Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 02, 1990, Page 9, Image 9

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Bowl team comes up
empty at tournament
The Hniversitv s (College
How l lc,mi competeil in the n,i
tion.il College Howl tournament
last weekend in Minneapolis
hut it was not a partii ularlv en
ji w aide e\periem e
The team was eliminated
Iroin the i ompetition aftei los
ing its first two games in the
double elimination tonrna
Team members Thomas
I’low ell. ( diristophei Mat/
Josh King, Matt I'hie and allei
nate loin (dimes represented
the I 'niversitv at the national
competition The team ipiali
tied after w inning .1 regional
tournament 111 Moscow. Idaho
( an nell I diiversitv w as the
team's first round opponent At
the end ol the game the two
teams were tied with .1 si ore ol
I•) > 1 1 1 A III point sudden
death tie breaker question was
answered lorreitlv b\ ( A11 ill'll
to giv e them the will
Hie I imersit\ then t.ii ed a
tram tnitn (.fin y-1,1 s Ben\ ( ol
legr Prowell said thcv tell cun
lidrnt quills; into that gatnr, but
the Urn \ tram u on l>\ a a nrr
ol I HI I lt>".
riilirnamrnt otlir ials offered
a i onsolalion tournanirnt to tlir
I imciMh and thrrr olhri
trams who hail hrrn rhtnin.ilrd
at that point, hut b\ thru wr
weren't into it anvmorr and
nrithrr were tilt* other
si hi mis I ’row cil said
I hr l 'mvrrsitv ol ( hn ago
unit on to w in thr tournanirnt
with thr Massachusetts Insti
tulr ol fri hnologv i tuning in
1 listorii al l\ si In mis from
tlir West haven't dour wrll
Prmvell said "Ur knew wr
were outclassed going into il
It's not that tlirv knew morr.
hut llirv wrrr hrtlri coached
and the\ had morr piai til r
Continued from t
h<iii The nudient e responded vv i(h .1 round ot applause .mil 1 heirs
in favor of the bun
"They re letting tlui hostages go in the Middli' last when is fins
i nmpanv noi 1114 to lot tins i 11\ go Howl said
Ramon Ramirez. president of term Workers arid 1 ret1 Planters
Onion, said Morgan "will go lo anv extent, even bankrupt! v to
keep from signing a union 1 ontrai t Hut l.oi al III 0 is not !>v ilselt
111 its struggle We need to maintain strong unitv to send a strong
message to the 1 ompailV
Kainiri*/. also said Oregon farmworkers should receive the same
support, bet ause farm workers are not t.overed b\ the National l.a
bor Relations Ait which would give them the option of collective
bargaining I arm workers are also prohibited from going on strike
during harvest times
Several speakers berated replacement workers who thev said
have assisted management at (Irevhouud and Morgan ill their el
forts to break the strikes
Stale Al l tilt) secretary treasurer Steve Socutch. reading |a< k
I.(melon's riesi ription ot a si ate said "V\ tiere others have hearts he
(the si ahj has a tumor No man has a right to scab as long as
there's a rope long enough to hang him
Socoteh went on to sav that replacement workers have no right
to steal other people's foils
"A strike breaker is ,1 traitor to his (incl. his 1 luldren his mama
and Ins 1 lass I tiere is nothing lower than a scab he said
trv I leti her. president ot the state Al 1. (10 also addressed the
1 rovvri saving communities need to work to help make hiring per
rnanent replat emeu! winkers illegal
lie said the union is sending petitions to Congress lo lobbv a bill
that Sen Mark itallield has supported that would prohibit loinp.i
mes from hiring permanent replai ement workers tor strikers
Other speakers included Springfield Mayor Hill Morriselte
Christine Ingfeld. a Swedish feminist: Ranch Mac Donald a candi
date tor the Kugene < itv count il; and IW A member Sam 1 iominv
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