CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. ns CARS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS •67 VW FASTBACK | Body 0>cefl cond nwds : Jo An '!• 481' 824 1 1976 i !AT 1?8 C-OUPE: fun ,it great gas mileage. low miles. e*» etlenf mechanically $850 .Vis 9961 ’9 " DATSUN k -n Car- P k ; i >♦? **a new red paint alloy wheels Runs great' Must see1 $1 960/080 34 J 2999 | 1979 SUBARU Dl rur.s~*H' good ] | gas mileage reliable $850/080 : .146 8102 1980 VOLKS WAGON SCI ROC CO 5 speed AM f M cassette bt«i> ►> E«cei 19H4 HONDA 650 NIGHTHAWK Only 13 000 mi great bike" $1400 Call 689 3552 1984 HONDA Civ- 4-l,>- 5 s pee-: Enk»»s more $3500/080 199/8411 days 1 997 2808 eves wknds (Florente 1985 HONDA ELITE 80 $450 f - el cond. runs helmet met 145 2149 8 11pm_ 2 YR OLD cruiser f or sale E« el cond Very good buy Must sell $ 120/neg 342 693/ call alter 8 67 BUG BODY fine engine needs some work it runs $500080 Call 465 8290 Iv msg ‘79 HONDA Prelude. Black. Well maintained. $1,200. Call Rick 344-4029. ftf. HONDA AERO 50 Good condition, low miles $300 Call Jennifer at 344 946/ 85 HONDA ELITE DELUXE 150 Excellent condition blue $800/080 82 YAMAHA SECA 400 Immac cond, red 3,500 mi $1,000/000 79 HONDA PRELUDE (LOADED) Sunroof AC stereo, bra $2 999-080 KEVIN 683 1480 86 HONDA ELITE low miles storage for three years white 782 4529 86 HONDA 150 DELUXE Newbies re cent tune up' Only $8.50/0BO 1 c 345 2149 87 HONDA ELITE 80 -n.J pur well) P* . ns t>ei w dealer JS! Con!a. t Floyd M Suiter Certified Specialist 1430 Willamette Ni .'39 f ugene 486 77 ’3 EVEREX COMPUTERS N w available under educational discounts plan HUGE SAVINGS' Cal 683 4/b4 for pru e iisl 155 CQMPUTERS-ELECTRONICS MAC • \> • ' » ' • " a ' 1 IBM • .A . ,, ,r i- • . ‘ WANT TO cot down on tale n»ght work’’ »»** « BM P«“ t ■ . to help wth le-fii papers reports and port Lab 20? Computmg 1 «nter M f dam 5pm 160 SOUND SYSTEMS TECHNICS R5 T22 Dual tape )*1 ► >* new Dolby BC warranty, syncnr $99 343 2*07 Scott mornings 165 INSTRUMENTS MAY OPENINGS Quite heyt »’P, bass lessons tOam 9pm John S 344 5530 WASHBURN FORCE 40 P i -- ; • r Sunburst wood grain With on tviurd electror • ■ $400 Peavey TNT 130 bas 1 amp $>00 Both pert 683 80?2 190 OUTDOOR RECREATION “CANYONEERING” Whitewater sunrises storms and more Canyon Dreams is this week's noon video Wed May 2 t2 30pm Out door Program *4365 FREE' HEY WINDSURFERS' FOR SAIF Mi dial 88 6 6 camber tndw *M racing *.aii Powerful Fun1 $200 Call 343 9601 2io OPPORTUNITIES DID YOU KNOW? I {'von though you are enrolled Spring j • term you need to fHo an INTENT TO REGISTER CARD ’ *ou . ! *■•* • ; j to attend the SUMMER SESSION j j There is still time to do it so stop by I j 333 Oregon Mall or the 0»»> e of ! Admissions ESCAPE FIELD Studies s»*eK ■ g " ti vated student to fill the position of Registration & Puhtu: Relations Com di- dtor *or the 1990 91 ai aderm year Student should have some Knowledge of omputers an I interest m a- tmg advertising or speech 20 25 hrs aH flexible Stipend A upper division red it Appl a! available 1 Mi 11 EMu t46 4 3511 and due by May 2 F • •• noar ■ ' intact Angie Fi.'Hun EOAAE FEMALE NONsn -m g live III nanny f. ■ rnm,1 2 y old gut •• Washington D C area Long term , omrmtment of t yr o» more necessary light house GIRLS WANTED Prom Eugene and surrounding areas between the ages ' 9 19 to ornptde {hi1, ,»•.! -. Mos P ornprehensivt? rec ycling Available ’ 18 states A 0 C v a. Kate at 1 800 iff) E AMT H NANN> OPPORTUNITIES from Jis, $400 a week Join the only en « gr .