\ FOOD ISSUES & Sometimes eating , \ becomes a battle ground j S of emotions, fears and \ ^ strinaent rules. Learn yy- y7 -^—da,io„s * " Reduced or free id,,,,. ■ ^emns .hea.res, ci„e„,.1s ” mu' 24-h°Ur' ^vel Hotline main desk store .^University. Speaker opens celebration week B\ |olie Andrade fmerjld Reporter A spoi-t (i 1»v Delores Huerta vice president and co-founder id I 'oiled I ,inn \\ irkors kicked off .1 week long ( i-lehr.l turn id Hispanic »0 7 SUNDAY B'HgiHAH, ST KKM*:, » A A M .) t> M V Sf IA> were ini teased front > I * i cuts in the Lite lO'ills w hen II W w ,is founded to tf*M ill ill tin' 1'tHOs I low ever. wages have been fro zen loi several years and some arc still under the minimum wane Workers living i onditions arc another big problem. Huertas.ml Manx workers still do not ii.nc i lean drinking wa ter or toilet t.H ililies av ailahle to them while the\ re working Moreovei Huerta said ediu a turn lor workers and their i hit dren is overlooked When lie talk about the en vironment and taring lor the workers we really have to tie maud that tliev be gnen vc i itt Delores Huertas ( Ither events (luring (line o do M.ivo week ini hide speakers films and (lain es. • ( a priano I errel. vii e presi dent o! an ()regon field workers union will discuss mans ol the same issues presented In 1 luertas Thursdav at M. 10 p m in the I A11 Kir Room • \ multicultural displav u ill he featured in the I ii Room Tuesdav from t) a m to a p m , and another exhibit spun sored In the Native Anieriian Student I 'nion. Asian I’ai iti< Student I nion, the Blai k Stu dent I nion and MK( 11A v\ ill lie displayed Uednesdav ill the IMI (ionrt% aril • Saudunga and other folk dam e groups u ill give a tree performance in the INI! Hall room I ridav night at 7 Slides v\ ill he show n and there w ill he pinatas for i hildren lleanes said • I'he ( liniax ol the i elebra lion comes Saturdav. on (linen de Mavo. with an authentii Mexii ,ui ilinnei a raffle and dam ing to Puli (lhave/.. a Latin hand from Portland I n kets are Sa and i an he pun based from the I All main desk Ml ( hA and other < omniunitv imtlets Did you take a crash course in neck pain? The pain you feel today could be caused by an injurs you suffered years ago -- or just yesterday. Whatever the cause, chiropractic care can give you relief without drugs or surgery. All automobile insurance, most health insurance plans and Oregon worker's compensation offer chiropractic coverage. Call Craig Balter D.C.today for consultation The Chiropractic Healing Center 1872 Willamette . l ugene . OR 342-4520 brochures, business i station ery we do it all Letter Perfect Graphics 346-4381 ml I