Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. CLASSIFIEDS 155 COMPUTERS-ELECTRONICS APPLE M* INTOSH 512K with i disk Image Writer Mac Wide ami MacPaint E*c**llent rondd>un Hardly used StOOO 686 4830 please lv msg EVEREX COMPUTERS educational discounts plan HUGE SAVINGS' Call 683 4 764 'or price !«St MAC *’ 12* I '••fianc e«1 .mhJ 'll*. IBM EGA l.• >j M, ami an! 1 al' ' •!« ested and ask for Dan 683 3463 WANT TO cut down on late night work? Get ai IBM Peis.inai System 2 m help wth tfrrm papers reports and keeping c lass notes in order Comes . .mplete with pm loaded softwa'* mouse and color graphics Spec pend Students only' Women, minor dies physu ally challenged and gay ana lesbians encouraged to apply Suite 4 or RM .MB f MU Appfn.atio? deadline May 4 DID YOU KNOW? Even though you are enrolled Spring you need to file an INTENT TO REGISTER CARD ' . ' alter 1 the SUMMER SESSION ESCAPE FIELD Studies seeking st »u* me 1990-91 a< adeo... ,tuv st »»d Application*, available Mill I Mti Uti 4 ’ and J.,e t)v Mar 4 f - zip OPPORTUNITIES ; >ONATf Pi ASM A it S' * from measles earn e«tra 484 .!t s4 ESCAPE FIELD SJ ; )'f . -_j P,,tM Schooin b-.vv >r» Mead • if the m ad«oi yea? 1990 91 Student should put turn Slat* .i'M . pi a Upper -division credit ;':< . • ■..» .«! " M'H [ M i d ! , M.i. ’ f •. - 1 - on tat t Rod PeMey or Staph Summers ESCAPE ft FLO Studies wnm-j stu dent to till •• o* • >f» . -• M .-'.iger to* f ail 1990-Summer 1991 Should tion and peer Supervision Stipend A upper division credit Applications available and due by May t* f <:■■’ <•-. .-#• in?. ■ on tar ! Mar, Suit, r MU! I i 446 4 161, f O A A E FEMALf NON mm; NANNIES Indispensable* Inc 1 800 3S6 98 7$ NANNY OPPORTUNITY 6 from $150 $400 a aw* J-.-m $66 K POSTAL JOBS Start $11 41/fv Fof ***m a iOpm 1 .>16 3.'4 6228 »• •! 10H SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM ly stipend for quatdied persons inter *.!»*•! m earn ■ J .1 M is!*-' «. ley me and Special educ ation certifi more details Ante to Santh Davs 1 fb Education University of Oregon SAVE so at leading hotel*, "ab. m Aide and qualify for TREE lodging Also solid 6 figure income L.aii I 800 233 8S09 E«t 1002 VOLUNTEER with YWCA Peer mentors needed to help womun make transition to LJO Helpful trammy r.ii me .jam a *'MVUt Mosti >g May II A 12 Plus T Au 1990 CALL YWCA FOR DETAILS. 346 4439 2is HELP WANTED M ’ f • MAN At if H • . r • erred rete'en, e'i required PO Oo* 144 Euye»'e OH J/44 PAINTERS NEEDED tor summer ». >rk m Portland c'.ai! tr > • i46 6064 PERMANENT PART time -.a>s ;*?•*. Sat's plus Must t*e bright emergen ami 3S0 i 11th >!*tr 12 S Fn Ma, 4 STUDENT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY UNIVERSITY MOUSING SUMMER STUDENT MANAGER This position begins Friday June 8 and ends Sunday Sept 1b >990 It s » SALARY e *.a= a, a ' merit and board during those period# that the tcHKl service is m operation Pius *’4h per week HOURS . i-» • a'* !