I H VAVE A HAND IN THE FUTURE OF YOUR BOOKSTORE y VOTE YOUR CHOICE FOR THE GO BOOKSTORE1990 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Monday, April 30 And Tuesday, May 1 -At The GO Bookstore and the EMG Building ♦ STATEMENTS ♦ BY CANDIDATES SOPHOMORE POSITION ♦ TWO YEAR TERM ♦ TWO TO BE ELECTED IRUPESH SHAH Some- ivi.i'li- nil)|>,i!>K viviihi i< thcm^elvi"Oh no jnotht-i candiildte runninq for viphafnore position Why due- he think he s better than the n .! • Well I h.m an answe- to this 1 I eel tin- <■ s|x 11<■ c I t>«i\••. iain1 exjiei lenc e I have I'll tell you Curtenlly I am an k’ A Last s eat I represented my housing complex on the Residence Hall Cover nunc e t ommiltee and was the president of my doim f oi both > 'I the years. I have been on the Springiest Planning Committee In this position I will be representing you on the board of directors In my opinion that means airing issues which you feel are important and bringing in your opinions II you are looking lot a peison who is energetic. < reahve and has initiative to di the best that is possible I'm right here I BRODY KUNZ I am lunniru) lot the Bookstore Bonn)«>1 Duet tors with aspirations of furthering Bookstore speed and ionve nn'in r while maintaining iustomer trust and satislat (ion I am a sophormne m.ir >i mg in business ant! Japanese and I believe I t an strongly represent the Universi tv students on the Bookstore Board Manv |>eople do not lealwe that we students are the i -wneis and duet ton. ol the Bo< ikstoie W e have the power and the tight to create and maintain a Bookstore that is responsive to students II we want ceitam products to he available, ot it we want shorter lines during peek periods, these desires should and will he met This is the type ot thinking which has given the Bookstore ttie 1 1 •" student discount the guarantee book program and the four new 5 1000 m holatships I his is the tvIs ot thinking whie h has ma*ie out Bc'okstou* one - it the best in the rvatioti and tins is the tyj« ot thinking whicit I intend to foster I am committed to a convenient and < ft it ienl Bookstore that responds quickly and effectively to student needs and desires Vote Brody Kurv for Tl of O Book store B< >aid of Dirts !i ns 1 PUNEH MOASSER I’CXIH ,is m Finnic the I’lHiti h\Y Jt> in wli.it a hois*' sav> MOW \our lawn, -\Wf mul SIR Punch Mousse. is Hu- lullin' And sti< .Km 11> gutiit i your v.-It- I uneh Aura >ei is running I.>i the Univeisity Buoksl.Mr Board ul Diih toi■. suphomote sea! ! 'uneh is dedu uted. kmrwledgeable .ind liives the hands on. one hundied pet- ent mvohed experlence She will entei her position with un< louded yet locused e\ cs vs tiu h . an < ompolroily |>er tenr ways of im ieusitx; rffit imt \ She has mans ijuestions and even nlore solutuins A prorated used t>o. ik systern is tiei rtrain goal A prolate. I use,| book system means used hooks ate fairly pi it ed at diffeirot cost levels. (Jsed books that uien t ssnti. n in ssould lesali at top use.I bu At least once a month, site will have time set aside so any. me cant, .me complain about and sugt|( st ideas for our b. >i ik store also . time learn wh.it tfu- Boa id is currently lot using on l et s vote1 lot i’UMI H “sAC )ASSI It (Jniversity of Oie.|on IA .< >Kst e. e B. >at d a Due. t, n s s, .phonic a e seat An unusual name of a unique |hm son making . hange f ' students 1 BETHANY STRASBURG I Did you know that everyone .(ttendiruj 01 wmkmg ut the University is ,i Bookstou- membei? I would like to be ifsjxjiiMnit- to iiii m \i >u in neing an mi immi ana tes|xmsinir memoei on me tv - >k store t■.riti > -•? i jirt-t tins I (use the leadership i \|x-i iciue in w< n king with .» tire mgani/utinns , uni t» mu a diplomatic liaison between staff and students I am currently on ASP AC. the 1'iesnlent s -VS isor\ Committer the v i< r president ut the Presidential Sr holarshi[ > ^ssrx i,it ion and a Hoard ol Duet tots member of Student f’rojer ts Inc I am in solved with main othei groups ranging ftom the Honors College to the Greek system, and tins involvement gives me access to the views and concerns of mem her I would be responsive to all Book slot e members In listening to then ideas airout what they would like I want to tie involved and serve all members by working with