Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 01, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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Watch candidates
on higher ed issues
\l ,i t'nivorsitv (acuity cniifereiu r Saturdav. Ore
gon St.tit* System u( Higher Kdticatinn Chancellor
Thomas Hartiett said funding of higher education has
now real lied crisis level.
Hardly news Kxperts have been saving that fi 11 at
least I he last decade
lint Bartlett's message dues have some signifi
cance In the past lew years, there has been a move to
ward cooperation between students, faculty and ad
ministiatois in the higher education system These
three diverse groups are mining togethei to save
OSSIIK. and revamp stale binding.
OSSIIK suffers from main ot ailments However, it
all mines down to insufficient funding both on the
state ami national level The problem has manifested
itself in a number of places. Program cuts and soaring
tuition i osts are but two. The major problem thus far
has been inadequate lac uIty salaries
Oregon as a stale ranks somewhere in the middle
in total revenue produced Hut Oregon as a higher edu
cation employer has dropped to a point which de
mands immediate c hange (letting a diploma from an
OSSIII school is not vet an embarrassment, but it
funding < untinues at its present level, that won’t he tar
The monev issue- aside, there are other reasons tor
the general deterioration in OSSIII! faculties The I’ni
versilv has a fine leac hing slalf at the moment but
what about in the next It) years? How about in 20: The
pic-sent lac uItv will have to be replaced someday, and
it the l 'niversitv i annul offer at least a competitive sal
,iiv the best teacher candidates will take then knowl
edge elsew here Couple this with an ever smaller Held
ol qtialitv teachers and you see how OSSIIK cannot
hope to compete with bigger, better funded schools
Hack in the early 1050s. right after the end it World
War II there was a big push cm the national and state
levels to mt lease higher education binding, to take the
burden off of the students Since then, the system has
gone hac k to the prewar era ot college ext lusivasm A
diploma is now a net essitv in the business world not a
luxtirv Higher ed one e again needs a large infusion of
more money
Students and concerned rommumlv members can
help In pay mg c lose attention to all the < andidates. lo
cal stale or federal Watt h how thev stand on funding
ot highei education Lobby present lawmakers to be
come higher ed advocates Write letters to congress
men. senators and representatives Make sure thev
know how important higher educ ation is to you
The cl pc timing elec tious (May I >| are a good plat e
to start Panic ipate In going to the polls prepared, and
making intelligent choices lor the future ol Oregon
higher eiltu at ion
FEDERAL penitentiary.
TttHEE ft* ME...
Nuclear free zone hits one more obstacle
Last week, tin' 0th Circuit Court of Ap
peals ruled iu favor of the Hush administra
tion in its suit against the t itv of Oakland,
dei taring its mu tear free zone unconstitu
Kugene mayor |eff Miller is elated.
Miller is hoping the ruling will knock
the wind out of support for the proposed
ballot measure 20-01 that would create a
more stringent NIK/, within the Kugene < itv
The i itv won t know for another two
weeks whether the Oakland ruling is appli
cable to the Kugene ballot measure Howev -
er Oakland's \'l /. was one of the broadest
in the i ountrv t bider the law . the i itv was
prohibited from doing business with coiupa
nies th,it have nuclear weapons contrai ts
In practic e. this meant the < it\ could not
bu\ light bulbs from Westinghouse or type
writers from IBM It also meant the Nav\
shipyards as well as the Department of Kner
gv offii e would have to he i losed within two
Hut the N'KZ proposed ior Kugene's May
ir> election is much different from Oak
land's The charter amendment to the exist
ing statute would only prohibit manufactur
ing. storing or testing nuclear weapons,
their delivery systems and communications
systems It would also ban work on nuclear
weapons defense systems and on compo
nents of any of tliose systems.
Ntiller says this will impede diversifica
tion of the local economy and will prevent
new business from creating jobs to take the
place of lost timber jobs. He also claims the
amendment will cost the city thousands of
dollars in lawsuits and legal fees.
Hut bringing in businesses banned In
the XFZ is not exactly .1 sound investment.
