Engine Service 1000 S Bcrtelsen Rd IS lugcne OR 97*0? One Bloc* Norlh ol *» 11th Nolan Inc) Pla/a Specializing n Voinswagon Se^ce For 3S veats 342-3952 10% Student Discount —.mmm—mmm, ■■■■■COUPON** —■—■—I ! THIS WEEKEND ONLY OFF lar9eor V/l 1 giant pizza TRACK TOWN PIZZA 484-2799 • 1809 Franklin Blvd. Good only Frl. April 27 Sun April 2? 1990 Nol **l«d with i»ny o»h<*» oll*r bBaaHaaaa"* COUPON ■■■■■ University Celebration to focus on women Event to emphasize multi-cultural issues Bv Daralvn Trapp*' I merald C ontrihulor A weekend celebration of women's i ultiirt' .mil issues be gins toniKi.it as the annual Women's Spring ( adehratinn gets u inter w a\ The \ earh event is organized b\ the IniversiH s Womens task lone anti is designed to let women on t ampus anil in the i ommuniH know that the\ re not forgotten. salil Womens I ask lone Director losmine I're/eau "Women often feel left out ill devalued or just forgotten, so this is a w.i\ to let them know that the\ have a whole week end a w hole i elehratlou (let lit eil to them and to their issues and to then iiilture." I’re/.eau said This \ ear. the Women's THE nf A H E A B A / l l l IO N P 1 A E S TO (, O A N D T M I N (, S TO l ■ AHOlJND ; HE HE YOU 'AN G I T TO f ’Ml W a , , , Ih[ b M S [ f H E E 1 i valid u of o STUDENT 1.0 IS A BUS pa s s i *fu for the t f N M IN C l U D I i) iN STUDENT I N l Hit NTAl F F E S PROVIDED iN C O O IT RATION WIT M ASSOCIATED S T UDENTS . N i V f HSlt V O f O Mf 0ON Spring Celebration coincides w iHi several othci activities that arc fix using oil women s issues, sur li as the (>a\ ami Lesbian Pride Week ami tile Women's I lealth l orum Events in< hide 1 ridav night • t, ill p in Amazon Park She Who Wati lies.” a tempo rar\ site spec die installation and pertormam e piec e, begins with a lake Hack 1 he Night Celebration Tile project, di reeled b\ Darrvla Creen-Me Cratli uses mythic images to ini rease < omtminiU awareness about women's safety and th<* empowerment of women througii art and collec live ac lion i'liere w ill be nmsit . poet r\ and talks about women's safetx . as well ,is porti< ipatorv art making Saturday • 111 a.in l-.MI ’ Ben Limtei Room "Women. Spirituality and Religion' panel Women trorn diverse bar kgrounds and religious experiences dismiss their view s • 111 ,i m 1 U! I albert The films Hairpiece and / Know It In Tin• I aged Hinl Sings w ill lie show'll • 1 J » p m 1.Nil ( entm\ Rooms Women's Health Con terenre Prac.tinners will ad dress such issues as nutrition, homeopathic medicine birth mg options, rnicrobiotic conn soling and sports massage • 12 10 I Nit' Ben Inmlet Room 'Women and \geism discussion, w hie h w ill toe us on the dynamics of growing older INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT Wofk in Independent NAMIBIA Build Houses in NICARAGUA 11C D P O Bon 103 V Williamstown. MA 01267 (413) 458 9828 m our six iety • 1 p m 1 tH (albert rhr film I'rieda \nl lira I (••••I I'm,/ will be shown • 2 (0-0 it) pm KMl Hen binder Room A series of talks on "The I’olitk s of Being A Woman." Among the speakers w ill be a Native Atnerit an woman and two women ills i ussing women's lives in (lliile • t pan 1B8 (1 ilbert I be films San Red and Internation ,il Sweethearts ot Rhythm will be shown. • 7: tO pan KM I ' Ben binder Room Native Amerit an poet Chrystos presents a tree poetry reading. ( hild i are will be offered all da\ Saturday Sunday • 12 1 pan Mother Kali s 2001 franklin Blvd. The South ern Oregon Women Writers Group will present "Write Away • 12 to pan 1 tft (.ilbert The films tiviles. I Xeed \ Man Like Vou. IT Rooms, or What Lesbians Do In lied, and I’osi tier Images Women With Ihs abilities will fie shown • 1 to t to, 100 Willamette Hall Delores Huerta will speak She is oo sponsored by MKOha • to p in 1 ttt (lilbert I lie films (inflee (adored (ihildren Loin Morrison and Mark ot Lil ith will be show’ll • •) to p ni t o Art Building (I arm House One)- near I rban f arms A W omen's (lathering which will consist ot music poetr\ readings and \ isiial art • p m f Ml Main I limn Room 'Palestine festival I he Role of Women in the f pris mg which w HI int lutle mu sit dinning, traditional food and speakers. '* IMJNDCRIAND AT FOR PAR Til S AND BIRTHDAYS S^umrn au games work Vf,ULU WITH NICKELS GAMES ADMISSION 1 50 5TH STREET PUBLIC MARKET • fUGfltf • 683 8464 V ® THE COLLEGIAN, U of O /x\ located at 18th & Alder >5? Really nice student living! etv i■ iom has a private bathroom, .1 balcony and ample storage Studlopies 100ms also have spnal stall-' to lofts and vaulted ceilings with skylights '90 91 rates per term: Custom studio (single only) Studtoplex (single) Studioplex (double per pel son) > 1 o ; ; 1H1 '.' i .U 00 sp.d . 00 19 meals per week are included in these rates Inside parking and t able I V available at ad ill i ost Preference will be given to early applicants Managers at the building will . onduc t tours an. i provide furthei information Also ask about l< avet 100(1 Summer Session rates Privately owned by SEELIG FAMILY PROPERTIES Bellevue. Washington Phone: 1 800 950-0885 or (206)454 0885 Make your reservation now !