar 9 4 10 ?pm at the Gamma Phi Bata House S3 MVper person Buy your ticket NOW' LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE! FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES CALL US TODAY!! 346-3712 N‘ ••• ! «i* the I .*!iJ U - «g • • GREEK SYSTEM FREE PHOTO nd F REE COLOR' & ' Yi 000 copies circulated MX) copies used lor Greek Wee* Additional copies will he used lor uiitmei l.til new student Orientation LIMITED SPACE TODAY NOW )4t> 3?1." Oregon Daily Emerald DISPL AY ADVERTISING Room 300 t MU 8 Spm M F ONLY $1 A LINE!! HOW DO YOU SAY GOODBYE1 IN FRONT OF 16,500 OF YOUR CLOSEST FRIENDS??? With an 00f personal ad ALL personal line ads will be S’ per line in the last two weeks ol May NO MINIMUM NO MAXIMUM JUST A GREAT 01 AL'" ’ Place your ads on the phone by charging them to your account or your charge card' • Place your ads at the UO Book store EMU Main Desk or our office Room 3(H) t MU from M Spm M F Place your ads today they will start running during fhe Iasi two weeks of may' ONLY A BUCK A LINE! 105 PERSONALS HSEPUR HAHS!!! Qtfitri*vi rex * g*iiuj.' f X T RAQRDtNAlRf Play* sprnflf$t GHl of hands t? 1 pm I unow .» y<'i from lha hay and ■'(•a '*n«r ■ Ihp KA »»“ n*?«r> Ha H'P Hurray' ( onyratulat" ' Mr*gh.r _JU * _ KAPPA ALPHA THETA i onQf*fu»a«>-. *•• •■' pUXfgmQ JfSSM A T KATIE J KAPPA DELTA Congratulations on a fantastic rush Wa wish you fha sama succass in lha futura and ara looking forward to rnaating you A4> KATE LEGAL & DANGEROUS LOCK YOUR DOORS! Rachel & Bevin _CW, GK JR_ CINCO de MAYO HALF PRICE PERSONALS ERIC A. is 1/2way to 40! Happy Birthday you chick-magnet! Have a good day! love Cathy 4 K ( Playing assassin such fun I veryMhere me turned there Mas a Mater gun Saturday you guys Mere chillm All of our cups Mere a lillm You guys are killer1 \u 14>n Free Spirit The Beaon Mas good but the company m.»s better thanks tor a great blind date LURCH P S Up the creek is only three Meek*. 105 mam VQu Should h.» tt<*t v FUN RUN Today at 3:00 register at ? JO Autien footbridge Sfc of fun and e*citement' K± Congratulations on getting started hem At the UO' Now tel % get some thing started together* ox KKl LX Nicole l tty an T Leigh J Slu C Congratulations on your pinning' Love The Kappas yehoo* yeehaw' PLANNED PARENTHOOD ’ . unbiased counseling V44 *4ii PLANNING • o{ (,!•, Tf !• f 1 • .V iMME tt ‘.I *>StON Don t forget to file your INTENT TO REGISTER CARD PORTER Happy 21 er! Love, the girls P S CUTE picture PHIVAIt HUP .ROM f Rif SOS F 1*0 Pregnancy Touting BIRTHRIGHT tv«7 86M IVouJIn Auinmiu o il '*» spring IMi-Jjjt* L I.ivm t Hi IV M \|,k« S JUtfii M no LOST & FOUND i OST Bi ACK «>,«- .*•.« npar UO ► •,»• K I.M Bu?J C.n 6Mf> *44. ns TYPING SERVICES CYA TYPING SERVICES High Quality T y; -rtg *n< f SSiNG/f DlTiNG i‘A11} ir TMS ' .fS‘>E R T ATK >NS 'fAvd 344 4510 60S F 13th A»# LASFR WORD PROCESSING 19 r.-f .- . \ cm y *BM (••*»>! •» '■( ■ 1 .n ; ft Nim' Robin 344 07S9 [Th« WORD SPECIALISTS! * (Graduate S» h**>l \ppn*vci\L i nnvrmon * I atfr Pnntinp,' »r*j>h»< • * l ditinp, Resume' Wf ST WIND WORDSMlT MING , ; f IBM \ M ' . Sbalby 344 S389 130 FOR SALE ADVERTISE FOR FREE!! Want to sell your... Cars, Bicycles. Furniture. Computers. Art. Books. Scooters, Skates. Skis. Stereos, etc ? Advertise »*ith the Oregon Daily E mer aid to -jell ilmoil anything Adverts* tor 4 days a1 regular rates and it the item does not sell we will continue to run it at no additional cost until the item does sell This promotion does not apply to retail businesses Place ads at Oregon Daily Emerald office onl* room 300 I MU SATISFACTION GUARANTEED k ■ » -ppr' $.« Mas* t V* * • -d l " 484 ' , n SX&0 Ik-. ' S OBO Can JM < JJix-OBO 1 Sti limited f dition .nut i united Quantities Emerald T-Shirts green 100 cotton BUY NOW *6.00 out Main Desk id f loo. t MU 8 am 5pm 130 fOR SALE i [3 STORAGE ■«* * •'<•* ■ .r 'a • <•! 