Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 03, 1990, Image 1

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■ Citizens sound off. Page 5
■ Ducks meet Cornhuskers, Page H
■ Softball disappointment, Page 9
■ Tennis players honored, Page 12
■—.Oregon Daily_ _
rhursd.n . \I,i\ i 1‘i‘Ki
I ui^ciic ()iri’iin
\ oluinr '11. Xuinhci 1 l l
Committee weighs |
insurance options
for upcoming year
Bv C atherine Hawley
Emerald Assoc id to Editor
Members ot the Student Health Insuranc e 1 mu
mittee .ire working to come up with .1 definite iusur
.uni’ pirin to prcsi'iil to students before the end ol
spring term
The committee is ready to submit bid speeitii .1
lions based on the l Diversity's claims history to
different insurant e companies which should make
proposals to the Iniversilv in a tew weeks said SHK
t hairmim Sc ott Wvi koff
"We will he able to tell students wh.it company.
what kind of coverage they'll be getting mil how
much it will lost h\ the end ot the term. U'yi kott
said The plan would be tor the lOMO-'ll .11 adetnic
Vein " I hose are things students need to know before
they go home tor the summer
besides rei|iiesting bids from standard insurance
1 arriers. the c ommitlee is also i onsidermg <1 managed
care program, similar to health maintenanc e oigani/a
tic ill (dans ottered by mans employ ers. Wvc kott said
111 a managed c are program the insuranc e 1 ompa
in negotiates 1 onlrac Is w ith loi al hospitals and health
1 are prey iders lor sen a es to program members
l ndei sta h a plan the l 'Diversity s Student Health
( entei would probably lie the primary care provider.
Students who reap lire servic.es not ottered at the health
c enter would he referred to loc al hospitals or clinic s
'It s a cost containment plan Wvc.koll said
The t ost to students would he similar ot lower to
what it is now
lu a managed c are plan, the insuranc e company
would pay a Hat tee to providers the costs of the sei
vices would he shared equally among all the partii 1
pants in the program A nominal fee would he charged
lor such tilings as prescriptions
I'he (ommitlee is 111 a "pro proposal stage ol ne
gotiation w ith a company c alled I .and mark Interna
tioua). said insurance 1 oordinator t iatIn ( urran
Landmark was originally formed to provided in
surance coverage to international students The com
puny has negotiated managed care plans lor (die
ineketa Community College in Salem and for the I ni
versify ot Washington
Landmark is currently working w itli Oregon State
I tmersity to create a plan for international students
lorn to Insuranc e. Page t>
"Crazy War"
Mil haul ll<>roniei ki id I'hornlon. Colt> tlrliv
ered /m message of winning this "Cray.1 llV/r ' <>t
lilr Id .1 largo crowil nl students outside the (Ml
Wednesday Woroniecki handed nut pamphlets ti
tled "How to Will ,i Cra.y 11,// .mil claimed that
students are driven In peer pressure in a world that
wants people "to he superficial. phony . ,ind just an
other rat running the rtu e. " when actually they just
need to he true to themselves
In lits pamphlet Woroniecki warned students
that their lives are passing them In He said he lias
learned life means more than the phonv games and
emptv pursuits of the world
.Is for the hot kies that passers In targeted him
with Wnroniecki's pamphlet said " / would rather
he alone w ith the truth than w ith many people in
deception I would rather he rejected In sinners now
than In Cod for eternity
Photos hv Mark Ylrn
University gets 30-day notice on recycling plan
Business overrides environment
B\ ( hris Bounetf
I merald Assot iate f ditor
lust liaifK a week aftitr Karth
l)a\ \s 20th amove rsars the
l'Diversity luuls itself with a
soon tu tie (telmu I ret vt ling
service ami mi options on the
horizon to i ontinuc the pro
I'earl Hut k Ret vt ling whit h
( urrentlv heatls the ret vt ling
effort gave the Iniversitv no
tire last Week that tiles .ire
pulling out ot their contrat t in
about SO days
The l ’Diversity's I’hvsii al
Plant will now he called upon
to operate the program again
which is leaving some ret vt 1
ing proponents w ith uneass
"I don't feel like the Phvsicai
Plant has the dedication to re
i vt ling that Pearl Hut k had
said karvn kapian the Surviv
<11 (enters reiviling coord ina
The Physii ,il Plant u h n h
provided thr rn u 1ms service
lii'tini' !’ear 1 lim L was highlv
i illu i/.oii tin running a pom
The service mainly consisted
ol unmarked barrets at the end
ol halhvavs lliese barrels often
i ollecteii more uurei \i table
materials and other garbage
than recyclable paper.
With the Survival ( enter s
help, a Pearl Hu< k ottu Ial a|>
prii.ii bed the I’hvsii al Plant
last spring to negotiate a ion
trai t to provide a more vigor
oils rei \ i ling program
Peal I lim k assumed the pro
gram in August with the agree
ment that the onlv revenue
Pearl thick v\ ould ret mv e
would i nine Irom selling the
receded material
Since August the off it ial
who negotiated the i onlrai !
with tin- ihliversilv lelt Pearl
But k .iikI tlit" lien recvi ling
manager determined the pm
gram is inn costly in operate
vvithout < ornpensation
Hie problems .in- mil being
• ible In (in k up enough liialen.il
lo be rei.vi led .mil no i entr.il
locution .it the 1 diversity to
pii k up the in.iteri.il. said
Pearl Hui k iei vi ling manager
Knn Pier/, inn last week
It made it real i nsth toi the
program to operate ' be said
Pier/,ilia said be dei ided to
give Ui-davs notice alter recent
discussions with the Physical
Plant did not produce results
Pearl Hut k would need com
pensetion from the I'niversitv
to help ollset StiOO to S800
monthly losses the company
h.e- incurred sun e they took
out the program Pier/ina
Ue re still Irving to i ome
up with a w.H to gel things
tium' lit- s.ini 1 hf question
IS Who's j>oif)J{ til (III it7'
I11I111 I \ ,ims I’hy si< ,11 I’l.int
i.(iiirdiiiatur Im the I’c.irl lim k
|iroqi,un. s.iid thf t'niversilv
would run the piui>r,uu ,il the
s.inie level until ntlii nils ills
i uss their options
tin,mi 1.11 sitll.iturn iml mi till*
• >tlift h.iiui \\r i .innot timin'
It s.llll I ’ II i V»TS 11 \ Vll r I'll si
ilrllt I l.lll U llli.ilils
\\ llli.ilils s.iiil thr I mvrrsilv
whic h is requimil hv st.itr lavs
lu inn .1 in \i litin |iruui.im.
Will ll.ivr til srt thr programs
7 don’t son (the program) as a problem
from my perspective, but I'm not looking
at the problem from a business point of
— John Kvans
I'lli' l im rrsiU ni'i'ils In cv .11
11.ilc Ihc tin.im 1.1I .mil lo^istii ,11
.ISJU'I ts llrtorr tile program I .111
lie <• x|»,null'd or ri'iliiocil. Kvans
.111I List w i'1'k
Motioniing moro rftii u-nt
nif.ms .1 hfiiv1«• r linaiu i a I Imr
lion for tin' 1 mivt'isitv l-.vans
1 lu*rc s niorr to it than tin
stupe Imm'iI mi fin,mi nil re.ill
All tins I,ilk iif iihiiii'v hou
ever h.is left rei \( ling ndvu
(.ill's with thf feeling ,i luisi
ness jii'ispci Iivc is prevailing
mi'r environmental priorities
I (inn t see j I In ■ program! .is
Turn to Ret \ tling. Page 7