Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 02, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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Child care funding
needs more clarity
Many funding changes have taken place in Ihe
EMU Child Care Program during the last month The
program received a $ 100.000 grant from the Oregon
State Scholarship Commission, a $42,-40fi student
funding increase to pay for state mandated wage in
creases and a $t>0.000 decrease in the Incidental Fee
Committee's original budget allocation for next year
All these c hanges can be confusing, espec ially to
students without children who pay fees to help sup
port the program
rhe program and the Child Care Task l*orc»? have
been working for the past lew years to find alternate?
means of funding for the child care program After
much student lobby ing in Salem and V\ ashington !).<. .
the EMU Child Care Program received a pilot grant of
$100,000 for 10*10-0 l subsidy's
l ast week the Chibi Care Program went before the1
II C to return $-40,000 of its original $222,740 alloc a
tion The ASUO backed the figure with its own recoin
inundation For some reason the II C decided to reduce
tin* allocation by $00,000 instead.
It is reasonable for the Child Care Program to re
turn some of its original alloc ation, but $00,000 might
have been too mui h lor the 1KC to take bac k
The: subsidy program is trying to line! ways to ex
pand its funding capabilities. Currently, subsidy's only
cover half of the cost of half-time care (20-25 hours a
week). Next year the program will expand to cover halt
of the cost of full-time care (-40-50 hours a week), re
ducing parents’ out of poc kel child c are costs With an
extra $20,000 removed, the subsidy program may not
be able to alloc ate funding to all the parents who need
Herein lies the ie.il problem Then- are no real lig
ures ,is to how main parents actually need child care
and or a subsidy lor child i are. No needs assessment
has been done The ASLJO, the Child Care Task Fort e,
parents and probably students who help pa\ lor the
child < are program tire frustrated.
The University needs to work with the child care
program, the ASUO, student parents and the Child
Care Task Force to lind an accurate assessment of child
care needs on campus.
Student parents need child care subsidy's to attend
si bool. College is expensive. Imagine the extra costs
for a single parent? Many potential students who are
parents are shut out of an education on a purely finan
cial basis. That should not be the case
Concerned organizations on this campus should
work together to find a way, either through registration
or in tin1 University application process, to find out
how many student parents there are at the University.
Once this is accomplished, the IFC and outside fund
ing sources will know what their needs are. and can
base decisions on factual information not just assump
Oregon l)uil» _ _
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into the recesses
-iAl .rt-1 ;
Cozy ideology
\r.ulv everyone would agree
with I ru Smith |( >D1 April
I| th.it h.irth i )av is .ilmiit
"taking responsibility tor vour
.11 lions 1 Hut to assert in iiioi.il
terms th.it the "blame tor en
vironmental problems in tlie
world t.ills equally on even
one's shoulders' is grossly re
dm live
Does this mean .i family
which destroys the Hra/dian
rain forest tin suhsisteni e l.irm
ing is equalls guilK as the
World Hank financiers who in
stigated the e< unomii troubles?
Is an alien grape pn kei con
taminated with malathion
equally to blame as the l IKO ot
1 )u Hunt ?
()h "freedom and equality .
how these ideals are used to
mask the tai t that we are equal
neither in our freedom to make
environmentally sound
i hoii es nor in our ability to
implement i hanges
Smith dfplnrrs svmbolh »u:ts
of violence burning the flag,
the dollar and tin1 president's
effigy m an ac I ot free espies
sion U hal about real <k ts ol
\ tolt'm a doin' to our bodies e\
en da\ bv to\u contamina
lion' Would In' deplore the
burning ol an i'llig\ ol a l.ove
( anal newborn, or a grandpa!
i-lit in i lieniotheiap\ '
Mow we should be align
Time tin "joining hands" is
p.ist now change will come
about by the working hands,
both creating and destroying
This is no debate ol free w ill or
even moral responsibility It is
a question ol ernpt\ stomai hs
and insatiable greed A ques
lion of tone and necessity,
things so immediate to many
people's lives, but easih lor
gotten by Smith in Ins cozy
ideologii al shelters
Matthew Weeks
In response to Debra O'tlara s
quote (Ol)i'.. April 24) that
"capitalism must end it we
|ga\s) are to survive.” 1 dis
(iapitalism is what made this
country great It has allowed
people to pursut' Iht'ir dreams
and ambitions and be regarded
tor it (and at the same time not
get shot) (liven time people
here will learn to understand
and deal with their
Yes I know vou don't have
time Don’t vou just hate when
that happens?
Your (ailing for a revolution
gin's against peai etui and item
oi rata i hange th.it has made
this eountrv the envy of the rest
ol the world I do not hate ga\s
1 wo ot mv best friends are ga\
I am. though, disgusted ti\ it.
but they ait normal (normal to
me) around me so 1 treat them
as sin h
Anyway. m\ point is that if
given a i hou e between i apital
ism and gays, then \ou would
all be dead After all. capitalist
counties are the onlv countries
that tolerate homosexual activ
ism Others just imprison or
lust plain shoot you.
Fins is a great t ounlry and it
will change for the better for
vou Hut don’t try to create a
"revolution" because most
people 1 know love this system.
So given a i hotee between i up
Italian) and homosexuality,
they 'd |ust rather see you dead
So force yourself, be patient,
don't worry be happy
lerrii k ludiette
t lliemistry (»TF
High ground
II (ill Kreidberg. co-director
nl Students for the Kthical
Treatment of Animals is para
phrased correctly |l always
have to wonder in the Emer
ald), I am offended by her in
sensitivity She is paraphrased
in the artii le on SKTA's rally
(DDE. April 25): "Society
causes itsell to have diseases
bei ause people are not educat
Is this true of my grandfa
ther. a non-smoker who died of
cancer' My uncle, who died of
complications of diabetes' My
younger brother, who at the age
ol three contracted meningitis
and permanently lost his hear
ing' According to Freidberg's
statement, had they been more
educated they would be
healthv todav
Step down off your moral
high ground. Freidberg. and
think ahout what you arc sav
mg and what it might mean to
the people you are trying to
< onviin e I'm no tan of vivisec
tion, Iml when groups like
SHI A show themselves to have
no real i oik option of the com
plicated issues involved in the
animal resean h debate, and
continue to hide behind "moral
truth' like such rhetoric Hing
ing rear tionaries us the anti
choice people in the abortion
argument, then I have to put
more weight on the rational at
guinents of groups sui h as the
rendition for Animals and Am
mal Roseau h
I believe animals have rights,
perhaps more than are current
K recognized 1 will remain
open to your arguments.
Freidberg. but be careful not to
preach onlv to those who at
ready accept anti-vivisection as
lack Maynard
The truth
Some of thi‘ most significant
words ever expressed on this
campus were spoken Monday
night. April Jt. by Tons
Avirgan of (lost a Kii a
Only a few were there to hear
him. which reflects the long
standing unwillingness of
many to a< knowledge painful
One truth, as Avirgan stated
it, is that agents of the U S
government killed Ben hinder
and Linda Frazier, both Port
landers. in ai ts of Contra terror
ism in Nicaragua When our
agents do it. we do it
Those weren't isolated ac
tions They reflect an ongoing
sense of immunity the US
government feels it has to do as
it pleases — even murder.
It is an obscene behavior pat
tern that will persist as long as
the good. God-fearing citizens
of this nation refuse to hear the
George Beres