then ideas along with my own long-range plans lor the Bookstore Some of mine entail, helping to solve the pioblems with cmwdinq and being able to supply mote books I kin >w I t an make a ditfereiK r. lot I am a dedi< ated hard w akei and an ellective communit atot with mut h ex[x-irente I a ■.uphoimm- (xisition on the Bookstore Board of Direr tors please vote for Bethany- Strasbury I hank you MARK BILLINGS-Mo Statement DAVID HENRY-Mo Statement TED PROSISE-No Statement DARIM SCHEGRER-No Statement FACULTY-AT-LARGE -TWO YEAR TERM-ONE TO BE ELECTED I hate foui if I ,im elet ted to the University of Oregon Bookstore Board of Dirts, tots ! I tie board of duet lots needs to ensute that the compensation package toi the bookstore personnel is i ornpetitive I think the Univeisity of Ore ■ ion t" >i >kstoie is well lun Gc’ si salaries and ft mqe benefits can lielp to i ontmue to- atti,it t and keep people who i an provide the ties! seivit es foi h i >kstore members ? I tie board stiould initiate programs that will help t-. i piote( t the em iion nent to: esample the bei 3 Upon entering the be 'k stole . le feels c low did 1 tie t ui lent I >■ slid lias IIK leased tilt* spate available to the being available to you and your valuable input and make sure that vour concerns are voiced to the hoard My experience as a student at tire school ol law and the gradu ate school ol management provides me the abrlrtv to approach difficult issues with reason and sound analysis while always being resfjonsive to your needs t urthermore my interest in the board is stimulated by the opportunity to participate in a productive and (Krsitive part of the univei sitv community STUDENT-AT-LARGE ♦ TWO YEAR TERM ♦ ONE TO BE ELECTED I 1 I CRAIG WYMETALEK I 1 hi ■ function of the Cl mi vim sity < >t Orr* j« m f^. ik'.i w •• } * • if ■ >f [) i r«u ■ ? ■ ■ - t - \il«* \ >olk i«*s to improve the in imm ( ji iif *1*1 *■ .ii*« j Bookstores ability to servo its membership the auuenr rxuiy \ <»*:c i«-. mar «*ne< r m»- rnemt>«-i-.mp .n-. m •» - jin.iif n • ;* m* ' * i* - * w^ - -.n.{< parties Thus it is the duty of those who create polity. the membeis >f the H« >aid d Director■- t 1 seek nit id* i . tn *in tf" - - wh< im itf» * !e« 1 by |K>licy membership, to ensure that the polic u s are desired and just \a « andidate k >i tfie Student at l .a: * je j»• .itu u i >n the 0* >ai d >f Dire*- too, I feel that I • • the membership of the Bookstore and (jet the information I need to represent your v iews and opinions It is < rut lal t ■ tfie effit lent and pi - >dtn 1\\ e management I tfie f v >ok don ■ that the jx do ie . • *f 111** Bo*• >k the wishes of the membership I he Bookstore exists to fa< ilitat* the ne* f tfie student > >f the Clruversity it ()n i< >n and if I am eie» t«*tI Student at do my utmost to see that the Bookstore serves its function as efficiently and effectively is possible It is van Book ion' make ire v * >u fiave a »ay in the .' ■■■ two impe m-mt-nts itukU1 .it the B< ik-.foit- to >• — I up I hr hook buvinu im cess and to mjkc the Book store more environment .illy const ion . 1 tie I took .ion- , , m rentlv lookitui mio purchasimi i I ■ 1 r. (• ■ uMintnime • omputei th.it won LI < jleatly it It. le.ise t tie eft it lent y ot the btJOk department es|Vf silly liiniitl the t>et|ilinin.| >1 the tm m It eleete.l, I w >nl».l help in i|ettin<| this system in \SAB .111.1 w it 11 feet Hi,it k from the students hike turthei steps in restiui tin nn| to make hook tmy uk| as tsisy as (m ssitile ,My hitjtjest t out ern with the Bookstore is its missed poter itial to be more envnonmentally const ious It is in a unique position to make i mut ti lifts let I state mt-nt alx tut font ern lm the environment Not only t euld it approac h it- lintj and k t r n j natui a! malei ials at the Book stole r >i it it i ■ >uld i)o mu. Ii larthei with tlutside protfiam ■ funded b\ them One short year . ould hrin<| huqe develop!• lents for the university community tl done properly I am not power humps I am not |ust puttinq another lunq in my climb up the (jolitit a I laddei like jme candidates I am simply t • om for improvement and the energy to make them work erne, I ,tu>lent wrill ideas 1 SHANNON KAY I ft l.i. • it Wf in’ all h\ '!