*th with a great family on the East Coast For details call Arlene St'e.iand !m t 800 44.16428 Mm age 18 M ■ i year ommifment t SCAPE FlELD Studies seeking Pub!" S- hoots Division Head for the a- adem . yea' 1990 91 Student should put m 20 25 hr Steph Summers 346 4 351 ESCAPE FlElD Studies seeking stu den! *o fni position ,>f Assistant Dire< •or tor the 1990 91 academic »ear Stu den! should have Knowledge o' pro gram coordination and peer superv sion 20 25 hrs/wk Hours are flexible Stipend A upper division credit mciud ed Applications available Mill { MU 146 435D a’ d due by May 4 f metre into contar t Jennifer Swan ?10 OPPORTUNITIES DISCOVER S80/K S200/K Annual Potential Placing creOil card display* Communion on applicants Overrule on monthly payments (713) 468-6440 9am Spm C S T NANNY POSITION Vr Wash" •• r«t family b®g*nmnfl 7 ’ 90 Two uttte boy • reed j spe al pal ' i I Mrs M- - ■ NOW HIRING' U S P »*.t! ' •• i it ■■ j-» Saury to $G*>K. E-d>, :-«fve< lions Call 111 80*; r>8,' 6000 I *1 P S600 POSTAL JOBS Start Jit 41 hr f or car and JPI I i tOpm 1 216 324 6228 ext 106 secondary special education PROGRAM ’ ‘rri m •*., • ■■■th ly stipend lor qualified person* inter .••,t.*d r •*.!• • Master ■■ iegre# .i"d special education certif" uhoo Err Education University of Oregon SAVE SO9 dt leading hotel* - >n Aide and quality for FREE lodging A'so sol'd fi figure >n, . me Can 1 800 233 6S09 l * t 1002 215 HELP WANTED APPLY TODAY The U of © Telefund need*, you to tie a liter for the University 7.»'► t he eating and successful alumni white r.i-s ig funds for the U of O l .e S6 c able Call Ur> UP or Uh »42* ' a ■ formation or fill out j" ippi tt • at 2001 f ' an Kim Btvd ATTENTION J The Oregon Daily Emerald is now .«< repi.ny application^ *..r s?,»ff {><>*,! | ! -i.’■ foi the t ')90 91 V. ho- year W ' with previous journalism enperience i | Position# m itid« 2 Editorial Page t tltlors Graphics Editors 2 Photographers Supplements f ddor Higher EducattonyAdministrat'o-n Assoc .ate Edrto» : 2 Higher Ed. Adrnm Reporters ! Community Associate f .! ! 2 (.ommumty Reporters Ass. . ij!f t i* • ■ j 1 Features Reporter Spoils Editor 2 Sports Reporters Politic# Asst* >ete tdiioi 1 Politics Reporter Student Government A t voes As »o< .ate Editor 2 Stud Govt A t Rep. rte's Entertainment Associate t -tdor I £ ntertamment Reporter APPLICATION DEADLINE A i The Imeraid publishes daily during j during summer term An stall post j runs are salaried and ofti< .ally begu f all Term 1990 the Emerald is an f qua! Opportunity I mp yer Anyone interested << ai ! piymg should pick up an application 1 and |o0 description from the Em#r J iid office Suite .UX) £ Mu CANVASS DIRECTOR SUMMER POSITION The Citizens Utility Board is fining tor the CUB tdVcu ales ’or fan utility rales and tar viro'-mentalty sound energy Pn i» .m*assmy required Salary *ange Si 40Q $' uA • ■ ' tr* Seed n?