The defense industry is facing massive
budget cuts in the wake of the Hold War
thaw Constantly plagued by waste, fraud
and mismanagement, the nuclear weapons
industry spends billions of dollars on prod
mts that can rarely he sold, and (hopefully)
will never be consumed
Stock prices for defense contractors have
declined significantly in the List year, and
places like Rocky Flats and Hanford .ire fat
mg billions of dollars in clean-up costs for
toxic waste In the long run. nuclear weap
ons production may cost cities more than
they contribute.
In the last two elections, voters ap
proved the NFZ by fit) percent. Eugene vot
ers should not let Miller's presumptions
about the Oakland ruling dissuade them
from passing the NFZ amendment for the
third time around.
In your face
Oetmrah Wyss critii ism ol
llir "mess" on campus |()/)/■.'.
April 20) < omplelely missed
the point I assume she was
talking about tile "i omposted
Cadillac." though she tails to
state that clearly just what
are they teaching them over
there in | school anyway ’
Wyss attacks the Youth
(Ireens tor "adding even more
garbage to this planet Oh.
really' Think again every gram
of nonorganii matter m the
display was garbage or des
tilled to bei mue garbage
long before it showed up in the
KM I' courtyard So what she's
really protesting is not garbage,
per se, by garbage getting in
her fat e
Awful ugly isn't it7 Unt
that's the reality of our throw
away six lety And until we get
reality in our fai.es. most of us
obtuse i matures that eve .ire
will continue to ignore the
I)id tile t adillai i
lo any
good' I don't know but I'd
iiiui h rather see it t ontrolled
garbage display that might turn
a few Iteads then wait tor an at
i idental hast ioast-style riis
pla\ of syringes on the (teach
and cadmium in the tap water
Lets lie honest with our
selves Is any of us doing
enough to reduce our garbage
production' When we can an
swer this question "yes." then
we i an freely critii i/e the tat
tits of those who are sounding
the alarm
Matt Gushee
We are moral
I have a response to Maureen
Hurkes statement. "Who are
they to tell us we re not a fami
ly'" (ODE. April .Lt) We are
moral God loving society I'm
not surt> what you are
You and your partner, and
the other gays like you. are
leading a life that is disgusting
to the rest of us. and personal
I\ I'm sU k am) lin'd of hearing
you complain abnul how unfair
we're being I think it is unfair
ol you to shove your psycho
logic al and sexual problems
down our throats in the
streets in the media and |ust
about everywhere else I turn.
You have rights You have
the right to every privilege giv
en to you in the Constitution.
You even have the right to
sc ream your head off about
your disgusting sex life, al
though. once again. 1 beg you
not to You do not. however,
have the right, nor does anyone
else on this earth, have the
right to sleep with members of
the same sex You never have
and 1 pray to God you never
As for your hopes of a "fami
ly.'' must you destroy the life
of a child as well as your own/
Please. 1 beg you. in the name
of all that is good and decent,
don't t.ike others with you to
your hell Having children
would only breed others with
psychological problems like
yourselves, .is is evident in the
i use ol Robin Madell and her
mother What is the world turn
ing to?
Kelsey Fisher
Permit me to add one item to
your coverage of the Ducks-on
a Roll Wheelchair Basketball
event Thursday evening, April
It is true that the Lowriders
defeated the Oregon varsity
basketball team Hut you did
not mention the Campus All
Stars (Mike Petersen. Mike
Helotti. Andy Clark. Klaine
Creen. Khvin Heiny, and 1) de
fended the honor of the campus
by soundly defeating the City
Celebrities (media and business
types). The score was tj to ;i,
w ith the result never in doubt
Seriously, Tiana Tozer and
her associates deserve much
credit for organizing this event,
whic h several hundred fans en
joyed tremendously 1'he varsi
ty players showed that they are
good sports as well as fine ath
letes and students. the
Lowriders are amazing and
taught us all some lessons
about what handicapped peo
ple can do. and the other par
ticipants had a great time It
was a wonderful occasion lor a
fine cause: supporting rehabili
tation service programs
Paul Holbo
Vice provost
In Jackie ('onlay's April
27 letter, the last para
graph should have read.
"In the long run. these
responsible measures, not
cutting down the last of
the old growth or blam
ing owls, will best serve
the interests of .ill Oregon
citizens " The Emerald
regrets the error