Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 01, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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    Drug paraphernalia sold despite local ordinance
B\ P.it Mdlj( h
Emerald Reporter
I In' sign on the door roads
"All at:<i ssorics .iri! designed,
marketed .ind intended for use
u ith tobacco. smdl and legal
-ijri m
i- ^
S Lx.,1 ! W.
^ 342-8111
I Imvi'vi't mtit I) of the mer
i hflixllse soli! .il ilimk\ Dors
1’ipe .ind ToIxk i o .f'l t V\ "th
Avenue is suitable for i on
sumption of subsfam es fiesules
fob.ii i o
• Full dinner menu
• 23 varieties of Pizzas
• Whole wheat and
white crust
• Pizzas to go
cooked and uncooked
15th and Willamette
Mon.-Thurs 1 1 00 Midnight
FH. 11 00-1 00 a m
Sat 5 00 1 00 a m
Sun 5 00 1 1 00 p m
831 EAST 13TH
loll f n-t* I HOO-HHH- {744
Hours H:0() to Ill M I
4:1111 to I (III Sul
Lowest Fares Anywhere
All Major Credit Cards Accepted
\\ c don't sell anything foi
use with drugs " said a Hunks
Dors employee who would
onls idrntifs himself ,ts lair
r\ Wo have no < ontrol ovor
wh.it people do s\ ith thorn oik e
thov leave tho storo
II tltos r onto and sus I s\ unt
.1 hash pipo I i dir t soil thorn
iinvthing I .ins said "All I
i ;m s,t\ is. "wo don't li.ise
Amid tho lobat i o traditional
tolwii co pipes intense jewel
rs posters, bumper stickers
.old I shirts sold .it I luuhs
Dors is ,ui assortment of mot
rhandise with (unctions th.it
i ,iu truss the lino between le
gitimate and illegal
There are plastic glass and
ceramic svater pipos ranging in
size tioiu loui inches to nearly
Isvo loot tall There are one lot
pipes i ailed pirn h hitters
and several small smokeless
pipes ' There is a w ide variets
ot soapstone, wood glass and
brass pipes all less than three
ilit lies long
Along with the merchandise
that is used tot smoking mans
items are advertised lor Use
w ith substam os that are in
haled Class and steel tubes are
advertised for use in snorting
smdl and silting mechanisms
designed to use with herbs,
spit os and leas are suit)
1 nlort enieiit of the drug pat
aphenialia law s is dibit ult be
t an so many of the items in
question have legal uses saitl
kur! Wuest. a Kugene Police
I tepart merit delet live
All they ha\e to sa\ is i! is a
legitimate item " he said
There are vert ver\ tew items
that don't have some legitimate
use It is hard to prove tli.it it
will be utilized for consuming
Determined to plav some part
\Kta the computer you
need to succeed in the
real world and a chance
to use it there.
Tr\ a Mannti tsli’ ;md nitit .jolt's Real \\< >rld Swu-jisuks.
V hi u Hild wii i a \uvk at 01 it* < >i ll icm* leadii ig (>r$u tizulit »i is
aiklaMaunti tstio HiipukT.
I nlct \pi il l(' M.iv t in (lit
Mkrocomputrr Sup|>ort I ;il»
202 l omputinn t enter \l l 9nm-5pm .'40 4402
St, 4.Urn;His < tvnpuU-x fc-Miftf SvrttfMakfs Kuft^ i Kn^tiUt.-W!'
■« W - • St* ‘r *f* >V “ '*••• ‘ < i." *>■>*?* t .
m tin- w.ir on drugs the I u
gene I al\ ( .mini II passed .in nr
cl i no in i in 19HH banning the
sale nt drug paraphernalia to
minors Hei ause minors i .innot
huv toll,a i n. they have no legit
iniale purpose Ini Iniving the
parapher nalia
Ilunkv Dorv owner Hob
Smalley h said the ordinance
has had no effect on his busi
ness We've always had a no
one tindei 1H polit \ he said
t in (Councilor Roger Kutan
said the ordinance was passed
m an attempt to take a stand
against drug use
"It is a token measure to try
and make a statement It was
one wav to say that the legal
sale of this light under our
noses was lust not right." he
"The bottom line is that
there is not a lot that is done to
(>i aphu in \ irmm.i l‘r
people who violate this
Kul.m said '’Hut when you are
Irving to light the war on drugs
von pit h anything you i an gel
your hands on
It is a requirement of the po
line department to enton e the
ordinance. Kutan said
The penalty for violating the
ordinani e would he a i lass A
misdemeanor whit h is punish
able In up to one year in tail
and a $2,500 fine, said polite
Sgt Kn h .Kiel
I'he department enforces the
ordinani e In monitoring the
businesses that sell question
able men handise But Kiel
would not explain how polit e
monitor the businesses He
added, however, that he knows
of no t nations that have been
issued since the ordinance was
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