*> •• t . M.1, ' UB t." SW M " ■■ Suite VtQ Por! i and OR 91206 22 7 19841 ARE PROVIDERS !:• a' n for families *>m children awtfc dr sat- dies VatiMre and on CHILD CARE for our 6 mo old son in o\r home 2i Augusta Eugeni* OR 97402 ?I5 HELP WANTED 0AN< l RS WANTED DESPERATELY SEEKING SUBS 1 ft • ipertence or educa lion ECI r# quireri Fle»ible hours Call Chris 341 as? S GOA; • Pfb h ,HAMMI MS t*M D« J M- '!ii MAN A; ,f fi .. l«*rret1 references required K) Bo* 144 f oyene OM 9 '44< PAINTERS NEEDED for summer a. in Portland STUDENT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY UNIVERSITY MOUSING SUMME R STUDENT MANAGE R Th.u position Friday. June H v.l rMi Swoda* Sept 16 1990 II IS .1 SALARY M '«•■••• • ' • . ' ment aod board during those periods pit, ••. S' 4S per HOURS luty ? A >'«”* i 4 ,.IM .ill hours titjuals 1 pri mary duly hour) QUALIFICATIONS A. . »-■ 1 ' - UO student Mil though no! ru- »‘v..»oiy ragtSlerw'.J for Summer sesvuo.i f «p* r «• is ' >' >.* < t**'' 1 H» Assistant >< Sr*nor Ot»Sk Assistant m r »«qu1 it? *3 NOTE * f i-! ,in -h ! . • on# Ah • s hired !■■>' a 'BSi3ri« « life vlf for She 1990 ’991 school year a II bt> . on side red for this po*«t'-' ’’ APPLICATIONS Apt: ah . .1 a-.! ilihonal ilurmiliud are Available at the University Mousing Of he® Waller' i ample* ( ompletmi appU« al'ons Ifust lie turned -n to the Housing Of • -• lair- than A> H I ' ' 11***v« rjpllon) tf tie i " ked up j! the •iOf. " e Suite .100 t MU VVr-c applying for a position pIcami .if l.n h Anting • tnii les other 5 i bon* Of iviumaltSOc at"i:!y and per j Pay i $.’2 50 per isiwr* and require'! 4 ' .1 Ar;rk fhfi Of>f 'S A>~ t qu i Opportune y Employer WEIGHT ROOM Supervisors oreded • ,? Sue mer '990 Most Mane Wo'k Study $4 ‘ ‘ S’-' 15 ( .in Amy «»> 4 t t 1 WE RE LOSING IT Due ■ the . ivi'r whelming v, i"ts of ‘•eyi m V- •• Maqu.’me v une . >f u< fughly sKiifed Staff J'e heading for Bli> BIG JOBS fhe real a i«1 Th •. *i• t ,ut .eaves ui Aith no chon a hut tu give someone I np a c han< e to be • M r i she.' • t • A :.•••’ ; M r tgt < • || Apple at >n*j i n Suite I 1 ‘i f MU AA { ; )E Deadline May ’ t 225 APTS -DUPLEXES - mu THf DUC.KS AT THE Mill RAC i APARTMENTS Just 2 bt< *. • east • >• jmpus on me mdlrai e We have A«ii ured for 2 bedroom flats ,•■3 • .*nhou5®3 lift street parking piivale patios batconys Call Gary at 145 7275 From *495 Jennings A Co 6fl3 4219 Mil YARD QUADS F'-.m SlH'i" plus *125 deposit irye:I util Cull Real Estate Northwest >4 1 4 109 NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMER ANO FALL LG 1 HPRM apt lose to umpus a clean quiet com pie* Ly *aik in clos et vamtyrbath laundry uvered park my i arry 4ti4 4 1UJ ??b APTS -DUPLEXES a , nf nwooo ir*,r ALOPW STRC i J .. ■. •• . ... u4 ‘*m jenninrn A Ce> 683 4219 ■ AH IN I Ml St MV A ’ N l >H SUM Mf M AND » A; . i a o*‘ UM' n«v% •%»D.’i*'a -f"• 15th & Olive Apts •**’s vV 15th Ouhm I'V'-uj •. i i-t.-i -l/lil l wot-; *»M . •' r* .1 *i 1 .»■’ 5 ed ■ overtKl parking llun(]r, 'a ^N11*»*» .»v..»!i«»f-•!«' f -.Itv J365 W.»»>4g«» Bennett M»nig#m*nt Co 9l5 0ekSl 200 Realtor 4A5 6991 1 HID fURN bale. appl laundry art work parking quiet 2*ml Jun Sept 1250 and util 344 2105 9 57 Mil YARD NO 11 fumiSNKl 1 Uedroom parking i.iumlfy S300 1370 HIGH NO 5 Unfurnished 1 bed mom p .ate p-4t*o laundry p« $325 335 E 19th NO 2 Unfurnished 1 tWO'-uim hard* ihI floors laundry parking 1315 N..pets Spyg'a-.