Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 27, 1990, Page 8 and 9, Image 8

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    If 11 # [ S I l F I I I I C T I I K
M.ckelle SkocJt«d
Hult Center
Hut n» urr
mm on suit mr
MM mi wins
0 ! 1 6 0 6 0
“... (ht must original and important group to rtntrgt si net Milts Dasis, Orntttr
(iik-man and John (ohrant rrdtfmtd group improii/alkm. "
-Mao tor* rmn H$gumt
FRIDAY, APRIL 27* 7:30 p.m.
HUU CENTER 687-5000
Student uses music to bridge gaps
B\ Ki'In in Wee
f ru ore i ditor
Smeish Nathan is ,ni international student nn iili
,1 desire III SI II! In i,IN ,l( Ilil'Nr glolN 111 the NNorlll of
Sinie 1‘IMt Nathan has ,11 Iin rlv written Ins
(inn n niiisii .uni rc( (inlcd it in his 1 niversity
(liirin room
The room im larger Ihatl the SI/C 111 a small lit
flic houses his equipment a buss guitar all
elci tin guilui an elei t n ink keyboard. a (hum
iii.ii lime a four-inn k An order anil his stereo
Nathan earned ne tame tei (*ntly nniIIi his
composition of the International I estival's theme
song One World The „iin \\ ith verses sunt;
in l.nglish Spanish, hoitu-ji si Swedish and
kiklJVU a hem an language! teller.ts Nathan's
lieliet that itiusii can he used to unite people
The lyric s of the stint! jt lue Wrirldl basically
talk, il alum! wli.il we (an do for tile future in
terms ni edmatinn." he said "Am sort of dis
i riminiitioti tiasii ally ( tunes from ignorance and
when nn e boa ussed the theme ol the song, nn e to
( used on unity friendship and on love
I he song lame about from Ins paitii ipulum in
tin 1 imeisitN s Inti i national Cultural Servic e
I’rugrum in nnIikIi participants rei l ive financial
aid in exchange to! HU hours ot [ire
seiitafing talks about then ( oulries and ( ullures
I wanted to 'ante a sung to unity a variety ot
( u It it res in- said We are the ones nn ho w il I go
out tolnorrmN and make something out ot this
world and that nn.is the inspiration It nnwn hard to
think of a melod\ that would lit ail the different
languages- hut Nve did tome up nn i t h something
nne wrote it nni1 tried it and it i.aine out really
Well '
ttiiginallN from Singapore, the Jo-year-old
marketing senior has been studying in the I 'tilled
States Sim e HI H A
Nathan said his interest in inusii dates hat k to
Nvhen lie used to perforin professionally nniIIi a
hand in Singapore before he c ami* to Kugene
IIonncnci Nathan said lie didn't begin nniiIi
NNiitnu: inusii hut nniiIi poetry II was not until
one of Ills friends read his poems and encouraged
him to add imi-.ii to them that lie began to do so
Despite tins Nathan has not performed his own
inusii in Singapore
Most musicians start off in playing cover
Hines " he said Hut the American public is
used to healing new stuff all the* tum* so they re
Ulole ice cptivi I hat s not tile* c use at home And
generally there is a tendency to believe that lo
c al grim n talent in Singapuie is not good enough
to make the • hat's
Nathan said Ills musli has matured along the
years I mm listening to different types ot music,
and artists he said he has tried to derm* his onn ii
stn le and sound But despite his stay ill the Cult
od M,ites Nathan said his musii still reflects tin*
rhythms .mil melodies that he grcNN up with
It’s very hard to depart hum where you're
from I grcNN up listening to rock but then,
there's a lot of ethnic influences." lie said
What 1 feel is that sometimes, it's better not to
tin to depart from that because whatever vour
li.H kgrouild is. tlial s basil ally who you are
While it is unintentional, Nathan said that peo
pie nn ho are lamiiiar nn ith l ast Aslan c ullures nun
hear the trauittonal himis oi intu.i .mu m.u.ivsi.i m
Mime (if Ills IIII1SII
