University _ Vilches, Colson win IFC seats B\ Alii e Thornton l merald Reporter In .1 i lose r.ii r for tv\ o \ chi Ini 1111■ 111<7 voles "I was hoping lint Hughes would have heen elei ted too \ ill lies said "lie would have been ,i good person to have on I Ft again I le's had a lot ot e\ perieni e," \ ili lies s.iul the amount ot help he received with his i a ill paign gav e him a lot of i onfi deuce in the elei lion "I could tell that people trusted me." Vih lies s.ud I also got endorsements from a variety ot people which shows I've heen fair to a lot of student groups " Improving the budget pro i ess is a goal for the coming year. Vilches said adding that he hopes the groups will meet their deadlines during next v ear's budget season "It will take a good I It and a lot of help from organization leaders to make it work \ lit lies said It was a tough I,u e through out the entire elei lion." t olson said "It wasn't as negative a Frcdd> Vilches' its il been in past VISITS ( ailson s.ikI tils I'ffurl to t.t 1 k to stucti'iils during the cam paign contributed to tiis virtu TV "I thought I ll.lli il real good shot at winning (ailson s.od It ,i matter of hoping the turnout rein.lined i oust,ml In future IK ! elei lions ( Hi son s.iid he hopes there is an opporluniH for more forums ,iinl deh.ites hetueen II I ' ( .mill dates Voters should be more edm ated so tliev do not have to reh on name recognition, he said li t positions are pis! as im portant as the AM < ) e\e( utive offices." ( olson said IK rai es should he taken |ust as se riouslv We need a more ill Mil had (iolson tunned \ 1iling puptilal mil \ ill lirs .mil ( nilsoil w ill take nffii e M.iv i .111>n« ilh ihr newh ele< It'd mu1 vi’.ir mmI II < members 1 hope we ( .in establish some strong leadership m till1 lieu II I ( olsmi shhI I hope vvi' i .in .mild having people ri* sign during I lit* \ U r need In keep thr gniiip int-ii I I'm pleased lu sec ,i lot ill lieu blimil in the i nmmitlee Vilr.hes s.tiil hi' hopes I In II .i ns11 urn will In' smooth tor llif new 111 members. .ulding In- has .iliisnl\ lii'im work mg w ilh ihr tin.mi I- t (Kirilina lur and tin' \sl () tu prepare Iiir ne\l v ear \ lit lies iuk ournged all new III meinhers tu attend lues da\ s meeting at n .11) p in Ballots ( ontiniml from Pago 1 increases In provide more counselors at the Counseling Center, In help pay state man dated wane increases at the I Mi chili! i are i enter and to i ontinue unlimited bus sen it e on LTD t )SP!K(. s request lot an II pen ellt budget III! It-ase passed in a margin o! about 1.200 \ oil's despite a last minute at tempt to ( all into question the oiganization's funding. "Of course we re really pleased." said Dalenc l.ovie < )S[’IK( I's i iiai>11■ i < hair ' It shows a majority ot stu dents knoss ss hat sve tin and trust us In use the unuics in a responsible was Students passed Measure ti asks graduates tii sign a soluntarv pledge slating tiles ss ill consider the etis irunmen t.d i onseqtienres ot alls jobs thes take Moreover students want job rei rmters ss ho come to i anipus to sign equal opportunity em ployer statements saying thes Continued from Page > showed no signs ot i uiminui ( hlurinateii solvents en/.ene toluene ethylbenzene and total xylenes Spuier's employees found 47 drums in a fenced storage sard math ot a warehouse in the eastern portion of the atea Seven ot the drums were labeled waste suliurii at id .mil one was marked waste asbestos However the I niversiH oflit.e ol environmental health saiti the drums were filled w ith rainwater and later arranged for their propel tiisposal W iles said the drums were appurelltls being stored for use as waste ret eptai les \'o soil samples Were taken from the area be t .ruse the drums were stored on a t tint rete pad She saul the drums have been turned on their sides in at t uni ante with I list,) regulations to prevent rainwater irom t ollei ting in them In their historical studs ot the area Stpnei found that three other t onlinert nil properties were lot ateil near the Sits a area in the earls 1040s and Hiatts I he properties were sites ot a gasoline sla lion a batters anti elet Hit. comparts a trot k repan t onrpany and a motor i linn The report said the environmental implications ol these are Unknow n. and ret ommended no further investigation "25 Years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 202S Franklin Blvd 42-2912 Eugene Oregon 97403 i\ ill not 111si nmniiiti' on the b.i sis iif age r,n t* si'\ sexual nn filiation nr .iiiv oilier li.isis n,uni'll in Oregon taw Measure t |),issi'iI I>% I ,:iM) volt's Finally students asked the ,\Sm exeiutive to entourage ilii' I niversity to keep toxii siibstam os out ol llir Kivci'tionl Keseart h I’,u k area \ 11 ilio ti.illol measures passed b\ lumtorlable margins ns ms mg al least ill peru’iit ol the vote DOS PATOS FREE SMALL SOFT DRINK WITH ANY ORDER Between 12-2 pm -*1219 Alders Spring Car Care Tire$tone ^ A'C UAUC CAD r A D CCDWirC AMERICA'S HOME FOR CAR SERVICE HJb 17OIL* FILTER Who can you depend on for their in depth training, computerized equip ment and work backed by long term warranties9 The Masters ol Master Care, of course 6 MONTHS/6,000 MILE LIMITED WARRANTY COVERS ALL PARTS 4 LABOR' Mi'*.( • .trs S <]u irt inmni A MAINTENANCE BRAKE SPECIAL Free inspection & estimate! 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