Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 01, 1990, Page 8, Image 7

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I’hnlo b\ Mmk ^ Iph
(iraduating seniors Komi Xagamoto anil Amber (iobeen
defeated Puget Sound's No. 1 doubles team in their Final
college match.
Tennis team finishes with a win
By Robert Weber
Emerald Contributor
The I'niversify of Oregon
women's tennis team finished
their season on a high note Sat
urda\ vMtli a <M) thrashing of
Puget Sound m Kugene
I tin k i oat h Tom (Ireider said
the win was a good ending to a
good season
"I am very pleased with our
performance today and for the
entire season.” (Ireider said 1
was a little concerned about a
letdown today after the Wash
ington matr h but the girls
play ed yy ell
(ireider and his team v\ ere
e\pe< ting a tough mati h from
I’uget Sound but the Duck s
overall balance seemed to be
too much to handle
"We really thought they
would he lough sou e they had
defeated Washington State and
some of the other teams we
till ed this season (ireider
The I Ini ks were led b\ two
seniors playing their final ini
lege matches fxuini Vigamoto
and Amber (ioheen got then
team off to a good start by yvm
illllg three mat! lies betueen the
tyvo of them Nagamoto defeat
ed l.elani Magee l>-J i> i at \o
1 singles yvliile (Ioheen. play
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You've earned it1
mu No i singles. polished off
l.isa I fit k 1)4. t> ) Tfii' two also
< ombined to defeat Puget
Sound’s No 1 doubles team of
Magee and Kate Murphy t> -4.
7 - fi
lunior Hilary Roberts and
freshman Shelley Hrandt also
sec ured three wins for the
Ducks b\ sweeping their sin
gles mate he's and the No Z
double's from Puget Sound
Roberts cruised bv Murphv fi-l.
n 1 at No Z singles, and Hrandt
defeated karyle Kramer (i Z.
t. I I’lie doubles mate h was .1
blowout with Roberts and
Hrandt crushing Die k and Kra
rner f> (). ti t)
Ihe I fin ks e ompleted the
sweep w ith vii lories by Marga
ret I arleigh and Tracev Miller
at No *> and (i singles I arleigh
defeated Anne Holaneli'i (ill.
(i -1 while* Miller took e are1 of
Hessie \Vindee:ke*r 7 5. ti Z
Miller also ti'amed with jenni
ter Tachibana at No .1 doubles
for the' ninth vie torv of the day
tor the- 1 file ks
ihi' vie.torv over Puget
Sound left the' I hie ks u ith .i
15 11 reeeird in what (ireider
calls. the toughest schedule
we ve i*ver plaved
1 am extremely pleased with
our season (ireider said "lie
beat almost even team that we
should have and got a chance
to play against some of the top
teams in the nation
The Dili ks played Hill-ranked
Arizona and Kith ranked San
Diego on a recent road trip De
spite being blown out in both
matches, the Ducks got .1 taste
ol what it takes to i ompete a
nationwide level
"We learned that to compete
with teams like Arizona and
Stanford we must narrow the
gap between our No 1 and No
0 players.” (ireider said If we
are able to do that then we will
be able to compete w ith the top
ranked teams.”
(ireider plans to have a simi
lar schedule next season for a
team that he thinks c .in lie even
better than this year's lie has
letters of intent from three
standout players from the west
coast w ho he feels w ill improve
the team immediately
Sherry lairgrieve, knssx Har
ter and Katie Glynn are all ex
peeled to challenge for some of
the top positions left vacant b\
the graduation of Nagamoto
and Cloheen when thee arrive
next season.
l airgrieve is a senior at West
Albany yx ho is 1 urrently ranked
seventh in the northwest in sin
gles and No. 2 in doubles Bar
tel and Glynn both hail from
California where they .ire high
lx ranked in singles
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