41, CO I-4P Pa $60 **»*> $4. 'Mfl.* ft- J MC-tS RADAR DETECTOR bands . Pd S. ‘ ask S12C««>BO Kev.o 683 U8C SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!! Place an ad m ou» f r>r Sale tor a n WE RUN IT FREE UNTIL IT’S SOLD. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!! SOI ID OAK -'■•*«* table and end tabu? non ,J?00 eVrvme*” sell $90 eac h M5 CARS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS ( OH SA( | Honda Pasf.jM-.ft ’Oc. 1981' $250 Can Josh 485 0981 HONDA PASSPORT Scooter' Great condition' Just tuned wilh helmet $400/080 343 6706 ■67 VW FASTBACK .S $650 OBO Jo Anne 4854241 '■•M ‘ VW BU(i with rebuilt 1970 engine Mu*' drive ’ • r . SbOoOBO 1976 I sat 128 COUPE fun Italian . a. H PORSCHE 914 :o fed U -•'»*' 1 -.•* •* ► $J .*•>* 142 »> t59 Mu'- • •••'<■ S’ ••*<.> OBO -4. .<>99 1980 HAT BRAVA 5 speed an Me if. M - . •.. r. -.«• S. . • AM f M .■ • Hie t-Si — i • till..- $14i Hi*’ HONDA t i i T L 8f! $4‘• f. » *■ •79 HONDA Prelude. Black Well maintained S1.200. Call Rick 344 4029. 82 HONDA **«• -. os’- M n Gc>v*d i . ’ ! $860 OB0 M4 1 10 85 Hi 'NilA A| Hi \ 8*. homu E.L!H .mi - A’H hein.ttf * $600 OBO 146 4068 A-’.Pea 85 HONDA ELITE DELUXE ISO E*te!u*nt condition blue $?5aOBO 82 YAMAHA SEGA 4fX) Irnmiv , ood -tM 3 500 m. $950 OBO 79 HONDA PRELUDE (LOADED) Suniiml AC r-',» $2 »99*080 KEVIN 683 1480 86 HONDA 150 DELUDE New e .ent tune up' Only $850 OBO Call 8 7 h ON DA E LITE 80 iso bicyclTs".. 1990 CANNONDAlE mi- t ►- • • shifter* sea! bag cycicn ornputer $450 485 1 740 $S REVVARD S-.hwmn V.uper LeT v rod 19 tram#, btac* tuxe bag great . ondibon Show pity 1438265 150 BICYCLES ADVERTISE FOR FREE!! Want to sell your... Cars, Bicycles, Furniture. Computers, Art, Books, Scooters, Skates, Skis, Stereos, etc...? Advertise with the Oregon Daily Emer eld to sell almost anything Advertise tor 4 days at regular rates and if the item does not sell we will continue to run it at no additional cost until the item does sell This promotion does not apply to retail businesses Place ads at Oregon Daily Emerald office only room 300, EMU SATISFACTION GUARANTEED JAMIS DAKOTA $350 OBO Taylor 486 446? ‘.ARONNI i hiomr.' 68cm Shima-'ui U'tegra Comp Aero Rims $600 OBO 346 8282 am s 155 COMPUTERS-ELECTRONICS ATTENTION EDUCATIONAL INSTITU TIONS FACULTY POST SECONDARY STUDENTS Huge <1is< t-quif. A!T t M.n, ji ji ;•« i • HV mpdti f.n* M.i Err ,!.t' available .»*> well; Pm **s below Iran*! • ' ••.»■! E . . ! M Nuclei ( ert.htfd ( iJ , ‘ ; •• .»•.*.! 14 LC W N, .-39. Eugene 4h‘. 77 73 EVEREX COMPUTERS HUGf SAVINGS Call 683 4 764 fO! pfu. H list MAC ' ‘ . « IBM j .A ,• Dan 663 34r\ WANT TO cul down on tale night woiK0 ' . HM t • . 165 INSTRUMENTS MAv OPENINGS WASHBURN FOR Cl 40 guitar ... TNI amp %200 Boin t'^rf 683 6022 wo RESALE CLOTHING Gentlemen s Encore We pay TOP dollar lor Men s and Women s clothing 1111 Willamette 343 6179 NOW BUYING 190 OUTOOOR RECREATION WHITEWATER RESCUE CLINIC An intensive one day clinic on Sat. May 19th tor rafters and kayakers who want to learn tech niques for whitewater rescues. Cost: S10. Sign up by May 11. Informa tion. x64365. Sponsored by the U of O Outdoor Program. m Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU HNV C m SWORA1 I'M TOLD YOU ANP OtHtPS MAKE iOUR HOMES HtAt AMONG THe PARACHUTES' HOW REMARK ABU Y Y Th£Ji£S son •V,*5 VISIONARY urn fARACHUTt DOMICILES1 COOL PRY, STRONG I LOOM iHATtP ffy 5017 FMR-Rev L.I6HV THIS IS The njRB r WORXS / ^ _ ISetAOTY, StNOKA1 A SILK CITY1 1000 SHtMM&JHCr MV/75 5TRUN6 ACfX&S IHt HI US' HJHAT do, XXJ say 70 THAT? , k LAST Nt&TT. me dumv you in eeei6y. / 2.000! BUTANy MORE AN P you'Lu ATTRACT ROPtNBy J/// \(s3 ^ I U>RIDE SHARE Traveling soon? Need a ride? Offering a ride? Ride Shari’ brings together people needing and offering ridi’' anywhere in Oregon or throughout the lountrv, f or more information all 345 7600