.Editorial Groups should tape endorsement process So election is without controversy Something will always come along to put .1 little zest into the proi ess t stiii11 v its measured in degrees of mud slinging and back -stabbing This veai s A SI '() primary and general election has had its share of heated debate though it didn't even approach the slime level of hist year Mostly, the con troversy revolved around the endorsement process and what was and what might have been said Specifically, the (deck Kndoisement Committee was charged with asking “inappropriate" questions during the ASI C) executive and Incidental l ee Com mittee endorsement hearings While it is impossible to prove vv hat was at tually said the preponderance of the evident e indicate the C.KC and its members wen- in the wrong Fine [ hat s over, and now the only thing left is to debate whether the controversy over the (1F( selet turn process swayed the elm tion one wav or the other Chat too. is impossible to tell F.very student group has the light to endorse candi dates tor ANl'O elections An endorsement is to sup port. in writing, someone who best tits youi pi* tore Kt- chairman Tim Ross' comments at an April 20 press conference, where he refuted the Emerald's ( barges. Hut sev oral representatives from the Emerald attended the press conference, perhaps to clear their conscience. The Emerald's actions smell even more like censorship In the Soviet Union of the past, when a thousand people saw a IJFO. the press told them they didn't Perhaps that attitude has permeated tin* office of our campus daily. Patrick Perkins Student Monday. Anril 110. 1000