•./! 1 ' '■ t"" week 4 on ail hours equals 1 P' QUALIFICATIONS A. , • • . t *■ UO Student (although not ne. essanly registered for summer E*pe - e as Student Manage' Reside't Assistant or Senior Desk Ass slant in UO Housing or compurable system is the 1991 1991 v. »*. APPLICATIONS A . tr , • , : b, «• MO later than Wed Ma, 2 PM FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. CALL 346 215 HELP WANTED CUSTODIAL TRAIN* R SUPERVISOR V v DANCE RS WANT! D OCSPERATEIV SI: E KINci SUBS 1 yr pipermnc# or education I CC r# quire<1 Fl««ibl»» hour* Call Chm w as/$ DOCUMENT ANALYST , ml use of the € MIC V SKILLS REQUIRE D strong ,j' ,’i-'■ ,i?' 146 '..o4 } MvVf LOVING BABY Sitter ti an1 ' i '• t .»•* ) m n ■ ■ • '... ffir 1 /JO 91 ->- ho, • ,*Mi W> Positions include 2 Eddonai Page E dMors Cirapfii'. s E ddor h 2 Photographers Supplements fcddor Higher Education Adm.nisfr »!•■>•> 2 Higher Ed Admin Reporters ('.'•mmunity Assoi uilii fddo' 2 Community Reporters f natures Associate tddor 1 Features Reporter 2 Sports Reporters Politic s Ass.■■< -ain t dd- • t Politics Reporter Student Government A ovdies As SOCidte Editor 2 stud Govt A. ! Reporters { ntertdinmont As ate t ddor ! E ntertainment Reporter APPLICATION DEADLINE A .• I ho school year and f*i. a *oefcly lions ive salaried and oH,, .ally beym Fall Tern' 1990 The f met aid is an Equal Opportunity Employer Anyone interested ap and job description from tb»* Eme< ,i ! 11«:» ‘>o.t* ini; EMU CANVASS DIRECTOR SUMMER POSITION ID CARE tor ou' 6 m; 1 son 1 home iSE Hitiv !*> U) *»•, N„r a**' *«|h a- E *per r*ter required ?T5 HELP WANTED ASUO Student Government ?M»» t‘ .•!" irfrlMtl ... f )f tft«? ASUO \ •f' -i I • vr !«*JO >’ •A . ' , • ‘ r . * • k , . • ’ i? • , -V* . • A . • . A ' * . • A-.1 .t it.- A " i •A” • A. • ! t* WE’RE LOSING IT . M i ; i. - • . UKi JOBS >n tfu: ?.v, .V - : y Mr 4 A 225 APTS -DUPLEXES W*> hom$4^ NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMt H AND F Al L NEAR CAMPUS' Available June 10 Quiet small complei • 2 beduiom townhoute wntb private • Furnished 1 bedroom Covf'Sd perking laundry 1369 479 leas® No pels No fall reservation* 1437 High 144 74 34 or 342 86S6 NE HI OROOM .1 i ■*)« 1 • TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUM MER AND FALL LOW SUMMF R RATES t j i 1 * . :-i 1 .. 1 M42 i 18th Mg 144 4 7bO TAKING RESERVATION*. for MIM Mt R AND f At t l arge j . fKlrm I blk to UO Id* to* Sumnu»f - .1! e b ir,a*f 0*Sb a 15th & Olive Apts. pus and jt»?,»•. 1 > >^ fu'-"sb*Kl Covered pithing l auftdfy t.»l .Ivjtlabu* f f S Wj‘ M , UJ Bennett Management Co 91S Oak St ^00 Realtor 48*. 8991 Bl K S AMPUS .