With,in s.ucl lie Irit’s to mitkr lilt' end produc t .is
tiriyin.il ,is |itissil)lt' I n at hieve this. Nathan s.iid
In- combines different beats in each ol his writ
Basically whi'ii Miu'ri' writing your own
songs vim w.int try to come up with vour own
sound, vour own distinct flavor .uid vou don't
want to sound like somebody else.' Willuin said
Iheit again. there's the ironv Non don’1 want
to sound like somt'hodv else. vou want to sound
original, hut whatever soils is assimilated to what
sounds like somehodv else It s a verv difficult
tiling to trv to break away and to do something
eclei I ii he adtled
I 'illike* main other musicians. Nathan said lie
writes his Ivni s before writing the melody Once
the Ivrns are done. Nathan said the melodies
■ ome automatic alls
W hen 1 write a song, I have a picture in tin
mind oi what I am writing, how I want it to
sound, he >aid And when I listen to the musii
I hope to see that pic lure t ome to life I trv to do
things that iliav he other people have not done "
lliuvevei like most other artists Nathan is ev
tremeh emotional about his work It a piece ol
work doesn't live up to his e\pe< tations it never
makes the portfolio oi onto a demo-tape he said 1
I love music because it's almost like the
growth of a human being, lyric s mature over
vears music matures over the veal's, and you
tend to have a different purpose when you write a
song, lie said for me. it I don't feed a song. I
don't want to do it It the Iv ni s do not move me.
then I basic allv throw it into the trash, that's it
I low ever writing is not all Nathan does Once
a piec e is written he begins recording it Oil Ills
I on i ti ai k recordei. living mu e again to at hieve
that perlei t sound
I rei onl stuff with hasit trai ks I irst. then I I is
ten to them ovei and over and ovei until 1 figure
Out what I need to do just to make it sound bet
tec lie said "What I’m baiscallv working on
right now is a solo-demo and I have about 10
songs recorded and another 10 that are on pa
Nathan said that he hopes to have the demo
tape completed hv next spring when he plans to
move h i either I.ns \i,gelescu New York city to
market his music Hut for now vvliat Nathan
plans I. ■ do is keep this as a rei real mnal ac 11 v it v
untiI he i ompletes his studies
Hut music will not lie pushed tot.dlv avvitv lot
the upcoming Veai Nathan said since the peifot
mance o! his song One World at tills vour s In
ternalional Night a numliei ol international slu
dents with strong bin kgrounds m music have up
proai bed him and thev are now planning to form
an international band
We have more than enough talent m terms ot
musicians and singers tin the international slu
dent i oimnunifvI. and I don't think such talent
should he wasted. he said "It’s our plan to
toi m a hand that w ill perform their original t mu
positions and musii from a variety oi < ultures
W hen times are low w hen times are dow n. Na
than remembers what the only music tom her he
has ever had one »* told him a long lime ago
l isten to your heartbeat d vou want to listen
to rhythm, that's a constant rhythm.’
When you order your prints on a
Friday, you receive a second set of
standard size prints absolutely
FREE with your roll of 35mm, disc,
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| UO Bookstore percent"
uin a ivmcaiu
M F 7 30 6 00
SAT 10 00 6 00
346 4331
. I
iun'i'ih \athun prt'/i.irrs In rn on! .1 tloma ut tmr nt his original < umpositions right in his I ni\ rrsil\ iliu m
mini \.ilh,m pi.ins hi shirt .1 humI nl international students in the iijii liming \ r.u
Saxophone quartet to play tonight
Ml Sl(
/•'( u 11 m I ;t
I in World Saxophone Quartet .in
all saxophone classical jazz band.
