Track Continued from Page 12 Alberto Sala/ar I've |ust started to work m\ wav up I just need to work on what I have to do I feel like I have a lot to work on as lat as tei hnique rlu1 biggest surprise of the meet was Oliver who is ri'ifshirting tor Oregon this sea son (lin er is a junior i ollege Iransfei from lllendale ( aillege in I’hoenix Ariz who has been going through spring drills with the football team as a cortierhat k I le had been held nut of i.ontai t drills in tooth,ill because of a broken wrist, and i ompeled in Ins lirxl trai k meet Saturday since an indoor meet in lanuarv Hut Oliver, whose speciality IS till' iil'l atlllotl. looked likt' hr h.ul brrn in tr.ii k all spring svhen hr i leari'd 7-0 1 to ivin thr i mnprlition os rr former ! )ui k Amis Y00 might have lielonged to Alan foster \fter t|uaiifving for the \( A A in the 1 >00 hist season, I osier lifts heen beset In ill|ll ries tills se.isim .inti h.ld heen struggling On Naturdav though I oster showed he isn't finished In i bn king t l 'i> to (pi.ilih tor the I’,ii 10 nieel \ 1 so turning m impressive Iicrforinatu es urn' tour (iregon runners in the > 000 Peter I unset ,i vtnn the event m 1 I (14 itl Ins best time ev er ulltle teammates I’.lt Haller lit 11 It l|. Kit k Mestlei (It I|l)| amt Steve Richiirtls lit .’ I n") .ill run I’K times us well I lie javelin anil 1 10 metei hurt lies were .list) stellar events Brian t Irouser vs Im set the I i.i\ w nrd 1'ield re< orcl (it ..’li 1 0 List vear won the event with .1 throw ol 11 H while \ew 'link Athletic t lull teammate Mike Burnett tossed 24-1 t Oregon's \rl Skipper wns third, throw inn - "1 In the I III hurdles I’utrii k I lulls won the ev enl 111 It 1 tlie only other meet rei ord while Oregon's Boh (Irnv wns sei olid in 1-4 0.4 It wns (.MV s sei cuitl lustest tune ever * Vita the computer you need to succeed in the real world and a chance to use it there. TryaMacintosh*;uxl enter.\pp!es Real\\i»rkiSweepstakes. j V m o tukl win a week at i me i >1' tliese leading oi^ai iizalii ms T tuiti a NUuantosh computtT. I iik'i Vpi i! If' I in III, Microcomputer Support lab 202 ( omputin^ ( enter M l ‘Jam 5pm 340-4402 s«v vtiur (jtfitfui** Gintputer kesdler t»f svwrpstakes in-: Kt-v.ul.UM*« > ■i • > < tp* I Apple's Heal World ikes f BMBM dJ CHI^t SI kt S I A(lk'\!S i *4^* ii lfr t*. Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs C Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours: Downstairs M It. II 00 7 00 F Sa I I 00 4 JO Closed Sundays 7* Hours: Upstairs M Th 4 10 10 00 I s 00 10 30 Clow*d Sunday '* AVNDCRUWP *' GPtAT FOR PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS 5|AV|nCn AIL GAMES WORK W.TM NICKELS GAMES ADMISSION M SO STH STREET PUBLIC MARKET EUGENE a 683 8464 I)KI\ KI\(i \\l) i) k i \ i \ (; CAN KILL \ i kii:\dsiIIP “Look Good For Less!” Campus STUDIO Additional $5.00 off on any photo session! STANDARD Package -7 3V»x5 proofs Bung a Friend1 $14.99 DELUXE Package -15 3 V>x5 proofs -1 5x7 -Change of clothes Bring a Friend' $19.99 ELITE Package 25-30 3V.x5 proofs -no time limit -3 5x7's Bring a Friend' $39.99* Proofs included with any session Ask about Full Color Posters! Through May