Presort Daily_ _ Emerald I ucsiLn M.iv 1. 1't'in I 'uucnr ()rt‘i»on Volume 'll \utnht‘i 14.' _Inside_ ■ Free shots offered. Page 3 ■ Campus events. Page 3 ■ Drug paraphernalia sold, Page 4 ■ Ducks split doubleheader, Page •» University drops American Studies By Marina Swain Emerald Contributor The American Studies program is the latest east! altv of ail underfunded I niversitv Theodore ('aimer arts and si iem es dealt, said the interdisciplinarv major will not Ire uttered next tall, and there are no plans to continue the program in the future “There simple weren't hinds, and niv first priori t\ is to fund adequately the hash programs of the col lege." Palmer said of Ills decision to eliminate the pro gram Palmer said students already majoring in the sub jut.| would he allowed to continue next vear to coin plete their degrees Details of next venr's cutback will he discussed W ednesday tn members of the American Studies Ad visory (’.mined. Palmer said I he It. member council is represented In a varieH of departments sin h as jour nalism. Kngltsh. history and political si ience “It had nevei developed tlie wav people had hoped it would. Palmer said of the -l year-old pro gram Departing director of the program Sam (orgus disagrees “I think the ever-increasing enrollment in the course indit ntes we have tieen sui i esstul ill develop mg teaching strategies that reac h out to such .1 vast number of students. ( orgus s.ud [’he program has about l>0 majors and more than ",((() students are enrolled in American Studies 1 lasses eac I) term, (orgus said (urn to Cirgus, Page 5 L Reach (saifi Jacobson makes a lin ing < ,ih It lur ,i flying tlist undonwuth Monday s sunny hut tool skins. Photo In Martin Thiel Candidates discuss homeless problem H\ Pat Malat h t im*rald Reporter l andidates loi Kugene ( itv ( Cunt il and I ('mm tv Cummissionei positions met Monday at a candidate forum In debate and tlist uss the present homeless prob lem. ( itv Council t autlldate I’aul Nit hnlstm sail! the couiltv needs to look to tin* people and businesses that are contributing to the homeless problem to help solve d Taxing people arbitrarily is not the answer. Nicholson said. He stressed that the county needed to tax people who contribute to the prob lem employers who pav minimum wage and renters who take advantage of fiu gene's housing shortage in order to charge high rents Many of the candidates said they believe some city and county legislation needs to be changed in order to light the homeless problem Oily ( mint il candidate Ken Tollenaar said there .tre mam people in the commit nity that would benefit if the ordinance against camping in the citv was rescinded < itv Council candidate I'im lane asked if it was v\ is<- in hav i- the municipal court use its lime million on lay' and or der and only $2 million on social servile lie said the ( it\ is try ing to deal with problems Iw putting people in tail "We i .m avoid ( limes by giving people what they need.'' he said lorn to Homeless, Page "> Debate team wages war of words Research, theory essential to win By I).trl.i J.K kson f morald \s«n into I rlitor WllOl O .ill' lilt' I ill 1.1 V fl'S kepi ' is ,i question pups up eat h year on the fust day of the Introduction to lorensu s 1 lass al the l 'diversity However the course doesn’t teai h kind of tomnsu study the tvpe that i (injures up images ot Quint y slaving in the hospital morgue Instead the forensii program is a ( o i urricular debating at livi tv made up of a competing de hate team and two instnu tioual ( nurses on the suhjei t While many students have little knowledge of the [iro gram the University’s team currently ranks first in the Northwest and sixth in the na tion Matt Taylor direi tor ot the program, said interested stu dents usually first take the In trodut turn to l orensii s ( lass, where they learn the skills net essary to compete yvith other universities Those who join the team rprii kly discover hoy\ mm h riedii ation is involved in i ompetition, he added "We re very prepared lor the debates.'' Taylor said "We start researching our topii s about a month before school starts and are either in the of Peter Messer tit e prut In mu ur in I In * library rr,tiling troili about III a in tn 111 [i m Train members i umpete ill group events and in individual competition. he said During a inali li students must he able to argue both siiles of an issue t onviin inglv "Debate is not necessarily a personal conviction." I’.iylor said "In fat t. the major thing we rclv on is support from ex perts to bat k up our theories I'aylor believes the I'niversi t\ s team will continue its strung tradition in t ompetition primarily bet a use the group is onlv losing one person next veal "So all of our people w ill be more mature and better able to handle the pressure." he s.utl "Hut it's h.irtl to do better than we re already lining now Trend Jacobsen as <1 squad At tin' national t ompetitiun last month in Springfield Mo tram mrmhrrs Peter Messer and Trond Ja< olrsen plavrd a i rm nil role in pulling the sipiad to its ninth plat r finish At the individual (ompetition in Tuscaloosa. Ala also held hist month. Scott Palmer took six events to the national meet finishing sixth overall in the prose i ategorv However, these klmls ot re wards don't come without til mu effort and never-ending prai tier. Tavlor said The people who travel na t i \ .ire the people who have proved themselves in re gional c:ompetitions." he said "U e give up everything like spring break and Christmas break to he here