Festival to celebrate women of Palestine H\ Daralvn Ir.ippt I ih ore ( ontributor In an effort to recognize the contributions women have made to the Palestinian strug gle. the Arab Student Organiza lion and the International Stu dent Assoc iation are presenting "A Palestine festival The Role ol \\ omen in the I pi is mg" Sunda\ at 7 p ill in the fAll' Main I lining Room file festival will i elehrate Palestinian culture in general, but will tin us on the partii ular concerns women have tai ed both helore and during the intifada, the Palestinian upns ing against Israeli occupation of the West Hank The evening s events ini hide a dinner ot traditional Palestin lan food {inc luding tahbouleh salad and makulhah a i hie ken and rue dish) traditional folk -TV* ROSES s7.99 doz. Phone orders welcome Delivery available In the Parking Structure by Sacred Heart on 13th St I t (AM HS \M) (.il l S ClttCMAftft TMCATKCI dam ing music from .1 hand mafic tip cl mi'iniii’r s ct tlic ('.cncral i'nion of Palestinian Students and .1 native Palestini an \.\ oman I lanaili 1 .ouliani as the kevnote spcakci I.oul) I aim empha sized that the evening is meant to he a peaceful edui ational 1 elehration rathei than a heated political rails "The festival is purposelv meant to he non 1 onfrontation al said I aim. a 1 'niversitv graduate who is married to a native Palestinian and spent time there in 1 'IBH 11 lanadi will speak on the spet ifit experience of women during the 01 1 upatron and their rule in the uprising and in xoi 1 I’holo fo* Sr.iti I’mlon l lh.uu I Ib.irfjhiiuh . .1 umilu.itr iliiilrnl in />us//ii'ss .iilministr.itinn. .mil hn •.istm I .ili.iin nmr m Iniiiness, u ill t.ikr p.ul in tin•> Stnu/.n 's h“.tn .il til /*.»/**%/i/i/.i/i 1 iillurr .1 sr et\. ' I nun said Hut ue u.ml to make it a positive atrnos phere i elebrating Palestinians ami \ve invite evervbudy on the i emptis ami in the i omnmnitv to come and break bread with us 1 am hoping tor more i on seiousness on the I’.destini an Israeli cotillit I 1 oiibam said ' 1 want to gi\e the tiles sage that we're not anti levvish bill a lit t oppression I he role women hav e plaved has been largely overlooked In the media I anil said and there Is ,i need to tin us on the work they have done and i ontlime to do Palestinian women haw taken on more roles in their so i letv through their partir ipa t inn m the resistance mov e me lit. she said lhe\ are do ing tilings outside tile home now I lies teat ii e\ er\ thing in tile si I loo I s the\ tol 111 soi ml unions hove then own politi i.iil agendas and are out there protesting with the men I'hev < onlront Israeli sol diers as mui It as ans man even more than men 1 aim said I ortunatelv the Israeli sol diers are a little less likelt, to heat a woman than .1 man I V\ i mini| km»\\ t Ii.it sre he said f Igharahli also s**«*s a < hange in attitudes among young worn Turn to Palestine, Page 10 a Biikeniiotk I Discover how healthy and comfortable your feet can be in original Birkenstock foot ^ wear And discover the fresh new look of Birkenstock sandals and shoes in excit mg new colors and styles FOOTWISE mi BIRKENSTOC K siori '' _ LOSE YooMBr EStfcbO RoiAAv 8*5 cXi\c £ocP ^ COMPACT DISC IVORLV'S 1st ANNIVERSARY EVERY DISC IN STOCK IS ON SALE OVER 12,000 TITLES IN STOCK A NIT ALL ON SALE!! 1 THESE GREAT CBS BEST VALUE TITLES AND MANY, MANY MORE SALE ISDS APRIL 30th, 1990 2100 VV. 11th A( ross from Warem.irt (>» Open 7 Days a Week