* ? -!"Ti t • ■ • *,? .1. ,p $48*. if. US «*j.l t> * I BDMM Af*’ . M »dry S300 1370 HIGH NO 5 Ur !.,rn.sned 1 bedroom pr.valr l a! i a'k' J \ i.'S Nopals Spyglass Assoc Wife 1130 ALL AVAIl ABLE NOW1 ?30 QUADS P'.y >'r? \ J*omng* & Co M J 4/19 S. ■‘VtTv, *H66 m./ ■; ' -»il bR! 1809 to S Jennmg* & Co bfl » 4219 ?35 HOUSES ?40 ROOMS ?60 ROOMMATES WONTED ft MMi ROOM M A ' f n««d«d for Surtinw Friendly roommate* l.ttye yjfd $t88/mo 14.' 1822 •a K.iom. hwdwowl fio«M $i4i • 2/0 MEETINGS CYCLING CLUB MEETING 7:30 Wed, May 2 Cedar Rm F Sponsored t)y Out) 5 ports PARAGLIDING UO Outdoor Program pre sents Kev Arends ot the Oregon Paragliding Asso ciation. He will discuss the sport, show a video and demonstrate equip ment. Thursday, May 3 at 7:30pm in 110 Willamette Hall. FREE. 346 4365. Pre-Law Society Elections 'All members should attend 'Non members welcome May 3, Thursday 4 PM 164 Oregon Hall 275 EVENTS HOW LOW CAN YOU GO9 BAD BOWLING OBJECT**'* | ?■.» htt the !iM5l number Of pin-, with: .1 throwing . julter hah Gutter balls fO points May 6th at the EMU Rec Center Pre Registration Sign Up tor teams of three until May 4th lot one ot the following times 5-6pm or 6 7pm S 5 Of- va" Prizes by v. I i1 Pi/;a UO B- ossln'*? 275 EVENTS CINCO de MAYO Celebration Sat, May 4 & 5 Tickets $5 2 for 1 1st 50 people at Main Desk Co sponsored by MECHA Cultural Forum Community Relations Task Force Kfi M If tilts |I.I|HI 2»0 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ENTER NOW Willamette Valley Banjo Fiddle S Guitar Contest Troptuai and Cath Pn/es toi tha following i-jJotjonp-. Fiddle* Banjo'Guitar Misc instrument Traditional Singing Aiita n ed lni®»m*dt*l« Begomaf* : 11S3®: ■ ART CINEMAS ■ - 492 E. 13th • 686-2458 ■ DISCOUNT 5>*OW9 ( AMII.U: ( LAI OKI f$r loin Omy Ai«n Ru<*o4j»* [H MJ SHY V * I A rflNt l Of AMU*' ’• 4- KLCX 104.7 LATE NIGHT4 «j Th 11 00 Hi V1N COS TNI R REVENGE TTtllf Tl >■» n r RATIO »• NO ONI UNOlHia^ r$\ UHINO YOUR lOINTinCATlON' ®CAFEFLESH^ ^ -■r.vj ■W>H'HmfD,tlUM MM*1I _J 285 F000 & DRINK CHICKEN DINNER FRIED BBQ Mushroom • Teriyaki po salad slaw - bread ONLY $2.50 TAYLORS 300 COUNSELING l fsHIANS' GAY Mf N • ) Iw.uvng . We art? ling ( nme ulahalH 1 661 CHAT anon :-i1 » ! . PHOil ( MS ' .|!i , ;♦< ) • - *«« ' •' [n*f• 1 •» i'”5Hling SlH.- Jly >n* dor'f,146 4 4fl4i 305 SERVICES Campus Ministries A -mJmi-mI.if I »«mng Fuchanil * MJNKRIAND * GRI At f OB PARTIf S AND BIRTHDAYS 5A*uinrn all games work £VIUtU WITHNICKILS GAMES admission m so STM STRUT PUtllC MMIET f UCENf • Ml-MM Color Blind Music ww-—— BMBM m **** a»r.t Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs G Try Our Dinner Upstair s Hours: Downstairs M Th 11 00 / . DOW, N ^uv ooUrtiD'’' ■T\ Ik Mf, VV, , rv ft 1 flwr m <‘>i * / >H ' ’. Hi V/>» V>\J i.v. /»t VjK i’>«5 "i« uW "w, ■ A' m > , ^ ^ IT UA'.Hi f ' AN \ va,T i‘WH\ Hut -.v n V. Rvu« ' Wl'MIfit' II . Pll K a ^ W . A A) r