Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 30, 1990, Page 10, Image 9

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High jumper sets record at Oregon invitational
Four Duck women achieve personal bests
By Cam Sivesind
Emerald Sports Reporter
The hinh jump pit Imm
center stage .it ll.ivward I
Sat 11 r<ia\ for Westwood I
( lull's \'i< ki Bnrsheim ,is
set .1 new meet ret ortl tit tin
egon lnvitntion.il lra< k
r.tt k
tli'lil inert
Horshrim. .1 1‘ihh graduate of
Washington, i Irar . I> If H to
outdistam e tin old mark of
lit'/ set in l'lHfi l»\ Irame
( or k( roft of i n kaiaks I rai k
< hit)
I love to jump here " said
Morsheim of Hayward field
Driving Range Hub Rf ntaK
iOf ■ ' !,J
2700 Columbia 687-5321
The surfai e is great the fans
are great and there’s a real
tmvn atmosphere
The ()i tuber graduate of
Washington's Physical Therapy
Si hool equaled her o\\ n per
sonal best with the leap
Horsheim has only been train
ing seriously situ e September
and it s pay mg olt
Horsheim won the event .it
the Mt S.v Relays in Walnut
( aid a week earlier with a
ti-j 1. mark She may return toi
the Oregon Twilight meet May
lit and she is definitely going
to compete at the f’refontaine
('lassii lone !
The bulk of the ev. itement
for Oregon was over before Sal
unlay s t ompetition began
kauiala kohlmeiet and kelly
Blair finished .1 in the
heptathlon which concluded
7 J/,m. /*»/ i(fO fniinls tin ijin s
lion is )#'// Inn* thin trim
fulfil rs nml Inn lalls to finish
m In o <ln\ s I Ion n smt
U<unu In tin It '
'' ^ ✓•>■// /'
I low iv \ou iioinji to do it?
. r-' n
Mi H i ,ii ill i in ip i -i min il- .in ili-i i im i 11ip lh.it t In- .iii'Wri li i wi irk in” 'Mi.u l .uni l.i'l i'
VMirkini' with tin- I BM I’ii'.uii.iI > \ ~ 11 • 111 2' MimIiI • / It i nmi' [in lu.iiliil w it 11 i-.i'N
to ii'< -mIinn.ih . pi"l r i^'lil Inr \oiir in* 11 h.i* rinm^h |><»wt*r
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V‘ll «»i*| Minlr linin’ III li’"'* t Kill*’ Willi JJlV.ll looking I||II**Ih‘iI
work 1-MI \ I Mill \ '|M ( |. 11 'I Mill III | >1'H I .mil I KM l>s
I nan Ini I I'.iiiniiif iiiakr I In >0 / 111« * \\miiin<j aii^wrr. *
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kohlmoior set .1 new I’R with
her total of xtlOfi point.s In the
proi css. she also sot PHs 111 tho
high lump. 2(H), and 800
Though tho mark foil short of
her goal of a. too points under
rainy t onditions I rida\
kohlmeier was all smiles Satur
"I was really happv w ith the
first dav hut the second day it
was pouring down rain."
kohlmoior said "It was miser
aide File weather definitely
wasn't in our favor
Hlair .u cumulated -1 '1-42
points tin third plai e Both atll
lotos easily surpassed the Par d
i( 10 ( ontereiK e (pialify iug
mark of I i00 hut fell short of
the \t \ \ standard of >.2Hll
"kellv and I hotll need to
work more spot ificallv on 0111
thum s kohlmeier said
Oregon discus thrower
Stephanie Smith proved that
hoi PK of He) 1 a w eek earlier
<11 California was no fluke The
senior threw consistent i\
around the Hit) foot mark all
day. including a new best of
I ti.t-4
Though Smith began the day
with a poor outing in the shot
put. she w as able to pul it be
hind her and triumph in the
"I just wasn't ready in the
shot, hut I was still t onfident in
the disi us." Smith said it
was good to I’K and come hat k
and he able to throw in the
1 tills again.'
Smith now hopes to break
the 17(1 barrier and possibly the
\( AA standard of 17;! feet She
currently is among the top do/,
i'll throwers in the i ollege
ranks, but Smith knows her
\( AA provisional mark will
probably not hold up
Smith is confident about im
Turn to Invitational, Page lb
Softball games reset;
four players signed
Ilic Oregon softball tram s
doubli' header with Arizona
Slalr originalK scheduled lot
last Saturdav lias been re
st heduled for toda\ at to ill
a lit at I low o Hold dlli‘ to
weekend rains. ()regon s Sports
lnform.it ion Department an
in in in fit
In addition, the double head
ei original!) si heduled for Sun
dav at Oregon State will be
played Tlmrsdav. A non-ton
fereni e double header with
Portland Slate si heduled foi
\\ ednesdav at t |i ill .it I lowe
is still si heduled
I'lie Sll) also announced last
l uesda\ that first veal ( begun
softball i out h I ami Hum n has
signed four prep stars and a ju
mot i ollege all Ainorn a selet
turn to national letters of intent
to attend the I niversitv
I he high si bool players art'
lot al all-t oiilerent e sells tiuns
l.aune 1 deist liatier ol Pleasant
Hill and lonnifer Piper of South
l.ugeue as well as |elinifei lop
ham ot Milwaukie and Kai helle
I a\ loi ot Atrus 1 leights ( alii
Marlin Mil all, who stalled as
a prep at Medtoid is the |('
transtei ( urrentl) play mg al
i I'ntr.il \rizona (hdlego
1 leist hauer is .m outliehlei
with .1 I'M h.itting average
Slit' pl.ivs tin (lie I,<nI\ Hawks
iliinng the summri softball mm
Sin- will add depth In our
hitling and i an pla\ iirst or tilt'
outfield She has lots ol power
and is a student athlete v\ ho
i .in really help us.'' Drown
lophani also an outfielder
has a 100 halting average a
U'lt) fielding percentage and is
also a member ol the l.ad\
llauks lenniler has excellent
speed and is a raw talent with
lots ol potential She Is a
switch hitter which is aluavs a
plus, she said
Piper plays mam positions
and u ill help the I )ut ks as a
utility player She has a til
hatting average and plays toi
Stark Street Pizza over the sum
met Taylor is a right handed
pitcher with a its halting av
ernge and a OHO tielding pel
i outage
Mi ( all. an outfieldei is the
leading hittei in the nation
among junior colleges u ith bet
lei than a 000 butting average
◄ U of 0 DECALS