___Sports__ Brock, Kozak ready to welcome more Ducks Survive first NFL season Bv Mike f’ettii nrd f mer.ild ( nntributnr Alter llie National football League draft late last month, tour members ot I he 1U8H t )re gun Ducks lootball squad running hai k Latin Herr\. ot tensive lineman t dirt 1 )\ kes, and defensive hai ks (,'hris Old ham and Darvi Reed stand at the threshold ot their first NI L regular season lour other 'Hu Oregon play urs weren't dratted hut signed tree agent < mitral ts u ill] \H teams Safety Derek I lorton and receiver lerrv (thee signed with the Seattle Seahawks. ol fensix e lineman ( du is 1 luskn sigma I w it h the I tetroit I.ions ,md light end |oe Vieerten signed with the Atlanta I al ( oils Two IUHH Oregon alumni, defensive lineman Matt Itroi k and linebacker Si oil Kozak liar e already ( oilipleted theii Inst veai in the \1 I and are ready to well ome them In the NI I.. reunions be tween old college acquain lances are often brie! Kozak re i .ills meeting running hai k I a n Hall, formerly of I -( d A Idle reunion look plai e at the line ot si rimmage The lions ton Oilers. Kozak s team, were absorbing a til-7 heating b\ the (dnc innati Hengals in ii \ Kiv ertront Stadium when Kozak «as sent into the game during Ihe sei olid hall to mop up Hall uas i arrvitig the hall tor the Hengals and Ko/.ak met him with a fixing takedown as the game drexx to a men itul i lose Although the rout was svmp tomatii ot a liittei long stand mg 1 louston ( dm innati rivalry the two former f’a< ifii It! play ers themselves exchanged friendly greetings alter the play "It’s not often von see a fa miliar l.u e. ’ Kozak sax s Kei ipients of numerous I’ai 111 honors during their colle giate careers. Kozak xxas select ed m the sei ond round and Hroi k was selei ted in the third round nl tin* 1‘IBII Ni l tlr.itt l»v tht'ir respei 11\ i’ trams I hr ( arm It.i\ I’ac krrs tram ing i <1 it)p put a damper on I hr hours mooli said Brink who was married after graduating in PIM'l hut was summoned h\ the I'.n kers soon ihereaftei i didn't expei I a lot ot p I a \ mg time liroi k said But he still applied himself to mastei ing < ireen I lavs i omplex "two gap' defense I ai h detensixe lineman has to play two gaps Brin k ex plained 'That means I li.ive to he prepared to go inside or out side \\ I' take on the blix kei s and the linebackers umie up behind us to make the tai kies It our defensive line is mnk ing more tai kies than the line bai kers during the game some tiling is w rong,' he said I he i o.ii lies will (mil out the i hulk board and scratch their heads and take another look at it Now I know that d 1 make otllv one tai kir hut keep the opposing lineman husv lor the entile game, then I've done m\ |oh, said Brock, who credits Ins disi ipline to Oregon drtrn sive line c.nai.h |oe Schatleld It kind ot takes awa\ from voui stardom hut that’s vxfi.it the professionals are looking for "I don’t think I'll ever be a major Hash like I xx.is at Ore gon," Broi k laughs (anderella stories about rook ies who take the Ni l bv storm in then first veat are usuallx tile feverish creations ot over worked sportsvv titers seeking media darlings Your name lor tfie In st year is Kook Brin k warns mi om ing college seniors \mi go piler this, gopher that t ,u r\ the veterans' helmets go fetch their drinks All in fun ol course I xerx night we sang for out suppei I sang so had the tost time they never asked me to smg again Because most Ni l, teams lie gin training rump xxilli inflated rosters, mam players (ace the prospei t of dismissal before the _£mu MAIN DESK STORE INVENTORY CLEARANCE get| FREE I merchandise WITH MINIMUM $2 PURCHASE When was the last time you had your eyes examined? • C (>mpli‘ti’ iv' exams • (ontac t lenses • Walk-in well ome 10% off Barry Katz, OD J( Penney Optic a I Valley River C enter 342-2671 your eye exam with coupon! 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Check out the EMTERTAIMMEMT section in the ODE classifieds 1 A M.itt II mi A I'lJ) mid tiinner Oregon te,miniate Si ott Ko/.ih survived their first xear in the \u tional hoothall I eague anil xxere put nn the protei led list In their respei live teams tor next sea son summer is over Ilus pror ess i iilleil the < ill ". is the souri e around rvhir h morbid myths of fantasy .uni terror have lieen wov i'ii We hail |esse the Ifody Snatcher at (ireen lias, Hunk said It he knur keil oil your door during lights out you were gone the next clay ko/ak alluded only briefly to the ()ilei s' traditions of init 1.1 t ion We were required to sha\ e our he,iris, he said brock and ko/.ak eai.h sin x ix i'ii the ' a ul only to find that this passage was hut the first ot many obst.n les on a long road toward a job in the starting line up ko/.ak s position is outside 11 nehar kei a spot i urrentIy held III Houston by |olumy Meads, a veteran ol seven \l I seasons "It's hard to matt h expert etu e. ko/ak s.iVs lie />.. ✓>«« />, „ I Mauds) is mui h hutlui at t.1 k mu im tin* light unds than I .1111 ! m luai ning to taka on pull mg guards and ta< kins. sass ho/.ok. hut snmutimus svhilu S ou if 1 01 a cl it 1 a 11 tut 1111 t liusu miss the tight and ssdl 1 nmr up 111 ‘)i 11 id soil and 1 ut you doss 11 I lllu.ss s 1111 has a .1 li it ol u\ pul iuih u it 's hard to pit k it up hu/ah 1 ontussus Him k did nut stalt 111 Ills hist rngnlur suason gamu until No s uinliur s\ hull thu I’ai kurs host ud thu ( hii ago Huais I'm plas mg against |( hu a go t