<•< • u-.i' .mu •. .1 th<- H'ciK'.ii.i- Wtuil \ m.i\ no! (licit you hav ,1 pleat oeal ol intluetHO in its operations iniMitimin' f\ny •» , a s: 1 m< I want r-, |„- in.-, i :v n s\* e\• : :■ 111 u> >1 n i-1 youi if. I ■ inn c i n< nr" .,11 the Bookstore s sen ices In the. position, I would represent you in issues pertniniru) to Ian pin in.) inventory seler tion. ,ind stole > \(mii m< hi furt hern ion I will do my best to he ie%j« msive to youi needs on ,i daily base, anti es[H*< iall\ dunnt) the < haotu time . at the bepinnirn) and end oi e,u h teim •\s a business major and rsper ienc ed leader I am driven bv bard »"ik and yoal attainment I in < onfident in my dedir at ion. motivation arid ■ ommunn. at ion skills the essential elements toi a< hieviny positive results tor the Bookstore .and tor you I m opt in nst i< about the futon ol the Bookstore and ttu- potential benefits it ha . t Ilea I am • orninitted to repie r it ua. i tie diversified (JO population and your continuously chanymy needs and interests I lie bi iokstoie is .one, V.u have a r i. |ht to influem e its o|>eial i< a is k ote sll AMNCMN KA V ant take advantage ot yom potential to make a difference It , the dit lerence that will lienelit you I JEFFERSON DAVIS SPENCER Hii* i iin v.>u not volt- tor .1 1 tpl.iyiny, Sly t. the I amity Stone lot my. non pmliterdltnn suppoittny rex k climbing * undidate? Don't vote for me Dunruj the past t**f m, ! a(is publish* 1 in Jimbcrlinr ((.JO Literary S*k iety) .1 [Mfiel rnfmiH'i fur leadership total Vision (Leadership seminar). .inti had some < >f my I< »< »f. 1* • ■ >n two Itk al teleyision stations (of Nevada Pn>tesf 1 I say this not bet ause I «im an e< jotistit al dupe well that • for you to dec ide hut to show my <. ommitment to the j< tive qi < >ups and individuals of our university ( ommunity W ith the student * it large position I hope to pn 1 \ide a voice for any whisper in my eai l »-t yout tongue wag I want !■ > heai and help your < oik ems I fiat . about as mut fi of tfie jh>1 itm al rhetoric I c an spew I am everyday people I SCOTT MARESH By liolciiiuj the studi-nt-ciMiif'it’position on the U of O Hookstmr Bo.ml I t ><>[>> • ut uunsr to seivc tfn* pi unary 1 ustomeis ai in i a mern tier ol the Board I will be committed to seeking out and entertaining comments relevant to the improvement of the c or [rotation Moreover I i sure t tie univei sit y community that .ill legitimate concerns be given ample attention by the Board I am the (rest [H-ison lor I fie student at large seat bet nuse my toy allies will lie w it 11 the whole of the University community I’ust exjxi lent e in uni vet sity In .using government and my present role on Aren Standards Board ate testimony to my c ■ .mm unit at ion and logic skill-, skills whit h will allow me to t« >th seek out the needs and desires of the < onstituenc \ and to deteimme the a< (ions hest n fie. ting the diverse needs of the body Mi >t cover a tiigti level of commitment res|x>nsi bility and a professional attitude mean (fiat the needs ol the Bookstore and its . ust. .iners will be an i ibligatH n whir fi I will consistentlv and eagerly meet I hope to serve you with integrity STEFAM STENT-No Statement CLASSIFIED/MANAGEMENT SERVICE POSITION • TWO YEAR TERM •» ONE TO BE ELECTED 1 LAVERNE NORMAN My name is 1 a Verne Norman ! am a 1 arufuidte for the classified staff (Kisition on the UC) Bookstore Board of Directors I have been 1 n t tetaty in nmn mei ny < n 1 in' and currently in the History Department 'Now I wmJ-l like t- in * ■ methinq ba< k One of my job responsibilities in the History Dejiartment te |uires me to order textbooks born the (JO Bookstore, then-ton I have become familiar with tin* rela t ion ship between the (.JO Bookstore book publishing < 1 rrnpames an. I other used B wk sir ires. My Iona term involvement with the University. my identity as an At rjuld enabfel me to bung a unique and valuable perspective to the UO Bo« kstore Board of Directors As an instrumental Board Member I will repr< .ent , mi mu . -.ts ai. ! ■ ■ intiime ti. makt .ur CIO b-» ■ e even m --v itmq end l.vei .< ¥ 1 < a 1 < ■ amt on me to be accessible and an ap|>machable liaison betweei thi mmunity and the book -tore With your vote atul both my enenjy and enltrus,asm. we t «in make differ ence T hank You