University RIM softball game to be shown Ocean Ecology group to hold potluck mi i rises Men Against Rape meet tonight .it 7 in 1 Ml' Century Room I) New members are welcome For more information, call 140-4200 Inlerfraternitv Council’s Presidents Council meets tonight at ti at the Sigma 1’lii Fpsiton frater nitv. _Et a Is_ Students Against Apartheid meets tonight at 5:110 in EMI! ( ledar Room (1 Kahai Campus Association meets tonight at at 1458 Alder St Students for I'nited Nations meets tonight at 8 in F.M1' (ledar Room H Club Sports Cycling meets tonight .it 7 it) in EMI' (ledar Room F Hawaii Club meets tonight at 7 It) in Room 148 Straub Ocean Ecology group will hold a potluik meeting tonight at 5 It) at 1552 Ferry St 2 Survival Center meets tonight at 7 .10 in EMI' Suite 1 SPEAKERS AM) I IK I I Rl S (’.ml Jones huver tor Vleiet .mil Frank .nut Corev t)u Hrong. member ol the I'lMH \estle Championship Ad I' will speak to the Ad (dill) todav at t tit in Room 22\ Allen Both .ire t 'niversitv graduates MISCKI.I.ANKOCS African Culture and History is the suh|ei t of a presentation to he shown tonight .it 7 in (Alt' Cedar Room K The presentation is sponsored hv the HI.n:k Student I'nion. and all lilac k students, facultv and staff are well nine Bible sharing will he held tonight at 7: tt) at the Newman Center, lB.ri(l Kmerald St Wed ties day Night Mass will he held at It. followed hv a short social Headline for submitting lit a/s to the Kmerald front desk, F\ll' Suite .100, is noon the da\ before puhlii ation Ft a/s run the dm oI the event unless the event o/ i urs before noon Please submit Ft a Is the (lav before tbe\ are to run unit Vo In es ol events with a donation or admission t /large n ill not he ,ii i epted Campus events and those si bed llled nearest the puhlii ation date will he given priorifi The Kmerald reserves the right to edit noth es for grammar and stvle Police Heat lilt' following is ,i list of campus area crimes taken from ()ffi< c of Public Safety and Ku gene Police Department reports between April HI and April 2t> • I belt of Sun worth of !n< s ( le parts from I’i beta I’ll! soror 11\ at lalK K l 111 aid St w as re ported to If I’D on April A t > A mountain bike was stripped ol its rear tire derailleur and bike i ham • ( i immal misi hiet at U alton t orn pies vs as reported to KPI) on April .M An unknown sus pec t painted a swastika and l ol t) skins in a basement rest room, i ansing damage • A I ins ersits Inn hoiisms: stall member bit in the bead with .i HB pellet on April _* ! The stall member vs ho i e ported the im blent to I 1*1) vs a tic ketmg vehic les in the I I parking lot when she was h 1 in the head She lei eived no mill MULTIPLE CHOICE HINT: Find the answer at SunShower! COMING SOON: SUMMERTIME! SHORTS!! BODY LANGUAGE!!! Bring >n m* ad and receive * ? F E tar vs or a FREE movte hc*ef4 *(W'th minimum purc^jso of 'C tans not vo*1" wift> any oftv>r oupon ottor; fcxpW0 SunShower 874 E. 13th (By Kinkos) 485-2323 Ill's • ()1’S foutiil .m AM I M i as si'lti' tape del k ami a grnphii equalizei in the Bean ( omplex parking Ini nil April .M Till' owner is advised In i onlai I OTS • I licit nt a S.'-iil I a Si 1U hag and S >H worth oi all sup plius were rt'|iorti'd stolen truin a I'lliversitv student at l.nvv relli c I (all In I I’D on April I I he student Ifll Itif prupt.'ilv in a ii'vii-u mom and shnrth I lifii si 111 I 11 ‘t ii r m i i In find :l missing • Till'll >1 I loth 111'.', a ha ."hall i ap a i novas i.arrv bag and a pair nl speakers hum a vehu li nt l ianklin llouk'vnrd and \l; ate Street was reported In I I’D on April l * There were no signs ui tuned entr\ I tie total loss u as S i‘ill • A S I ,’i) leal lie: e-e ported stolen from a I’orsi In ( onv ert ihle parked at 1 »t h A\ e nut* and Agate Strut*! tt> I I * I) «> n April .! i • An I.( ( student reported his hat kpa< k stolen from Halley's ( nmet Art ade. at HH«I I t tth Ave to I PI) on April I he hat kpat k t untamed .1 hook and a tabulator Hu* total loss was Sun • A S 1 Ml pall ot si/e U ( hlack 1 ordovan leather Bosto man hraiul shoes were reported stolen from Pl.t to I PI) on \pril Jt) There were no signs ot tort ed entry to the otfic e where the stioes were stored • AS >'M> t mu h trom Kile . } tall was reported stolen to I PI) on April l‘i was stolen trom the set out! tlnoi lobby an*a • In addition ()PS 1 *• p. a t nine hikes stolen, one ret overed “Lite Nights” Wednesday nights 9 pm-12 pm Chdr Wnxdi GtflA 215 U Street Springfield — 747 0577 •1*> !N- V .if [j Restauran!) Get the word out with an ODE classified IFC ends old business, set for new beginning The IMHO Ml) Ini f ee ('.nmmittee wrapped up some loose ends .mil met next \ ear s i uinmitlee mem hers at its luesdas ni^ht meeting Ini inning li t members kari Anderson Mike tail sun. Mari las (iras sun and _IFC Notes_ Mike (ailsun and liiSnnja Watson attended the meet mg along with torrent members ('had Itennion. Steve Maples \rmandu Mu rales. Haul \hem |ue Kevill and I redds kill lies lenniler Hills ss Ini s\ as elei ted to a one s ear seat. did nut at tend We i nngratulate vim tor your ness sin i ess. Il l \ ice I hair k ill lies told the ness Is elei ted members who ss ill take iittu e un Mas .’ * k ill lies was re elei ted to a two year I hr i ommittrr will mrrt n rr\ Tuesday .it l> tt) p m . .mil also in thr event of an emergent \ hearing. lor the rest ot the term. Morales said Tile l'I'IO ‘It ASUO pro gram I in < i K<-t is $1 ti'l J t, 11. a i tiH peri ent ini lease m er last year's llowevei in ad ilition to li t ' allot ations the budget also mi hides student group ballot mi leases ap proved h\ student voters in last wrrk s general elei lion. Morales said Ihe increase also keeps p.u e u 1111 the inflation rate \hem said In other business lit vot ed a ll I to >>ive moral sup port to the I hiiversitv 1 lay ( sedition w ith Maples ah staining I he i omiilittee vot ed against a budget request lor the nent at its April 1 meeting Utatd PwwMitm X A Uplift' W"1**’ Large Experienced Staff COMPLETE COPY CENTER Graduate School Approved IHM M.i ■ ' ' A[ : 344-4510 605 E. 13th 342-3177 AGENCY RENT-A-CAR Low Daily Rates Unlimited Free Milage Free Pickup and Delivery 1601 W 7th, Suite D Eugene $59.95 Student Weekend Rental Special! w/750 FREE Miles THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Sheep health classes