\\ |atInrm at the I lull l enter's
Sn'i'iiu Theatre tonight at ’ til |> hi
I . • "In are S 1 "i at 1 lull ( entei out
let- nr In i ailing t>H7 "iUIHI
i/,n . \pri! H
( ns U illinuiMin ,n i latnied - m;
iv; .ter singei. will perform toniglil
_Calendar _
a! ill now Hall. ."II West Hth
I m'Is aie SK) and available at the
\\i Hall bus nltii e Slothei kali's
II, rs. Halladeer Musu and Valen
n pile and 1 I )regon
Mn/art flayers v,11 perloim to
in at III hi the I (tilt I ientel s
Si • , la rlle.tt re I ii kets are SIS
S il S1 l ',(! me! S'| ,n and un
he pun based .it Hull ( enter box of
In or In ■ ailing t»HT until
Si... i.n April JO
Wu/sikas an inteni.it a 'ill! v h -
i i lied Hungarian folk iniisii ell
m .ale will perform at i p in this
.PI, loon 111 HeaII ( aim ert I lall
i ii krts ,ir< $H general .mil S > stu
<Ieills .mil seniors ami < an hr put
( based .it the dooi
Ihr l nivrrsit\ of Alberta Mixed
( horns dehrating thrir 11 it Ii \rai
will perform .it 8 tonight in thr i irst
l longregat mnal l lhunli. 10'»U Kast
Mush ol thr Hat h I amil\ i Km u!
t\ Artis! Srrirs. will hr performed
tod.i\ it i p m in thr (Initial !ai
thrran (!hun:h 18 »r Pottn l it krts
arr S-4 grnrral and SJ stmlrnts and
Herbert I i khofl and Dr.m hrailirr
Hass baritone and piano plavrrs
will perform tonight at 8 in Hrall
{ .out r rt 1 ht 11 I i< k i *t s a If Si ge nr I a I
and S-. students and srniors and
< an hr pirn based at thr door
A firm Li \ \piil ill
Studio |«i/v Orthrstra a t mvmnU
student tfnsrmblr. w ill prrtonn to
night at 8 m Hrall ( oiarit Mall
In k* *t' Si ■ inal and si stmlrnts
and srniors i an \ir pun based at
tlir door
/ Ursi/./l A Ln l
Ihr Pastern Oregon Stair ( hoir
will preform tonight at 8 in Heal!
( onrert Mall Pit krts art* S t general
and Si students .uni seniors .uni
t an Be pun Based .it tin* door
\ hi V J
I hr Oregon Brass Quintet
versity ensemble tin JO vimis will
perform <1 I atn 11\ Artist Series ( on
rrrt tonight .it B in Brail (lonrert
Mali I n kets. av.ulahlr at the door
air S-i grnrral and S’ 1tide I it s and
st* nit )is
Ihiu Si Ln M.n *
hunt Burn ■ ! i V
gian fiddle plasm will perform to
night at B m tlit* KMI ’ Ballroom
Tilt* ront erl Will hr followed B\ a
tiadit ional Norwegian dame ink
ids air SB gr nrral and Si students
and may Br pun htisrd at thr I Ml
main desk anti Baltadeei Mush
/.vuki Mu .«•* i : !
intriguing unofficial rot k Baud
will prrfrom tonight at H in thr Mult
l .niter s Silva < amt rrt 1 tall
I redmii k Mt»\ ri a gu»* t u! i d
will present a grand piano rrt it.d
tonight at M in Brail ( uiiuTt M ill
In krts available at the dooi are
$h 50 grnnal and S i 50 students
and seniors
lorn to ( alendar, Page 10
258 C 15th
542 7975
Open 'xm It? 6
Mun Thur 11''
i'ld Ft StVi! 1 1 8
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" A pcrfor tnani r «»< gn *( rommlralion
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"Soaring., a rit h gorg*«u* Him. \
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u.cr ub) i.nrPf
nAi.:*MMan ■ tv*fr _,
aM ,1 »:iaiafcK ■*%*
E. 13th
Uu S 7 INC- ■ M.*' * s
Jam itemuj+< HJiSMltath Pam fit - 4«r/k#f
Directed by Alan Rudolph
"lloth suspenseful and hil.mnus .1
lovuijffv urcheslraled paean i<> the
1 i.isMt gumshoe (In k•. i»f the 40#
tii | •* >■•. as well .is .tn nbetuv'ciist
comedy that pokes fun .it t h»• snarl
of convoluted emotion*. hidden
motives and ((ood intention# we
call relationships ' (n*** *-•
at tAlter:
■. • • ■ • j
i-7r.nrnr/wiriry .-lr* .r-m, hztttt-t: - nz LTmiia ■u.n.n :-!:e
THt urn Jy
Five ye ere a her
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