Girgus Continued from Page 1 A large part of the program's woes can tic attributed to Cirgus' imminent departure lor Vanderbilt lbiiversitv "The fact that I'm leaving has unrated the problem of re placement." Cirgus said. "The general lack of funding and support here has suggested very little opportunity to devel op the potential of American Studies here Provost Norman Wessells said it was too late for the I 'm versitv to seek out a replace ment for (iirgus Wessells said he and a num tier of others on the Amenc an Studies Advisor\ Council bad expected Toby Kdson. an asso mate professor in the Division of Kduontion Polk v Manage incut, to become the new direr tor Kdson was the original direr.tor of'the Vmerii an Stud les m 1986 Kdson. who has served on the American Studies advisory hoard for four years, said In' made no firm dei ision to take over (hrguss position "Apparently there aren't too many faculty ready to put themselves on the line." Wes sells said of the iai k of appli cants for tile position As the leading possible re plai fluent. Kdson requested ad ditional funds to improve the program, U essells said "There were so many other needs. ' be said I o ask fnt U'etd PincesatMH & A IVf Watt fii-v-3 Large Experienced Staff COMPLETE COPY CENTER Graduate School Approved IBM M,l< iM! )' ' Aprm , f > M 344-4510 605 E. 13th —emu_v MAIN DESK STORE INVENTORY CLEARANCE GET % FREE % MERCHANDISE : ’W>\, . WITH MINIMUM $2 PURCHASE ,, \U )\l > X'i S I HKi H (,H i K!l 1 \ys Luncheon Specials Hot & Sour Noodles Chicken & vegetable $3.95 ( V-xf to i ot O Hnok*tt>rc CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT fOl I Hill 14 1 2H 12 It takes two to Tangle! David Fletcher is part of the merge! fjormrrh l cHair Salon/ 11th & Patterson 343-1637 $50,00(1 right off we weren't willing to make llie commit ment (brgus said the current pro gram is inexpensive he< ause a cluster of !()0 level i hisses ami a 400 level seminar and thesis ( lass are the only additional currii uln required to run the program All other required classes are offered h\ existing liberal arts programs. C'drgus said Palmer said the < leisure ol the program was unfortunate I had supported it at the time it was created he said " I here was considerable support that it we i ouldn't enhaiu e it we should c lose it HompIPSS Conlinuod tr«»m Pagt- 1 Several of the i urididates also gave their support to the recommendations that thu lame County Housing Task l-'ori e made in its re port that i ame out earlier this year That report i ailed for a non profit corporation to he developed would supply low income housing the report also rails for a permanent housing task fort i' to he r routed This would he more than a one time gesture " said County Commissioner Cyn thia Wooten Wooten was a co-chairwoman of the hous mg task Ion e (Ither ( andidates said they would support a business li censing fee in order to raise funds lor tile programs t anility (Commission c andi date Kandy Mai Donald said that bei ause the federal gin eminent has abdii ated its re sponsibilitv for the homeless b\ passing the bin k to state and loi al governments, it was net cssary that ' 'the Inn k stop here, at the lot al i ommnnitv I agree we need to grow more (ei onomii ally) to gel more binding Mai Donald said But. as people get letl behind we need to ask ourselves about them RESTAURANT TUESDAY NIGHT IS PIZZA NIGHT 4 Toppings of your choice *9.75 14’" Large Pizza 5:00 pm 'til closing 13th & Alder 343-0681 u CREDTL The Thomason Toyota Graduate Rnance Plan uei uui ui i ne uassroum And Into A New Toyota! No Down Payment! No Payments For Three Months! Congrats! After 2.000 cups of coflee and all those all-nighters. VOu're out of here1 Now you ( an start on the road to success monuib jusibiiuw mumabun Toyota proof ot graduation (within the next six months), proof Wm of future em Sployment and insurance No credit record ^ needed! L a concept college credit Wm Visit thomason Toyota today1 with a new loyota trom i nomason us our oonegc Graduate Finance Plan " It puts you behind the wheel of a brand new Toyota faster than you can say "Cum Laude " Best of all, you'll pay nothing down and nothing, nada, nyet, zip tor a full ttiree THOMASON fi'tftfa S.E. McLoucjhlin Blvd Milwaukie 653-1300