Uli'iion senior Stepli.inie Smith set .1 new iierson.il best in Ihr ilisi ns with .i thin it ill lt> 14 led .it the t trefoil tin it.itmn.il last u eekenil InvitcitlOficil fmm pa^t> 10 proving .Hid with good reason Slit* has a I read v improved In right leel lumping from 1 ■ * feet to Hot Smith dot's not be lieve she needs to wait for the i ompetition .it the I’.it 111 meet tot In i m ' 71) teet I-'or me having t lose com petition is motivating hut it's not 'a 1 wavs when I do m\ best. she s.lld l.aui it- V\ illiams took a sti-p toward consistent \ \\ ith an im piessiv e set Olid in tile .'Hit U illiams in one ol the lew rat es that rail into a strong head wind docked a 7 7-1 hei tastes) tlme ol the \ear I .auric ran really compel i Iive and that s w hat w e ve been waiting lor. said Mark Stream . (Iregon assistant t oai h and meet diret tor "We ve been trying to get her more consistent, so when the right da\ and right i onditions come along she II be read\ In the i.OOtl. junior l.isa karnopp and freshman \icole Woodward both turned in per sonal bests karnopp grabbed third at >1 17 -Pi tak mg nearly 1 “I'M A COLLEGE STUDENT. AND WORKING FOR KELLY LIAS HELPED ME UNDERSTAND THE BUSINESS WORLD.” Tve broadened ni> education and expanded my knowledge. Improved my skills. It's the perfect job experience to put on a resume or an application." I/CI i\MTemporary IxLLLL/ Services The Kelly Girl'People The First and The Best’ >’»*«. Kr v ■v* t«» i i Vt r M \ Va «n 4grtK > itoer 4 Ire (wo sol ond i >1t hoi old host Woodward made .111 even bigger improvement, chopping nearly 1 a seconds on her old hosl Last year's Oregon AAA state 1 liampion in the 1.000 1 |o< hod ill at tl -4H 70 ill taking tilth plat o and lining the sixth Oregon runner to qualify tor the Phi 10 moot in the e\ out In the long jump freshman Karon Weidmann had her host jump of the v ear I lor IB HO \\ ind aided effort is still lar from her host of lo t . hut it is a leap in the direction ot the lul 1 I’ai 10 standard. I’aula lferr\ ret eived liltlo 1 uinpetition 111 the jar el in All the junior needed was a sulepai effort ol Kit) 10 to will the event Sophomore Kim Hyatt Born s teammate and usual competition, did not partita pale in the meet Laurel Roberts Oregon’s top high jumper, was troubled h\ a shin injury that ton ed her to how out early with a 0 7 mark An all replai ement team, ex 1 opt lor sophomore Michelle ( oalwell. carried the t Iregon •tvJIIO relay team to vii lory With sprinter Rosie Williams resting an injured hamstring and tyro others at the Drake Re lays in Dos Moines, lorva. soph omores Nikki Syvets and Helen Ha|oi ii h and 1 .am if Will jams had to step in ( Iregoii i miners made .111 1111 pressiye outing ,il the l)r.ike Ke la\ s In I 1 ida\ 's medics rel.iv (Irugon runners 1.1/ Wilson, Kim Hutson. I ’.mil llnlnieii a ml Krikn Klein linislieil ser ond V\ ilson u ho ran a eomebai k am lior leg in the rela\ In gel lilt* sei ond, repealed her elforl Saturday with a nimr from be hind ku k to lake sec ond in the 1 500 W ilson ran a 4:21 I", less than a sec ond behind the lu st plac e runner The time was Wilson's fastest ot the \ eai and w as onlv tu o sei onds off her personal best ( arid 1 lolnien c .line I11 11th w ith a time ot 4.35.B Klein made up for a less than stellar performance in the HIM) 111 the medley reins by run mug a c areei best 2:11 HI to capture third Hutson took tilth 1 loi king a 2 1 t "la The Duc ks host Nebraska Sat urda\ for their next scoring dual meet HINT: Find the answer at SunShower! COMING SOON: SUMMERTIME! SHORTS!! BODY LANGUAGE!!! Bring this ad and receive * 2 FREE fans or a ERE E movw ticket1 '(With minimum purchase of 10 U ms not vabd with any other coupon offer) E xpiros May 31.1990 SunShower 874 E. 13th (By Kinko s) 485-2323