Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 01, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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    I niversiU
Fulbright scholarship information available
mkkti\( ;s
Student Campaign for Disarmament will
meet In discuss the N’ln lear I ree /.one i ampaign
_Et als_
tonight .it 0 at the Koinonia Center U14 Kincaid
OSPIRti will hold a i h.ipler meeting tonight
at 5 at the Koinonia Center. 1-4 14 Kincaid St
Asian/Pacific-American Student t’nion will
meet for committee updates on Heritage Month,
tonight at 7 in KMC Cedar Room C
Campus Crusade lor Christ meets Ini Prune
I ime tonight at 7:40 in Room 704 Condon
Students for Choice will meet tonight at 7 on
the third flooi of Chapman Lounge
Vietnamese Student Assoi iation meets to
night at 0 in Smith Lounge to de< ide on a spring
soi ial event
Incidental fee Committee will meet tonight
at n to in the KMl Hoard Room
MISt .1.1.1 AM ()t s
l lie annual competition for l ulhright (.rants
is open For information, call the ()tlice of Intel
national Sen ices at t-4l> 1700 The application
deadline is Oct 17 Pint)
German ( luh is planning a hike in Mount
Iuni- to mv w ildfloyvrrs Saturday A sign up ami
information sheet is posted on the German Glut)
bulletin board at ross from Room J07 I riendh
Study abroad information tor programs in
Avignon Frame. London Gologne Germany,
and Siena Italy will be presented today at 1 to
p in in t he 1 All' Hen I under
"Peat e Studies and the Future of the l niver
sitv is the title of a presentation to be given to
night at 7 to in Room 100 Willamette I lie pre
sentation is sponsored by the College ol \rts and
S< ient es
Applying to MKA s< hool is the subjei.l ot a
workshop to be held today at t 10 p m m Room
lo-l Oregon Hall File workshop will feature in
formation on MHA programs the (IMAT and how
to i hi rose t he best si hool
Headline for submitting Id a/s u> tin■ Finet,dd
front desk KM l s'nite MM. is no on the day before
I'ublii .ition f t ills run tln‘ thy of the er ent unless
the ei rnt minis before eom: /'/ease submit It
.l/s the i/,ii helore they .ire to run only Vo/desu/
events with a donation or admission charge it ill
not be at i opted Campus events and those si bed
tiled lie,nest the publuation date a ill be go on
priority I lie Fmeruld reserves the right to edit
notices tor grammar and sty le
Peace educator to lecture
Pear e studies .mil llif fullin'
of universities will be thr hunts
n! a free public talk tonight In
Hcltv Ki'.irdun. an international
authority on peace studies
Reardon's l.ilk begins at 7 it)
p in. m Room lot) Willamette
and a reception will follow at
the (lollier I louse
Reardon is the fourth interna
Iionally regarded figure to pres
enl < lasses and pubiii lei lures
through the I'niversitv's (.all
ton and Wiliierta Ripley Savage
Visiting Chair in International
Relations and Fear e
"Reardon is one ol the
world's foremost peace educe
tors." said Cheynev Ryan, di
rei toi ot tile peace studies pro
’'(fregonians take peai e is
sues more and more seriously,
regardless of their politics!
viewpoint. Rian said V\e
.ire delighted that people in Ku
gene have the chance to hear
Reardon's views firsthand
Reardon is teaching courses
mi international studies .ind
pout e edu< ation tin the I lollegc
id Education tins spring
Reardon is a professor and
duel tor of the IVai e I,dm atlun
Program at Columbia I'mversi
tv s Tear hers ( adlege She also
directs tile i’eacem.iking in Kd
uiation Program of tinted
Ministries m Edui at ion a
group ol Christian denomina
lions working on education is
Reardon has written more
than Hit) works on peace edu
cation, human rights education
and global problems
She has served oil a number
of advisory hoards and i ouii
oils nolablv the t mversitv for
Peace Council (appointed l>\
(lie Secretary General of the
Coiled Nations), the I N Non
governmental (frgunization's
Committee on Disarmament,
and the Pan A merit an t aiuni tl
tor Pear e Research and Kdllt .1
Free measles
shots ottered
I In Student I lealth
t euliu is otterimi Irei
me.isles shuts hit those
students 11 ho tei ei\ ed
tmtmiiH* i;lobulm shots m
\\ hen the me,Isles si are
bloke out in late I elu u
m\ I.ii kson iei omiiif ml
eil th.it students u ho le
1 ell ed shots till the hep.l
litis mi idniit not yet <i
me,isles shut bei..uise the
oIi illlll III 1 .it i itie .llsli pi e
1 eltts me.isles
However the elohulm
shots u dl heitin u e.n iiu>
oil and those students
u ho reeeiied the shot
should i«el a measles i a<
i me tie said Moinl.n
Students i an re< rive
tree measles liooslers at
the health i enter tor the
nest In o u eeks limn I to
I p it)
Celebrating Women In All Our Diversities”
MY LIFE: A LOADED GUN: Dickinson. Plath K \ i . .
BOOMER: Railroad Memoirs: by Limbi Nienidiin
Coming Out Under Fire: by Allan Beruby !t„- -r <si, - s :
Seed Padded /«>i Mvh.tnj ' llv're ('hwuj Th* >■ Au.n
2001 Franklin ‘WCA'- 343 4864
What Can You Buy For 50<t?
Come to Originafjo^’s tounge and Find Out!
• Student Night
• Fund Specials
• Free chips
& salsa
We’re Celebrating
All Night
Outdoor seating
available for
nice evenings
()iii>in.tl lot' s • 2 1 West (ith Stm*t • • \< ross from the Hilton
( US YOU 1.0 r1
- nit Leas'. •>? i.:■'
* 1' ut tf-.r - 1 ; 3 • '*• : V
Gut t er t>ol 1 •. I 0 point .
Mijr j- fur t« i iv it ’ Hr • *
until vi111 mo - 11 in «i Mb
toll.lull 1 I t I -V
I’n.'ea fey
ffrvfion Dai I \ _ _
I'll Hot II'1* I uittiit I *fr|nii
' ’’»■ i tmera <1 i - put.if.hod Monday thr- ugh F'oda, • ■«,♦>;*»
a«am week and va< ahum, t>y the Dreg. n Daily i meraid Publishing C at the
University of Oregon Eugene Oregon
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Christopher Blau
On three. Vince Ready?"