Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 30, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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    —Monday In-Depth
Continued from Page 1
whom that same agent represents Jones said
H rooks agreed that sometimes agents are dishonest with the
pla\ ers the\ represent
"Agents miglit tell players thev're going to go a lot higher in
tile draft pii k w hen really thev w ill end up being drafted in the lat
er rounds." lie said
loe Hushovskv. personnel direi tor for the Detroit l ions gave
the football i lull's perspei tire lie believes agents < an hurt rookie
players if thev don't settle then eontract negoti.itions before the
training c amps begin
Hushovskv wants Ins players' i ontr.u ts settled earlv in the sea
son because pre-season training is so important, especially tor
rookies, he said during a telephone interv iew from Detroit
"We trv to get the rookie plavers in here to meet the veterans
earlv on. to get to know them, go out for a beet w ith them ihen
thev're not as awed when the veterans walk onto the field he
behind the eight hall
I’alrii k 1 orte. the Philadelphia I agios' chief i initial t negoli
ator said he shares Hushovskv s emphasis on the plavels' earlv
partii ipation in training
"The longer the player's not here the less valuable he is
the more he's behind the eight ball, f orte said lie s hurt d he’s
rushed and sometimes that can mess up an athlete's whole c a
"Plavers have got to remember that thev aren't the agents
pmpertv Hushovskv said
forte, himself a former agent said he has seen agents demand
excessive tees horn their clients
"I have also run ai ross agents who were verv underrpialitied
to represent plavers but they were verv lew he said
(fliris Oldham, an Oregon cornerback who was dialled last
week in the fourth round In Detroit said lie has known a few atli
leles who got a raw deal Irmn their agents I hex eventuullv
tiled them and hired new agents, lie said
As toi Oldham, lie said In- is so preoccupied w ilIi making the
team when he goes to its mini ( amp this week that he hasn't i mi
< erned hi nisei I with the issues of negol citing
I really don't think ol all that stlitf lie said I don't get a
salary) until I make the team anvvvav
\t \ \ ii'( iiinmi’inlt'i! panels
I lie interaction between players .mil agents has resulted in
i 1111 f111 1 in the past Incidences ut Irauil and inrruptiiin have
prompted the \( AA to reromineiid that universities ami colleges
(urm advisorv panels I’m student athletes
I'he I 'niversitv 's ( lareei ( aiiinseling I’.mel i onsists ol a lacullv
member Irnm the law si bool one Irom the business si bool and a
member Irom the Athlete Department
Agents who want to rei rail at the l'niversitv must first regislei
with the Atbletii Department said lames OTallon a law m bool
prolessor and pallid membei The panel can limit disreputable
agents' access to the I'niversitv. lie said Hut aside Irom that the
panel has no other i ontrol over the agents
I he group's goal is to make athletes more aware ot the tin,in
i la I workings i > I the world ot pi ote- ioua! at h let u s \t id el h I tins
tor Hill Hyrne said
"We also hope to tell them there are some good agents out
there and some had agents out there he aid "There are some
real sleazv tv pes
The panel will event mil I v hr. me h out to give ail v li e on i areei
options to athletes who aren’t headed tm protessional spoils
Bn inks said
"Most are not headed in that direction, lie said I .ess than >
percent nat ionw iile will go Irom rail lege to protessional h lotbali.
(.elting ttie degree
Her ause the numher who actuallv |dav protessionalK is so
low the career panel strongly encourages ithlutes to complete
then studies and get then degrees Brooks said
() l allon said the t adversity's panel was patterned attei Duke
t 'niversitv s mu- ot the first si bools to lor ill stir li a group Not all
\( AA competing colleges and nniversitie> have counseling pan
els hut O l alloil said he believes all ol them will within the next
feu sears
Has id Murvv.ir\ an agent fur football anil baseball athletes
said he is pleased s\ ilh tin- ini reuse m i ounseling panels at univi-r
sitn-s Morssary works lor I’rohv a firm based m San Diego that
has represented aihhii-s from tin- I mversits
"Her ause ol tin- pam-ls. mon- student athletes are asking the
right ipiestions.' In- said
"Hut there are still mam who know vers little about this area
I’hes t an he easils mtlueni ed in their i lion es hs agents that mas
not he looking out tor the voting men s oss n interests and i areers
he said
Morsvars said lie ssas i unt erned that mans athletes don't use
the serve es the panels oiler
He said good agents should base goals similar to the i on use 1
mg panels' goals the athletes interests being lust prlouls
Professional ((lasers careers are vers short and (lies mas
never base another i ontrar t lie said I hat's sshs the plavet has
slot to he msolsed lit the negotiating and knots boss lie- mimes !-■
being spent at all times
1 he pioblem is that these kids are making more mones than
thes know svlial to do with Morssary said I lie i hallenge js to
gel them to develop a budget to (ml a sufficient amount anus m
investment plans or trust hinds
I hen the athlete i an later i house a sei oud r areer based on
w h.it In- w ants to do ssith his life and not based on Imam nil ion
i etuis he said
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