% Ah .. ALL AVAll AHl t NOW' ?30 QUADS ! I [MRWOOD 44 1 l 17th Offering an a'*, - at il ,v I -.fnirtd h<.using Phv4te A 290 Jennings A Co M3 4219 Nt WfB QUADS 1 -if I am pus ‘ »g er ■ . uti' i SVOM.f! 1HM, Hit' M y • ' 14 t 2378 TYll H PARK QUADS 528 fyier Street large furnished guilds an!h prorate half's A;I utilitu--. , an! '.•••. iau;,.d'y off Street s *r► ig Sail 6ft3 1«09 fu smt 522*. Jennings A Co M3 4219 235 HOUSES Hf j'f D PROHVjOR .1! * .1* 5w* Summtff rental houft* •» luring u'vt Of ef'l ml tit; jf >l*ei!ifig and gruvi^js Write WWtsu)* Statu.c PO Hot f ugtv'M 2 .ill { all • i!.«"«>'•• dt fjrt 5 UM r c .‘Iff...I at b&3 J?7? 260 ROOMMATES WANTED" FEMALE ROOMMATE needed for Summer Friendly roommate* large yard S tfl&mo 342 i*22 270 MEETINGS CYCLING CLUB MEETING 7:30 Wed. May 2 Cedar Rm F Sponsored t>» Club Starts PARAGLIDING UO Outdoor Program pre sents Kev Arends of the Oregon Paragliding Asso ciation. He will discuss the sport, show a video and demonstrate equip ment. Thursday, May 3 at 7:30pm in 110 Willamette Hall. FREE. 346 4365. 27!> EVENTS PEACE STUDIES and the FUTURE of the UNIVERSITY a talk by Dr. Betty Reardon W>11>0(14 Mvit»y Vr'.*lt»>Q Ch4’< !*•■ lol«”rt/»|i, ' ai Rfllat.. ami « 7 30pm Tuesday May 1st 100 Willamette Hall Reception to follow at the Colliet *•«•«> amj open to the puM* Ri o < It I his p.i|Hr. ?ao ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT JUJU: ART CINEMAS ■ 492 E. 13th- 686-2458 ■ OlSCOUHT SHOWS Su Uo Si Tw W* SJ V) J Th ? 30 «MU i t ALU Am QtHAM) « ( AM1LI.K ( I AIJDKI. M mkn « n« fm’iAlm U'm>ik *. i«.*< wal lo»«i UuiTlMC 5i\2*" .J/.). • ■ i . "S im - k»U*b»#' (‘•rtln# Nwl Young LOVE AT LARGE, DlracMl by Ai*n Mu4o4ph ► # N»TY V TOURNE t Of ANtMATK7£A 4- KLCX 104.7 LATE NIGHT4 Y *k< TK I 1 00 AlVTM COSTMCR ^ [revenge^ r^iT^oHTTr^i^QoiyruHorTij^ L^S IMNQ1 OU* >0E KTlflC A TIO*' OJ Fcafe FLESH^ r*HTBRfE0 ERASERM FOOD & DRINK" 285 CHICKEN DINNER FRIED BBQ Mushroom Teriyaki po salad slaw - bread ONLY $2.50 TAYLORS rninir 1 rUCKL ms . —1(KiMimtl l< • ( irtm t utjentt % own Itr and f to/*n Yogur I HOT FUDGE SUNDAES SI 25 Every Tuesday 19th & Agate 144 4418 Open tidily 1*! 11 pm dbi Willameite -J4J *’ii«'i 290 HEALTH & FITNESS . f ANN TO •* i ign ,;.or *it»ev. a !' oping Slfdlngmn df ■! identifying the i v;w' «s of slff.*. in Ufa Join 1 i ur 4 ween free seminar ottered t». j . me btud«*fl! Health Center Thun i.i,*. M.iy 3. 10 U .if ! .’4ih j ift f. 4‘ ! ,ni Mfc 4456 f >f •f'tt.rme ; • ■ i'"- " jM'-*’ - 300 COUNSELING - PHI >Bl IMV- r' I ho U‘-»U «' < >n ter '■■■ immediate pen.<>un*.«|ing iit'i. tty ■ inf>!ie‘'iiji }46 44nrt 305 SERVICES GORGEOUS WINDOWS Window Cleaning Residential 6 Commercial • f HI l i ,T|WAT{ S • • NE W CONS 1 HUC T ION Cl ( AN UP j ‘ COURTEOUS OUAl IT Y WORK * | • ACCREDITED 1 CALL TODAY 344 9761 GOING SOMEWHERE? Do u with the information you need, lrom the place that can't be beat when it comes to travel. 10% \ student } discount ▲ S.S. Adventure Traveler’s Supplv SHS Pearl Street, Kiiyene Open Mon-Sat Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson hutktc ntt 3W4E80W IT.' un uuo" Wit VMAVS Mi' NON' * WC.W (SHjWV TO htt 1 l CTOT « ' I got >r' HE CAW | IT.' IT'S M ' OUT/ W JOStT Mi ’ W*rs) . NMORM. ; HC -* MUUU N-—, . , | fjNl HI ON ~T~ vV[