Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 02, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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Soccer team remains undefeated
lennifer Hutchinson scored
three goals to lead the women s
( luh Sports sot i er team to a
'i II win Monday over Spring
held Sot t er ( Huh
Cindv Cahill .mil Shannon
I’tit Kelt e.it h added goals lor
the lluiks 7-0 on the season
Ihe women had run their re
t ord to It (l last I hurst!.n tak
ing a .11 win over Cool I eel of
Lugene City League him Wil
liamson Jody haulukuktii anti
I’m kett proviiletl the st taring
(Hub (’.raw
I he ( dub t dew team enjoyed
a silt t esstul da\ of t limpet It ion
last Saturday in the Id i ( ities
(Wash | Regatta taking first
plat e finishes in live of nine
Idle men s teams who took
lust plate finishes were the Ik
8 and the |V •) In women's
competition, the Oregon wont
en took first in the |\ I the
Varsity -4 and the Varsity Light
weight -4
The I luh ( tew tram travels
to Vanr.ouver. Wash Mas 1~
lor Ihi' Northwest Regionals .it
Yam Oliver Lake A week later
the team will travel to Sar ra
montn ( aid for the 1'ai ifu
( Inast ( iliainpinnships at 1-ake
Tar Kwon Iki
)ae Woo of ( luh lae Kwon
Do took two first pl.tr es to
highlight the Oregon effort in
last weekend's Oregon State
()pen Martial Arts ( ihampion
ships in Portland
Woo heat teammate |ohn Lee
in the finals of the lightweight
Red Hmwn division non t oll
tai t fighting event for first
plan- in that event Woo also
took fust in the Red Brown di
vision full i ontur t fighting
event Lee took third in the
e\ ent
Oregon < lull memiier Roger
Wolff look third ill the Red
Brown Hr.ivy weight full < on
ta< t fighting event for (fregon
and M.itt ll.iriimolo took third
m thr (olor Brit full (ontiu t
event in the lightweight dm
( lull l.a< nisse
The Oregon ( lufi Lacrosse
team (.line h;u k from a ‘I I loss
to Old West in the opening
round of Pacific Northwest La
crosse tournament last week
end to post a - _* tourney re
After the opening loss the
Ihn ks Beat Multnomah Men s
( luh and I’nget Sound both by
blowout The ffuiks then lost
to tfie l adversity of Washing
ton n t in the semifinals of the
IT hr.n ket (for fust round Ins
ers) Sunday
The men host Oregon State
Sund.n at noon at the 1 niverst
tv's IM fields
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Track teams get five
to sign for next year
The ()regon Irai k teams
have ri‘< entlv signed five
athletes to letters-of intent
fur next season with the
mens team signing three
arui the women s team two
The 1 lin k men hav e added
sprinter l-avon Pierre from
Portlands Henson Nigh
St hool and distani e runners
(loiev Caridaele of
(iarpinteria I figli Si hool in
Southern ( difornia and
Andv Maris of White Kiver
I figli S< fiool in Buckley
U ash
fieri e is the top sprinter
in the state this season at the
( hiss AAA level posting the
fastest times III tile 1(11) me
teis ( 10 t.|, 200 meters (2 1 HI
and the 400 meters (4H 2t>)
fieri e also is a member of
the I ei limen's state-leading
400 meter relay team (42.0)
fieri e u ill he counted on
he,tv il\ next season as the
Ducks lose their top sprint
ei Davoti Russell to gradua
(hindaele is the nephew of
I loustun Astro infielder • a
sev fandaele and his father
Kn k is the head i oat h of the
It Santa Barbara football
( amiaele has a personal
let ord of 4 (10 1 in the 1,0(10
meters and has also run the
800 meters in 15111 He
i uin-n11\ is the national
high si hool leader in the
H00 vv ith a time of 14 1 1 H
A multi talented athlete,
( alidade also plavetl ipiar
terhai k for (.‘arpinteria High
Si hool and was the Ihv ision
1\ player of the year for toot
kill in (California
Maris is ,ilso another out
standing distance runner
lie won the Washington
(Class AA i ross country titles
in both his junior and senior
seasons 1 le has a -4 1117 I’K
in the 1 .tint) and has run the
1.20(1 in a best of H:5 t 7H
Mans boasts the top 1,200
time in the nation tins year
Meanwhile. < )regon woni
en's i oach Toni Ileinonen
announced two letter-ol-in
tent signings last week
Inlie lie< k. the defending
W isi onsin st.ite i hainp in
both the shot put and the
disi us and Arno (llson, a
high jumper from ('.lass AA
I louglas I ligh Si bool in I )il
lard, have signed with the
I )m ks
Bei k has a I’K of -It. 11’.'
in the shot and 110-7 in the
discus at Tornah High
Si bool .mil will he a key ad
dition for Oregon next sea
son as Stephanie Smith, its
top thrower in both events,
will graduate
W ith the signing of (llson.
the Ducks w ill have a lot of
depth in the high jump as
Olson joins sophomore Lau
rel Roberts, an \( AA provi
sional qualifier this season,
and kelly Blair in the event
l llson placed sei ond at
last year's state meet with a
leap ol i 0 and has gone as
high as r>-7 this season.
However, the t> (1 Olson
si aled V 10 at the Kugeue In
door m I ebruary to break
Roberts' meet rei ord
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